
Reputation: 595

Switch pageLoadStrategy from eager to normal for existing driver

I set the pageLoadStrategy as eager but now the method I wrote to close popups of the website is not working(it works when pageLoadStrategy is normal). So I want to know how to change the pageLoadStrategy from eager to normal, close the popups, and then change it back to eager I want to use eager as I want my code to work for low speed connections also.

here is the content of the page taken by driver.page_source when pageLoadStrategy is set to eager:

  <meta content="IE=edge,chrome=1" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/>
  <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <meta content="overview &amp; stats" name="description"/>
  <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" name="viewport"/>
  <!-- bootstrap & fontawesome -->
  <link href="/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/Content/color.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!-- page specific plugin styles -->
  <!-- text fonts -->
  <link href=",400,500,600,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
  <!-- ace styles -->
  <link href="/Content/ace.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/Content/Dashboard.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/assets/bootstrap-datepicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!-- end css for this page-->
  <script src="/Scripts/jquery.2.1.1.min.js">

this is some of the content of the page(which I want) at the same point when pageLoadStrategy is set to normal:

  <meta content="IE=edge,chrome=1" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/>
  <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <meta content="overview &amp; stats" name="description"/>
  <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" name="viewport"/>
  <!-- bootstrap & fontawesome -->
  <link href="/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/Content/color.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!-- page specific plugin styles -->
  <!-- text fonts -->
  <link href=",400,500,600,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
  <!-- ace styles -->
  <link href="/Content/ace.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/Content/Dashboard.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <link href="/assets/bootstrap-datepicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!-- end css for this page-->
  <script src="/Scripts/jquery.2.1.1.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/ace-extra.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/bootstrap.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/bootbox.min.js">
  <!-- page calender plugin scripts -->
  <!--start  ace scripts -->
  <script src="/Scripts/ace-elements.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/ace.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/jquery.easypiechart.min.js">
  <script src="/assets/animate-plus.min.js">
  <script src="/assets/owl.carousel.js">
  <script src="/assets/bootstrap-datepicker.min.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/form-wizard.js">
  <script src="/Scripts/validator.js">
  <link href="/Content/color.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <script src="/Scripts/jquery.colorbox.min.js">
  <link href="/Content/colorbox.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!-- include the style -->
  <link href="/Content/alertifyjs/alertify.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <!-- include a theme -->
  <link href="/Content/alertifyjs/themes/default.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <script src="/Scripts/alertify.js">
  <link href="/Content/main.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
   #myDiv {
            visibility: hidden;
            opacity: 0;
   alertify.set('notifier', 'position', 'top-right');
   var baseurl = "";
   var myVar;
        function myFunction() {
            $("#lodingDiv").css("display", "block");
            myVar = setTimeout(showPage, 300);
        function showPage() {
            $("#lodingDiv").css("display", "none");
            $("#myDiv").css("visibility", "visible");
            $("#myDiv").css("opacity", "1");
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   function beginReadNotificationNav(stype, iNoticeId) {
        var hfvalue = $('#Hf' + stype + '_' + iNoticeId).val();
        var count = $('#PendHome' + stype + 's').text();
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        if (hfvalue == "False" && actualCount > 0) {
            $('#PendHome' + stype + 's').text(actualCount - 1);
            $('#PendHome1' + stype + 's').text(actualCount - 1);
            $('#Pend' + stype + 's').text(actualCount - 1);
            $('#Hf' + stype + '_' + iNoticeId).val('True');
   function imageExists(url, callback) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function() { callback(true); };
    img.onerror = function() { callback(false); };
    img.src = url;

  function validateImageURL()

      var imageUrl = '';

      imageExists(imageUrl, function(exists) {
          //Show the result
         // alert('Fileexists=' + exists);
          var html='';  
                if (exists)
                    html= '<img class="nav-user-photo" src=""/>';
                    html = '<img class="nav-user-photo" src="../Images/blankphoto.png"  />';
         // alert(html);



    .top-notice li {
        line-height: 20px;
        overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        white-space: nowrap;

    .Nav-Note-Title {
        font-size: 13px;
        color: #0eb2a4;

    .Nav-Note-Date {
        font-size: 12px;
        color: #18960a;

    .Nav-Note-View a {
        font-size: 11px;
        color: #fff;
        text-decoration: none;
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    @media(min-width:767px) {

