Reputation: 320
I'm trying to integrate Apple Map Web Snapshot which needs a signature query parameter in the URL. I able to successfully generate and validate ES256 signature in JWA package from NPM but not in Java. Please help me on finding equivalent lib to generate valid signature, I have tried few JWA libs in Java.
// Required modules.
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const { sign } = require("jwa")("ES256");
/* Read your private key from the file system. (Never add your private key
* in code or in source control. Always keep it secure.)
const privateKey = readFileSync("[file_system_path]");
// Replace the team ID and key ID values with your actual values.
const teamId = "[team ID]";
const keyId = "[key ID]";
// Creates the signature string and returns the full Snapshot request URL including the signature.
function sign(params) {
const snapshotPath = `/api/v1/snapshot?${params}`;
const completePath = `${snapshotPath}&teamId=${teamId}&keyId=${keyId}`;
const signature = sign(completePath, privateKey);
// In this example, the jwa module returns the signature as a Base64 URL-encoded string.
// Append the signature to the end of the request URL, and return.
return `${completePath}&signature=${signature}`;
// Call the sign function with a simple map request.
// The return value expected is: "/api/v1/snapshot?center=apple+park&teamId=[team ID]&keyId=[key ID]&signature=[base64_url_encoded_signature]"
Apache CXF - This lib generates similar to JWA module in node but failed to authenticate.
String teamId = [Team Id];
String keyId = [Key id];
String privateKey = [private key path];
String privateKeyContent = getKeyFileContent(privateKey);
String API_VERSION_PATH = "/api/v1/snapshot?";
String param = [QueryParam];
//example -> param = "center=[city,country or lat,lang]&size=90x90&lang=en&radius=2";
String params = param + "&teamId="+ teamId + "&keyId=" + keyId;
String payload = API_VERSION_PATH + params;
PrivateKey key = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC").generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(
JwsCompactProducer compactProducer = new JwsCompactProducer(payload);
String signed = compactProducer.getEncodedSignature();
String encodedSignature = new String(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(compactProducer.getEncodedSignature().getBytes()));
System.out.println(SNAPSHOT_API_PATH + payload + "&signature=" + signed);
JJWT - This lib generates big signature then the signature generated in node module.
String signed = new String(Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(Jwts.builder().setPayload(payload)
.signWith(io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm.ES256, key).compact().getBytes()));
System.out.println(SNAPSHOT_API_PATH + payload + "&signature=" + signed);
sample output signature
compactProducer.getEncodedSignature() signed --> qQ5G9_lwGJ9w158FVSmtPx_iH43xlg2_gx9BlHEJbER73xpAeIHtDRnT8wnveH_UEPxNe7Zgv4csJ48Oiq-ZIQ
Base64.encodeBase64URLSafe(signature) --> cVE1RzlfbHdHSjl3MTU4RlZTbXRQeF9pSDQzeGxnMl9neDlCbEhFSmJFUjczeHBBZUlIdERSblQ4d252ZUhfVUVQeE5lN1pndjRjc0o0OE9pcS1aSVE
Upvotes: 3
Views: 8266
Reputation: 49546
The signature in the NodeJS code is generated by the jwa('ES256')#sign
method, which has the following functionality:
Ad 1: A corresponding implementation for ES256 is possible in Java using on-board means (SunEC provider, Java 1.7 or higher), [4]:
Signature ecdsa = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withECDSA");
String payload = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
byte[] signatureDER = ecdsa.sign();
Here privateKey
is the private key of type
, analogous to key
in the CXF code.
Ad 2: The Java code returns the signature in the ASN.1 DER format and must therefore be converted into the (r,s) format [5]. Either a user-defined method can be implemented or a method from a supporting library can be used, e.g. the method com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.impl.ECDSA.transcodeSignatureToConcat
of the Nimbus JOSE + JWT library [6][7][8]:
byte[] signature = transcodeSignatureToConcat(signatureDER, 64);
Ad 3: Base64url encoding is possible in Java with on-board means [9]:
String signatureBase64url = Base64.getUrlEncoder().withoutPadding().encodeToString(signature);
Since a different signature is generated each time, a direct comparison of the signatures generated in both codes isn't possible. However, compatibility with the jwa-npm library can be tested by verifying the signature generated in the Java code with the jwa-npm library:
const jwa = require("jwa");
const ecdsa = jwa('ES256');
var message = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
var verify = ecdsa.verify(message, signatureBase64url, publicKey);
Here, signatureBase64url
is the signature generated with the Java code. publicKey
is the corresponding public key in X.509 PEM format (-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----...
) [10].
The functionality of the jwa('ES256')#sign
method is different from that of the posted JJWT or Apache CXF code: The last two generate a JWT [11]. The header is the base64url encoding of {"alg": "ES256"}
. Accordingly the signature is that for the Base64url encoded header and the Base64url encoded payload, both separated by a dot:
String payload = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
String jwtJJWT = Jwts.builder().setPayload(payload).signWith(io.jsonwebtoken.SignatureAlgorithm.ES256, privateKey).compact();
JwsCompactProducer compactProducer = new JwsCompactProducer(payload);
String jwtCXF = compactProducer.signWith(privateKey);
String signatureCXF = compactProducer.getEncodedSignature(); // signature, 3. portion of JWT
Example for a JWT generated by this:
Upvotes: 9