Reputation: 151
I am working on a project with multiple directories, each having a number of python scripts. And it involves use of certain key parameters I pass using a yaml config file.
Currently the method used is, (I'd say it is naive as) it simply parses the yaml to a python dictionary, which is then imported in other scripts and values are accessed.
From what I could find, there is:
I wanted to ask, is there any other library that can be used for this purpose? And what is the most pythonic methodolgy to deal with it?
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
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Views: 925
Reputation: 58
To make global values accessible across modules I use the Class (singleton) Method.
The code I list below is also in my Gisthub
My generic GlobalValues singleton class and usage is as follows. This class is located in a subdirectory below the main. In the example of use that I also attach I place the GlobalValues class in a file
in the folder myClasses
class GlobalValues:
a Singleton class to serve the GlobalValues
USAGE: (FirstTime)
from myClasses.globals import GlobalValues
global_values = GlobalValues()
global_values.<new value> = ...
... = global_values.<value>
USAGE: (Second and n'th time, in same module or other modules)
NB adjust `from myClasses.globals` dependent on relative path to this module
from myClasses.globals import GlobalValues
global_values = GlobalValues.getInstance()
global_values.<new value> = ...
... = global_values.<value>
__instance = None
def get_instance():
""" Static access method. """
if GlobalValues.__instance == None:
return GlobalValues.__instance
def __init__(self):
""" Virtually private constructor. """
if GlobalValues.__instance != None:
raise Exception("This class is a singleton! once created use global_values = Glovalvalues.get_instance()")
GlobalValues.__instance = self
my Example of use is as follows
<exampleRootDir> #THIS is the main
myClasses # A folder #for the singleton class GlobalValues # demonstrates use in submodules
Example of using a singleton Class as a Global value store
The files in this example are in these folders
file structure:
<exampleRootDir> #THIS is the main
myClasses # A folder #for the singleton class GlobalValues # demonstrates use in submodules
from myClasses.globals import GlobalValues
globalvalues = GlobalValues() # THe only place an Instance of GlobalValues is created
print(f"MAIN: global DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL is {globalvalues.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL}")
globalvalues.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = "DEBUG"
print(f"MAIN: global DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL is now {globalvalues.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL}")
#Add a new global value:
globalvalues.NEW_VALUE = "hello"
#demonstrate using global modules in another module
from myClasses import exampleSubModule
print(f"MAIN: globalvalues after opening exampleSubModule are now {vars(globalvalues)}")
print("----------------- Completed -------------------------------")
is as follows and is located in the myClasses folder
Example SubModule using the GlobalValues Singleton Class
# observe where the globals module is in relation to this module . = same directory
from .globals import GlobalValues
# get the singleton instance of GlobalValues, cannot instantiate a new instance
exampleSubModule_globalvalues = GlobalValues.get_instance()
print(f"exampleSubModule: values in GlobalValues are: {vars(exampleSubModule_globalvalues)}")
#Change a value
exampleSubModule_globalvalues.NEW_VALUE = "greetings from exampleSubModule"
#add a new value
exampleSubModule_globalvalues.SUBMODULE = "exampleSubModule"
Upvotes: 2