Reputation: 555
Given a fixed Angle, Width & Sagitta how can we calculate the horizontal and vertical radiuses of an ellipse?
I want to draw an elliptical arc that has a given arc width, height (Sagitta) and is a given angle of the ellipse.
In the below diagram the dashed black and yellow arc. To do this I need to know the 2 radiuses of the ellipse.
For a circle, one can easily calculate it's 1 radius give any 2 values of the angle, sagitta or width.
See the snippet below.
How can I adapt the function to work for an ellipse?
I the diagram the angle is so to speak symmetrical from -60 to 60 making an angle of 120. This is the case I really need i.e. where the arc reflects itself on both sides of either the vertical or horizontal axises.
In a case where the angle was 120 that started at 80 and ended at 200 there is no true sagitta just the highest point of the arc and a tight bounding box that would be much harder to solve if anyone has a solution also for that it would be a luxury.
var arcCalc = function(r, w, a, s) {
// to allow for object usage
if (r instanceof Object) {
w = r.w || r.width;
a = r.a || r.angle;
s = r.s || r.sagitta;
r = r.r || r.radius;
w = this.toPts(w);
s = this.toPts(s);
r = this.toPts(r);
var sin, cos, twoKnown;
sin = Math.sin;
cos = Math.cos;
// if we know any two arguments then we can work out the other ones
// if not we can't
twoKnown = +!r + +!w + +!a + +!s < 3;
// At this point of time we are trying to avoid throwing errors
// so for now just throw back the garbage we received
if (!twoKnown)
return {
radius: r,
width: w,
angle: a,
sagitta: s,
r: r,
w: w,
a: a,
s: s
if (a) {
a *= Math.PI / 180;
if (!r) {
if (!s) {
r = w / (2 * sin(a / 2));
} else if (!a) {
r = (s * s + 0.5 * w * (0.5 * w)) / (2 * s);
} else {
r = s / (1 - cos(a / 2));
// at this point we know we have r
if (!w) {
if (!s) {
w = 2 * r * sin(a / 2);
} else {
w = 2 * Math.sqrt(s * (2 * r - s));
// at this point we know we have r and w
if (!a) {
if (!s) {
// We added the round because
// w / (2*r) could come to 1.00000000001
// and then NaN would be produced
a = 2 * Math.asin(this.round(w / (2 * r)));
} else {
a = 2 * Math.acos(this.round(1 - s / r));
if (!s) {
s = r - r * cos(a / 2);
a *= 180 / Math.PI;
return {
radius: r,
width: w,
angle: a,
sagitta: s,
r: r,
w: w,
a: a,
s: s
Upvotes: 1
Views: 667
Reputation: 80409
Given are an angle alpha, the width and the sagitta. The radius r
of the circle can be calculated from alpha and the width from the sine formula. Similarly, x - sagitta
follows from the cosine formula.
To find y
, we scale the drawing into the x-direction with a factor of y/x
. This would transform the ellipse into the circle of radius y
. It transforms the point at [x-sagitta, width/2]
to [(x-sagitta)*y/x, width/2]
. This transformed point has to be on the circle with radius y
. We get a quadratic equation in y
((x-sagitta)*y/x)^2 + (width/2)^2 = y^2
Its positive solution is
y = width * x * sqrt(1 / (sagitta * (2 * x - sagitta))) / 2
provided that 2*x > sagitta
. Which reduces to cos(alpha/2) > 0
or alpha < 180°
. Of course extreme combinations of sagitta, width and alpha can lead to extremely stretched ellipses.
Resumed, this gives (r being the radius of the circle, x and y the axes of the ellipse):
r = width / 2 / sin(alpha / 2)
x = r * cos(alpha / 2) + sagitta
y = width * x / sqrt(sagitta * (2 * x - sagitta)) / 2
Plotting everything using Python and matplotlib ensures that the equations make sense:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from math import sqrt, sin, cos, atan, pi
sagitta = 15
alpha = 120 * pi / 180
width = 100
r = width / 2 / sin(alpha / 2)
x = r * cos(alpha / 2) + sagitta
y = width * x / sqrt(sagitta * (2 * x - sagitta)) / 2
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot([r * cos(alpha / 2), 0, r * cos(alpha / 2)], [- r * sin(alpha / 2), 0, r * sin(alpha / 2)], ls='-',
ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0), 2 * x, 2 * y, color='purple', linewidth=1, fill=False, ls='-')
circle = Ellipse((0, 0), 2 * r, 2 * r, color='tomato', linewidth=1, fill=False, ls='-.')
lim = max(x, y) * 1.05
ax.set_xlim(-lim, lim)
ax.set_ylim(-lim, lim)
ax.axhline(0, color='silver')
ax.axvline(0, color='silver')
ax.plot([x-sagitta, x-sagitta], [width/2, -width/2], color='limegreen', ls='--')
ax.plot([x-sagitta, x], [0, 0], color='brown', ls='--')
ax.text(x-sagitta, width/2, ' [x-s, w/2]')
Upvotes: 3