Reputation: 791
I have a Note model in my app that I'd like to share with several other models. Something like:
rails g model Note ...
rails g model ModelA ... note:references
rails g model ModelB ... note:references
rails g model ModelC ... note:references
So far so good, but I think I'd like to have a way -- from a Note -- to find the "parent" model. Note that the models are different "things" so I don't think I can do this in the Note model:
belongs_to :model_symbol_here
Since the Note could belong to one of several different models.
Conceptually it seems like I could do something like:
rails g model Note parent_id:integer parent_type:string ...
I think that would work, but I think it would be at the expense of losing the ability to leverage Rails' understanding of the relationships between models.
It seems like this is the sort of problem that would come up often enough that there would be a name for it as well as a "standard" solution. Is there a proper "Rails way" to do this?
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Views: 307
Reputation: 847
Generate a model father
rails g model brand name:string
Seed model father
Brand.create name: 'Apple'
Brand.create name: 'Samsung'
Generate 2 model child
rails g model phone name:string brand:references
rails g model home_appliance name:string brand:references
Seed childrens
apple = Brand.first
Phone.create name: 'Iphone X', brand: apple
Phone.create name: 'Iphone 11', brand: apple
HomeAppliance.create name: 'Apple TV', brand: apple
HomeAppliance.create name: 'Homepod', brand: apple
samsung = Brand.last
Phone.create name: 'Galaxy A30', brand: samsung
Phone.create name: 'Galaxy Tab s6', brand: samsung
HomeAppliance.create name: 'Washing machine', brand: samsung
HomeAppliance.create name: 'Refrigerator', brand: samsung
In app/models/brand.rb
has_many :phones
has_many :home_appliances
Father finding son
Son finding father
phone = Phone.last
Add a polymorphic example
Add a salesman that can sale a Phone and a HomeAppliance
rails g model salesman name:string
Relationship between salesman and product (HomeAppliance Phone) is M-M so we need create a third table for that
rails g model product_sold salesman:references product_id:integer product_type:string
In app/models/product_sold.rb add
belongs_to :product, polymorphic: true
will = Salesman.create name: 'Will'
will_first_sale = ProductSold.create salesman: will, product: Phone.first
will_second_sale = ProductSold.create salesman: will, product: HomeAppliance.last
To see all that Will sold add in app/models/salesman.rb
has_many :product_sold
Now you cant run this
products =
In products you have a model Phone and HomeAppliance
Here you found another polymorphic examples
Upvotes: 3