Reputation: 35
I am new to PowerShell. I am trying to create a mapping from my CSV that will list users from AD Groups into a hashtable. My csv looks something like this:
GroupCode is code for an Active-Directory Group.
GroupAcronym 'ABC' maps to an AD group called 'Group_One'
GroupCode 'DEF' maps to an AD group called 'Group_Two'
GroupCode 'GHI' maps to an AD group called 'Group_Three'
Each of these AD Groups have users. Example:
Users in AD 'Group_One': John Doe, Jessica Simmons
Users in AD 'Group_Two': Carter McCarthy, Jeremy L
Users in AD 'Group_Three': Alyson Carter, Eric Cross, Alejandra Fischer
Essentially I want to create some kind of mapping or a way to link the 'GroupCode' within my CSV to AD-Groups and then list its users in a hashtable.
Desired output would be:
ClientCode GroupUsers
---------- ---------
1234 John Doe, Jessica Simmons, Carter McCarthy, Jeremy L
1235 John Doe, Jessica Simmons
1236 Alyson Carter, Eric Cross, Alejandra Fischer
Upvotes: 1
Views: 164
Reputation: 61218
You can create a lookup Hashtable with the mappings for code to group name and use that to retrieve all user names like below:
# create a mapping hash for the group codes to the real group names
$groupsMap = @{
'ABC' = 'Group_One'
'DEF' = 'Group_Two'
'GHI' = 'Group_Three'
$csv = Import-Csv -Path 'ClientGroupCodes.csv'
# loop though the csv items, group by property ClientCode
$result = $csv | Group-Object ClientCode | ForEach-Object {
# get an array of the various group codes inside each client group
$groupCodes = $_.Group.GroupCode | Select-Object -Unique
# loop through these codes, find the real names from the hash
# and collect the user names in variable $groupUsers
$groupUsers = New Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
foreach ($code in $groupCodes) {
# test if the group code can be found in the hash
if ($groupsMap.ContainsKey($code)) {
$users = [string[]](Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupsMap[$code] | Where-Object { $_.objectClass -eq 'user' }).Name
else {
Write-Warning "No mapping found for group code $code"
# output an object with the properties combined
'ClientCode' = $_.Name
'GroupUsers' = ($groupUsers.ToArray() | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ', '
# output on screen
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'GroupUsersPerClient.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 197
To help get you started you could add the GroupCode to one the notes field in the AD Group object. Then with
get-adgroup Group1 -Properties info
you'd be able to access that data.
I saw that you or someone posted the same question on here, someone seems to have suggested:
Upvotes: 1