Iaroslav Postovalov
Iaroslav Postovalov

Reputation: 2462

Does Android Jetpack Compose support Toolbar widget?

I'd like to use Toolbar with Jetpack Compose. Does it have such a Composable component?

Upvotes: 23

Views: 24203

Answers (5)

Gabriele Mariotti
Gabriele Mariotti

Reputation: 365038

You can use the TopAppBar.

The best way is to use it with the Scaffold. Something like:

    topBar = {
            title = {
                Text(text = "TopAppBar")
            navigationIcon = {
                IconButton(onClick = { }) {
            backgroundColor = Color.Blue,
            contentColor = Color.White,
            elevation = 12.dp
    }, content = {

enter image description here

Upvotes: 39

Abhishek Vadodariya
Abhishek Vadodariya

Reputation: 1

use TopAppBar like this

                title = {
                    Text(text = "Jetpack Compose")
                navigationIcon = {
                    IconButton(onClick = {}) {
                        Icon(imageVector = Icons.Filled.Menu, contentDescription = "Menu")
                actions = {
                    IconButton(onClick = {}) {
                        Icon(imageVector = Icons.Rounded.Search,
                            contentDescription = "Search",
                            tint = Color.White)

                backgroundColor = Color.Blue,
                contentColor = Color.White,
                elevation = 12.dp

Upvotes: 0

Ryan M
Ryan M

Reputation: 20207

Yes, it's TopAppBar (in androidx.ui.material). It allows you to specify a title, color, navigation icon, and actions. See the documentation for more information.

Upvotes: 3

Ali Azaz Alam
Ali Azaz Alam

Reputation: 1868


compose_version = '1.0.0-beta01'

        title = {
            Text(text = "Pets Show")
        navigationIcon = {
            IconButton(onClick = { }) {
                Icon(imageVector = Icons.Filled.Menu, contentDescription = "Menu Btn")
        backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
        contentColor = Color.Gray,
        elevation = 2.dp

Upvotes: 16

Vinay Gaba
Vinay Gaba

Reputation: 1214

TopAppBar is a pre-defined composable that will help you accomplish what you want. You can use it with Scaffold in order to get basic material design scaffolding to hook up the TopAppBar.

Here is an example with detailed comments to see how to use it - https://github.com/vinaygaba/Learn-Jetpack-Compose-By-Example/blob/1f843cb2bf18b9988a0dfc611b631f216f02149e/app/src/main/java/com/example/jetpackcompose/material/FixedActionButtonActivity.kt#L70

Copying it here to make it easy to consume

// Scaffold is a pre-defined composable that implements the basic material design visual
    // layout structure. It takes in child composables for all the common elements that you see
    // in an app using material design - app bar, bottom app bar, floating action button, etc. It
    // also takes care of laying out these child composables in the correct positions - eg bottom
    // app bar is automatically placed at the bottom of the screen even though I didn't specify
    // that explicitly.
        scaffoldState = scaffoldState,
        topAppBar = { TopAppBar(title = { Text("Scaffold Examples") }) },
        bottomAppBar = { fabConfiguration ->
            // We specify the shape of the FAB bu passing a shape composable (fabShape) as a
            // parameter to cutoutShape property of the BottomAppBar. It automatically creates a
            // cutout in the BottomAppBar based on the shape of the Floating Action Button.
            BottomAppBar(fabConfiguration = fabConfiguration, cutoutShape = fabShape) {}
        floatingActionButton = {
                onClick = {},
                // We specify the same shape that we passed as the cutoutShape above.
                shape = fabShape,
                // We use the secondary color from the current theme. It uses the defaults when
                // you don't specify a theme (this example doesn't specify a theme either hence
                // it will just use defaults. Look at DarkModeActivity if you want to see an
                // example of using themes.
                backgroundColor = MaterialTheme.colors.secondary
            ) {
                IconButton(onClick = {}) {
                    Icon(asset = Icons.Filled.Favorite)
        floatingActionButtonPosition = Scaffold.FabPosition.CenterDocked,
        bodyContent = { modifier ->
            // Vertical scroller is a composable that adds the ability to scroll through the
            // child views
            VerticalScroller {
                // Column is a composable that places its children in a vertical sequence. You
                // can think of it similar to a LinearLayout with the vertical orientation.
                Column(modifier) {
                    repeat(100) {
                        // Card composable is a predefined composable that is meant to represent
                        // the card surface as specified by the Material Design specification. We
                        // also configure it to have rounded corners and apply a modifier.
                        Card(color = colors[it % colors.size],
                            shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp),
                            modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)
                        ) {
                            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth() + Modifier.preferredHeight(200.dp))

Upvotes: 4

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