Reputation: 450
I developed a grid with a button that allows me to activate or not a timer.
On the home page, where the grid is, when starting the timer (click on start) the timer starts counting the time.
Through a service I can find out if the timer has been activated or not and change the button status on the navbar component.
How can I pause the timer (execute the pauseTimer function) of the component / home service, but in the navbar component. Basically when a timer is started at home, I intend to pause that same timer, using the stop button but on the navbar component.
Can someone help me?
startTimer(userId:string) {
if (!this.timerForUsers[userId]) {
this.timerForUsers = {
[userId]: {
currentState: 'start',
currentTime: 0,
initialTime: 0,
startTime: `${}`
const currentUserTimer:TimerForUser = this.timerForUsers[userId];
currentUserTimer.startTime = `${}`;
currentUserTimer.initialTime = currentUserTimer.currentTime;
currentUserTimer.interval = setInterval(() => {
this.timerForUsers = {
[userId]: {
currentTime: this.timerForUsers[userId].currentTime + 1
}, 1000);
this.userID = userId;
currentUserTimer.currentState = 'start';
this.state = currentUserTimer.currentState;
localStorage.setItem('user_timers', JSON.stringify(this.timerForUsers));
pauseTimer(userId:string) {
const currentUserTimer:TimerForUser = this.timerForUsers[userId];
currentUserTimer.currentState = 'pause';
this.state = currentUserTimer.currentState;
currentUserTimer.interval = null;
currentUserTimer.initialTime = currentUserTimer.currentTime;
currentUserTimer.startTime = null;
localStorage.setItem('user_timers', JSON.stringify(this.timerForUsers));
currentUserTimer.currentTime = null;
gettimes() {
return this.userID;
getCurrentState() {
return this.state;
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Views: 70
Reputation: 91
If I understood you correctly you want to stop the timer and change the button in nav bar component. checkout the demo Hope it helps
I have added
public timerAction:ReplaySubject<any> = new ReplaySubject(1);
and in HomeComponent
pauseTimer(data) {
this.taskService.iduser = data.key.ID;
this.taskService.pauseTimer(data.key.ID);;// added this
constructor(public taskService: TaskService) {
this.taskService.currentUserId.subscribe(x => {
this.userId = x;
// added this, a subscription that listens to change and triggers pausTimer if true.
this.taskService.timerAction.subscribe(response =>{
Upvotes: 1