Reputation: 9
i have table service in database db. it has 3 fields id, service_type, amount.
i have html form which has checkbox to select service type,i got service type selected but amount must be calculated auto and store in database amount column. but one error when i select service from checkbox it is selected and store in database but price is not stored. my script is as follow:
<input type="checkbox" name="services[]" value="oilchange"
<input type="checkbox" name="services[]" value="acrepair"
<input type="checkbox" name="services[]" value="tyrechange"
<input type="submit" name="btnservice" value="Confirm Services">
now php script is as follow:
<?php $price=0.0;if (isset($_POST['services'])) {
for ($i=0; $i < $c; $i++) {
if ($service[$i]==fullservice) {
$iq="INSERT INTO tblservices( amount) VALUES ('$price')";
if ($run) {
elseif ($service[$i]==tyrebalance) {
# code...
$iq="INSERT INTO tblservices( amount) VALUES ('$price')";
if ($run) {
elseif($service[$i]==oilchange) {
# code...
$iq="INSERT INTO tblservices( amount) VALUES ('$price')";
if ($run) {
elseif ($service[$i]==acrepair) {
# code...
$iq="INSERT INTO tblservices( amount) VALUES ('$price')";
if ($run) {
elseif ($service[$i]==tyrechange) {
# code...
$iq="INSERT INTO tblservices( amount) VALUES ('$price')";
if ($run) {
}if (isset($_POST['btnservice'])) {
$query="insert into tblservices(service_type,amount) values('$type','$price')";
if ($run) {
echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">
alert(\"Services Selected.................\");
window.location = (\"services.php\")
echo "<script type = \"text/javascript\">
alert(\"Login Failed. Try Again................\");
window.location = (\"services.php\")
i'm new guys sorry that's why i cann't upload images i need to earn reputations so i could able to post images for better or detailed explanation of my question.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1590
Reputation: 839
i could see two type of queries in your sample. Sharing here single service types insertion and insertion with total price. Hope this helps!!
<div class="container">
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="services[]" value="oilchange" />oilchange
<input type="checkbox" name="services[]" value="acrepair" />acrepair
<input type="checkbox" name="services[]" value="tyrechange" />tyrechange
<input type="submit" name="btnservice" value="Confirm Services">
</form> <?php
$serviceChargeArr = array(
'fullservice' => 5000,
'tyrebalance' => 4000,
'oilchange' => 3000,
'acrepair' => 2000,
'tyrechange' => 1000
$priceTotal = 0.0;
if (isset($_POST['btnservice'])) {
if (isset($_POST['services'])) {
$serviceArr = $_POST['services'];
$serviceArrCnt = count($serviceArr);
//QUERY 1 - insert each with respect to clicked checkboxes
for ($i = 0; $i < $serviceArrCnt; $i++) {
if ($eachPrice = $serviceChargeArr[$serviceArr[$i]]) {
$insertArr[] = "('$serviceArr[$i]', '$eachPrice')";
if (!empty($insertArr)) {//sigle insert query -each service and its price will be inserted
$query="insert into tblservices (service_type, amount)
values".implode(", ",$insertArr ).";";
echo $query."<br/>";
//QUERY 2 - insert single row with comma separated values and total price
for ($i = 0; $i < $serviceArrCnt; $i++) {
if ($eachPrice = $serviceChargeArr[$serviceArr[$i]]) {
$priceTotal += $eachPrice;
if (!empty($serviceArr)) {
$seviceList = implode(',', $serviceArr);
$query="insert into tblservices (service_type, amount)
values ('{$seviceList}' , '{$priceTotal}') ;";
echo $query."<br/>";
if($query) {
$run = mysqli_query($con, $query);
if ($run) {
echo "<br/> SUCCESS : inserted";
} else {
echo "<br/> ERROR : try again<br/>Mysql Error: ".$con->error;
} ?>
Upvotes: 1