Reputation: 17
first, I'm a Laravel programmer trying to understand this old codeginiter system. I need to avoid the same user to log in more than once. I juts need to once logged-in nobody can login with that account.
I just managed to do this modifying the function logout() in application/controllers/backend/Auth.php
public function logout() {
$logout = $this->ion_auth->logout();
// 20200117 2355 : agrego |--
$user_x = $this->codegen_model->row('users', '*', "id='" . $this->session->userdata('user_id') . "'");
if( !is_null($user_x) ){
$data = array(
'ip_address' => (binary)''
$this->codegen_model->edit( 'users', $data, 'id', $user_x->id );
// --|
redirect(base_url() . 'web_ctrl', 'refresh');
and the function username_check in application/models/ion_auth_model.php
* Checks username
* @return bool
* @author Mathew
public function username_check($username = '')
if (empty($username))
return FALSE;
// 20200117 2355 : agrego |--
$user_x = $this->codegen_model->row('users', '*', "username='" . $username . "'");
if (!is_null($user_x)) {
if( $user_x->ip_address != (binary)'' )
return FALSE;
else {
$data = array(
'ip_address' => (binary) inet_pton($this->input->ip_address())
$this->codegen_model->edit('users', $data, 'id', $user_x->id);
// --|
return $this->db->where('username', $username)->count_all_results($this->tables['users']) > 0;
I just simply left the user to login if "ip_address" in table users is empty and block (return FALSE) in username_check if not.
This works but fails on session expiration (application/controllers/backend/Auth.php logout() is not triggered) instead libraries/Session/MY_Session sess_destroy() is trigger but I can't modify the database from there:
// 20200117 2355 : agrego |--
class MY_Session extends CI_Session{
public function __construct() {
function sess_destroy() {
$data = array(
'ip_address' => (string) ''
$this->db->update($this->tables['users'], $data, array('id' => $this->session->userdata('user_id')));
//call the parent
// --|
Says $this-->db is null ...
So, how i cant modify the database on session expiration ?
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Views: 59
Reputation: 19
its look like you are using ion_auth script...try to put your scrip inside the ion auth library under logout depend on how you install ion_auth script..if you install it as third party app than you can find it in third_party folder...look for library folder than you can find ion auth library in it and find logout functin an than put your script before it call sess_destroy()
Upvotes: 1