        .modal-close-btn-home {
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      <img src="/images/amizone-logo-inner.png"/>
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           <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-navbar top-notice">
             <input id="HfNotification_6699" type="hidden" value="False"/>
             <span class="Nav-Note-Title">
              NOTICE FOR ALL -- LOST &amp; FOUND
             <div class="clearfix">
              <span class="pull-left Nav-Note-Date">
               13 Jan 2020
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               <a class="bg-b-blue" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-begin="beginReadNotificationNav('Notification','6699');" data-ajax-loading="#lodingDiv" data-ajax-method="GET" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success=" $('#FormModal').modal('show');" data-ajax-update="#DivForm" href="/Home/NoticeDescription/6787102C-D0F6-4AF2-8E58-4D6F9FF3D4C8?Type=2" id="6787102C-D0F6-4AF2-8E58-4D6F9FF3D4C8" rel="0">
             <input id="HfNotification_6700" type="hidden" value="False"/>
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              <span class="pull-left Nav-Note-Date">
               10 Jan 2020
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               <a class="bg-b-blue" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-begin="beginReadNotificationNav('Notification','6700');" data-ajax-loading="#lodingDiv" data-ajax-method="GET" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-success=" $('#FormModal').modal('show');" data-ajax-update="#DivForm" href="/Home/NoticeDescription/F81A5BB8-68BE-4B92-8DD0-2A76F1880197?Type=2" id="F81A5BB8-68BE-4B92-8DD0-2A76F1880197" rel="0">

this is the python automation code:
#import sys
import time
import db
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from selenium.common import exceptions
from selenium import webdriver
from import WebDriverWait
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
#from import expected_conditions as EC

start_time = time.time()    #stores time at which program starts

#***setting up chrome driver***
caps = DesiredCapabilities().CHROME
caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = "normal"  #complete
#caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = "eager"  #interactive
#caps["pageLoadStrategy"] = "none"
chromedriver = "/usr/share/chromedriver/chromedriver"

driver = webdriver.Chrome(desired_capabilities=caps,executable_path=chromedriver)
driver.set_window_size(800, 1000)
# driver.set_network_conditions(
#     offline=False,
#     latency=5,  # additional latency (ms)
#     download_throughput=500 * 1024,  # maximal throughput
#     upload_throughput=500 * 1024)  # maximal throughput
#wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
wait = driver.implicitly_wait(10)
url = ""
driver.get(url) #getting

#***write page content to a file and return page soup***
def page_content_to_file(*argsv):
    content = driver.page_source
    page_soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser")
    page_soup_text = BeautifulSoup.prettify(page_soup)
    if(len(argsv) > 1):
        raise NameError('page_content_to_file cannot take more than 2 arguments')
    if(len(argsv) == 1):
        filename = argsv[0]
        with open(filename, "w") as file:
            print("wrote to file {}".format(filename))
    return page_soup

#***function that enters login credentials***
def login(username, password):
    #type | name=_UserName
        driver.find_element(By.NAME, "_UserName").send_keys(username)
    #type | name=_Password
        driver.find_element(By.NAME, "_Password").send_keys(password)
    #click | css=#loginform .login100-form-btn |  
        driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#loginform .login100-form-btn").click()
        print("couldn't complete login")

#***function to close popups***
def close_popups():
    page_soup = page_content_to_file("popup.html")
    #   getting names of divs having class 'modal fade in'
        # driver.implicitly_wait(10)
        # content = driver.page_source
        # page_soup = BeautifulSoup(content,"html.parser")
    popup_divs = page_soup.find_all('div', {"class":"modal fade in"})
    popups_name = []
    for div in popup_divs:
    if(len(popups_name) == 0):
        print("no popups found popups_name length=0")
    #   clicking to close pop-ups
        for name in reversed(popups_name):
            xpath = "//div[@id='" + name + "']//button[@class='close']"
            driver.find_element(By.XPATH, xpath).click()
        print("clicks complete")
            #extra code
                #wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#ModalPopAmityHostel button.btn"))).click()
                #driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click()", driver.find_element_by_css_selector("#StudentSatisfactionPop button.btn"))
                #click | id=ModalPopAmityHostel |  
                #driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//div[@id='ModalPopAmityHostel']//button[@class='close']").click()
                #click | id=StudentSatisfactionPop | 
                #driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//div[@id='StudentSatisfactionPop']//button[@class='close']").click()
    # except:
        # print("error occured while closing popups")
    return 0

#----------FUNCTION CALLS----------
login("username", "password") #login
close_popups() #close all popups

#***go to next/prev date in myClasses***
page_soup = page_content_to_file("amizone.html")
date_prev_next = ""
while(date_prev_next != "end"):
    date_prev_next = input("type prev/next:")
        if(date_prev_next == "next"):
            #click | css=.fc-icon-right-single-arrow |
            driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".fc-icon-right-single-arrow").click()
            print(driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//*[@id='calendar']/div[1]/div[3]/h2").text)
        if(date_prev_next == "prev"):
            # click | css=.fc-prev-button |
            driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ".fc-prev-button").click()
            print(driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//*[@id='calendar']/div[1]/div[3]/h2").text)
    except exceptions.NoSuchElementException as e:
        print(e, "unable to click. Something may be blocking the element")

#***clicking on the hamburger button and choosing timetable***
def menu_click(option):
    menu_toggler_xpath = "//*[@id='menu-toggler']" #xpath of the menu toggler(hamburger button)
    #   clicking on the hamburger button on top left corner
    driver.find_element(By.XPATH, menu_toggler_xpath).click()
    if(option == "timetable"):
        time_table_navbar_xpath = "//*[@id='10']" #xpath of the timetable option in menu
        #   clicking on the timetable button in the menu
        driver.find_element(By.XPATH, time_table_navbar_xpath).click()
        print("clicked on timetable.")

