Reputation: 7555
I am doing Exercise 2.6 from the Concrete Semantics book:
Starting from the type 'a tree defined in the text, define a function contents :: 'a tree ⇒ 'a list that collects all values in a tree in a list, in any order, without removing duplicates. Then define a function sum_tree :: nat tree ⇒ nat that sums up all values in a tree of natural numbers and prove sum_tree t = sum_list (contents t) (where sum_list is predefined).
I have started to prove the theorem not using auto but guiding Isabelle to use the necessary theorems:
theory Minimal
imports Main
datatype 'a tree = Tip | Node "'a tree" 'a "'a tree"
fun contents :: "'a tree ⇒ 'a list" where
"contents Tip = []"
| "contents (Node l a r) = a # (contents l) @ (contents r)"
fun sum_tree :: "nat tree ⇒ nat" where
"sum_tree Tip = 0"
| "sum_tree (Node l a r) = a + (sum_tree l) + (sum_tree r)"
lemma sum_list_contents:
"sum_list (contents t1) + sum_list (contents t2) = sum_list (contents t1 @ contents t2)"
apply auto
lemma sum_commutes: "sum_tree(t) = sum_list(contents(t))"
apply (induction t)
apply (simp only: sum_tree.simps contents.simps sum_list.Nil)
apply (simp only: sum_list.Cons contents.simps sum_tree.simps sum_list_contents)
Here it arrives to a proof state
proof (prove)
goal (1 subgoal):
1. ⋀t1 x2 t2.
sum_tree t1 = sum_list (contents t1) ⟹
sum_tree t2 = sum_list (contents t2) ⟹
x2 + sum_list (contents t1) + sum_list (contents t2) = x2 + sum_list (contents t1 @ contents t2)
Where I wonder why simp
did not use the provided sum_list_contents
lemma. I know simple simp
would solve the equation.
What does general simp
contain that simp only
would not use in this case?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 376
Reputation: 5810
As pointed out in the comments, the missing piece is associativity of addition for natural numbers. Adding add.assoc
to the simpplification rules solves the equation.
Alternatively, the order of operands when defining the tree sum could be changed:
fun sum_tree_1 :: "nat tree ⇒ nat" where
"sum_tree_1 Tip = 0"
| "sum_tree_1 (Node l a r) = a + ((sum_tree_1 l) + (sum_tree_1 r))"
Then the associativity is not required:
lemma sum_commutes_1: "sum_tree_1(t) = sum_list(contents(t))"
apply (induction t)
apply (simp only: sum_tree_1.simps contents.simps sum_list.Nil)
apply (simp only: sum_list.Cons contents.simps sum_tree_1.simps sum_list_contents)
Upvotes: 3