
Reputation: 63

How do I change the value of the last index in an array?

I have declared an array of 8 elements each of size two bytes.

ar dw 8 dup(6)

How can I change the value of the last index of this array(ar)?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 295

Answers (2)

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Hello World

Reputation: 87

@fuz's comment was enough to answer your question.

mov word [ar+2*7], 7


The index of your first element is [ar].

Your array has 8 elements each of size two bytes (a word).

So naturally the last index would be [ar+2*(8-1)]. ([ar+16] wouldn't be within the bounds of the array as it would refer to the next two bytes).


Just in case if you're thinking why other possibilities are being neglected, here's a short explanation for you.

The instruction mov is used to transfer a value between two registers or a register and a memory location. Memory to Memory transfer isn't possible due to it's physical limitations. You can use a temporarily use a register to achieve it though. (3 ins)

Note: Transfer means copy.

Now by default mov transfers a byte to a memory location, if it's a raw value or the it's the higher or lower byte of a register.

To keep things short we can use word to tell the assembler that the given address will receive a 2 byte value, so manage the transfer accordingly.


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Reputation: 14409

Here's a template of a TASM program for you:

.MODEL small
.STACK 1000h

    ar      DW 8 DUP (6)
    decstr  DB 8 ('$')

main PROC
    mov ax, @DATA                       ; Initialize DS - Don't forget it!
    mov ds, ax

; You might count the array from 1 to 8, but the computer counts from 0 to 7.
; So, decrement the wished index by 1: (LENGTH arr - 1)
; Since a WORD consumes 2 bytes, the index has to be multiplied by this size,
; so that the computer can point into the array at the right address.
; The size of a WORD (2 bytes) can be determined by the directive TYPE
LASTINDEX =  (LENGTH ar - 1) * TYPE ar

    mov [ar + LASTINDEX],  7

; Print the decimal numbers of the array to the console
    lea si, [ar]                        ; SI gets the address of ar
    mov cx, 8                           ; Counter - do the loop eight times
    mov ax, [si]                        ; AX gets the value of the element
    lea di, [decstr]                    ; DI gets the address of decstr
    call ax2dec
    mov WORD PTR [di], '$ '             ; Insert a space into the string
    mov ah, 09h                         ; DOS function: print string
    lea dx, [decstr]                    ; DX gets the address of decstr
    int 21h                             ; Call DOS
    add si, 2                           ; Set the pointer to the next element
    loop L1                             ; Do it CX times

    mov ax, 4C00h                       ; DOS function:Exit with Code 0
    int 21h                             ; Call DOS
main ENDP

ax2dec PROC STDCALL USES ax bx cx dx es ; Args: AX - number; DI - pointer to string
    push ds                             ; Initialize ES for STOSB
    pop es
    mov bx, 10                          ; Base 10 -> divisor
    xor cx, cx                          ; CX=0 (number of digits)

    xor dx, dx                          ; Clear DX for division
    div bx                              ; AX = DX:AX / BX   Remainder DX
    push dx                             ; Push remainder for LIFO in Loop_2
    inc cx                              ; inc cl = 2 bytes, inc cx = 1 byte
    test ax, ax                         ; AX = 0?
    jnz Loop_1                          ; No: once more

    pop ax                              ; Get back pushed digits
    or al, 00110000b                    ; Conversion to ASCII
    stosb                               ; Store only AL to [ES:DI] (DI is a pointer to a string)
    loop Loop_2                         ; Until there are no digits left
    mov byte ptr es:[di], '$'           ; Termination character for 'int 21h fn 09h'
ax2dec ENDP                             ; Ret: DI - pointer to terminating '$'

END main                                ; Directive to stop the compiler.

If the examples of your teacher differ, then ask them why! TASM is ancient, but its teachers are even more ancient ;-)

Upvotes: 1

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