#***scraping timetable***
# print(driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "tab-content").text)
#NOTE: no need to click on weekdays because all info is in the webpage
#NOTE: just clicking on the tt loads only the current day's tt. if then you click once on any day webpage shows tt of whole week.(why?)
#for i in range(1,8): #iterating over all weekdays 1-7
    #weekday_xpath = "//*[@id='myTab3']/li[" + str(i) + "]/a" #concatenating string to make xpath for each weekday
#clicking on a day to get whole week's tt
page_soup = page_content_to_file("01.html")
weekday_xpath = "//*[@id='myTab3']/li[1]/a" #xpath of day no.1 of the week in the timetable at that time.
driver.find_element(By.XPATH, weekday_xpath).click()

#   get info about classes and attendance marked from myclasses
#TODO: for a course check whether green or blue dot is shown

#extra code
    #date = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//*[@id='calendar']/div[1]/div[3]/h2").text #to get the date of myClasses
    #driver.find_element(By.ID, "ModalPopAmityHostel").click()
    #driver.find_element(By.ID, "StudentSatisfactionPop").click()
    #url = driver.current_url
    #driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "close").click()
period_data = [] #list to make sql statement
#scraping timetable data
page_soup = page_content_to_file()
divs_class_tab_pane = page_soup.findAll("div", {"class":"tab-pane"})  #finds and makes a list all the <div class="tab-pane in active" id="[day]">
for day_div in divs_class_tab_pane:    #selects each day's div from divs_class_tab_pane list
    day = day_div["id"].strip()    #gets the id attribute of div tag e.g <div class="tab-pane in active" id="Sunday"> returns the day
        #find all <div class="thumbnail timetable-box"> elements which contains p tags of details of a class
        div_thumbnail_timetable_box = day_div.findAll("div", {"class":"thumbnail timetable-box"})
        if(len(div_thumbnail_timetable_box) == 0):
            print("no classes alloted yet")
        print("no classes today")
    #selecting element one at a time from div_thumbnail_timetable_box
    for ttbox in div_thumbnail_timetable_box:   
        period_data.append(day) #appending day to list
        #get text from <p class="class-time"> the class time
        class_time = ttbox.find('p', {"class":"class-time"}).text.strip()
        period_data.append(class_time) #appending class time to list
        #get text from <p class="course-code"> the course code
        course_code = ttbox.find('p', {"class":"course-code"}).text.strip()
        period_data.append(course_code) #appending course_code to list
        #get text from <p class="course-teacher"> the course teacher
        course_teacher = ttbox.find('p', {"class":"course-teacher"}).text.strip()
        period_data.append(course_teacher) #appending course_teacher to list
        class_location = ttbox.find('p', {"class":"class-loc"}).text.strip()

        #connecting to database #TODO: exception handliling required here
        mydb = db.establish_con("localhost", "manik", "sweetbread","amizone")
        script = "','".join(period_data)
        query = "INSERT INTO amizone.tt_data(`day`,`time`,course,teacher, class_loc) VALUES ('" + script + "');"
        #running MySQL query in the database
        mycursor = db.run_sql(mydb, query)
        #mycursor = db.run_sql(mydb, "SELECT * FROM amizone.tt_data;")
print("execution time: %ss" % (round(time.time() - start_time, 5)))
#    time.sleep(10)```

Upvotes: 0

Views: 3470

Answers (1)

undetected Selenium
undetected Selenium

Reputation: 193308

You have to consider a couple of things as follows:

  • As you set the pageLoadStrategy as eager through DesiredCapabilities() this configuration gets baked into the chromedriver executable and will persist till the lifetime of the WebDriver instance. So, you can't change the pageLoadStrategy either from eager to normal or vice versa while the test execution is In Progress.

  • You can find a couple of relevant discussions in:

  • Comparing the Page Source obtained by the WebDriver variant using both the pageLoadStrategies you will observe:

    • The Page Source with pageLoadStrategy as eager doesn't contains the jQuery and AJAX cals:

      <script src="/Scripts/jquery.2.1.1.min.js">
      <script src="/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js">
    • Hence, there are higher possibilities that the WebDriver variant will attemptan interaction e.g. click(), send_keys() even before the JavaScript registers different HTML DOM Events e.g. event handlers, on elements with in the HTML document which eventually will result in click() failures.

This is the exact reason behind the ...popup not getting closed....


From the Page Source with pageLoadStrategy as eager, it is quite evident the elements on the webpage are JavaScript enabled elements, so a better approach would be to use pageLoadStrategy as normal through the test execution.

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