hamidreza haajhoseini
hamidreza haajhoseini

Reputation: 454

Dagger2+Retrofit change URL with Subcomponent : cannot be provided without an @Provides- or @Produces-annotated method

I'm newbie in Dagger .I've used this answer to change URL at Runtime.

Also I've used three modules and three components as shown below:

note : I have tow Components (ApplicationComponent,ActivityComponent) and one Subcomponent(UrlComponent) In additation I use @Singletone,@PerUrl and @PerActivty as a Scope.

When I want to Inject RestApi into every Activity I encounter this Error :

 error: com.example.testdagger2.RestApi cannot be provided without an @Provides- or @Produces-annotated method.
com.example.dagger2.RestApi is injected at
com.example.dagger2.RestApiHelper is injected at
com.example.testdagger2.MainActivity is injected at

Before I had to change the URL in Runtime, I had two Component and modules (appCompoent and activtyComponent), and all the Providers (like Retrofit and RestApi ,...) were in the applicationModule and the program worked fine.


@Component(modules = ApplicationModule.class)
public interface ApplicationComponent {

    void inject(ExampleApplication exampleApplication);

    Context context();

    Application application();

    UrlComponent plus(UrlModule component);


public class ApplicationModule {

    private Application mApplication;

    public ApplicationModule(Application application) {
        this.mApplication = application;

        Context provideContext() {
            return mApplication;

        Application provideApplication() {
            return mApplication;


@Subcomponent(modules = UrlModule.class)
public interface UrlComponent {



public class UrlModule {
    private String url;

    public UrlModule(String url) {
        this.url = url;

    OkHttpClient provideOkhttpClient() {
        return new OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .connectTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .readTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    Retrofit provideRetrofit(String baseURL, OkHttpClient client) {

        return new Retrofit.Builder()

    RestApiHelper provideRestApiHelper(RestApiHelper restApiManager) {
        return restApiManager;

    public RestApi provideApiService() {
        return provideRetrofit(url, provideOkhttpClient())



@Component(modules = ActivityModule.class,dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class)
public interface ActivityComponent {

    void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);



public class ActivityModule {

    private AppCompatActivity mActivity;

    public ActivityModule(AppCompatActivity mActivity) {
        this.mActivity = mActivity;

    Context provideContext() {
        return mActivity;

    AppCompatActivity provideActivity() {
        return mActivity;




public interface RestApi {

    Single<Object> getquestionlist(@Query("page") int page);

    Single<Object> getCategoryList();


public class RestApiHelper implements RestApi {

    RestApi restApi;

    public RestApiHelper(RestApi restApi) {
        this.restApi = restApi;

    public Single<Object> getquestionlist(int page) {
        return restApi.getquestionlist(1);

    public Single<Object> getCategoryList() {
        return restApi.getCategoryList();


public class ExampleApplication extends Application {

    ApplicationComponent appComponent;

    public void onCreate() {

        appComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder()
                .applicationModule(new ApplicationModule(this)).build();
        appComponent.plus(new UrlModule("www/test/en"));


    public ApplicationComponent getAppComponent() {
        return appComponent;



public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    ActivityComponent activityComponent;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        activityComponent= DaggerActivityComponent.builder()


    public ActivityComponent getActivityComponent() {
        return activityComponent;


public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {

    RestApiHelper restApiHelper;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ActivityComponent component= getActivityComponent();

        restApiHelper.getquestionlist(1).subscribe(new Consumer<Object>() {
        public void accept(Object o) throws Exception {


Now I have tow questions :

1-Shouldn't all the Providers built into the Urlmodule be added to ApplicationModule(UrlModule is Subcomepoent of the ApplicationComponent )

    @Component(modules = ActivityModule.class,dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class)
    public interface ActivityComponent {

and since the ApplicationComponent is an ActivityComponent dependencies, can all of these Providers be used in the ActivityComponent as well?

2-And as a basic question, where is the problem?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 320

Answers (2)


Reputation: 37404

Shouldn't all the Providers built into the Urlmodule be added to ApplicationModule(UrlModule is Subcomepoent of the ApplicationComponent )

When you declare a component dependancy then the dependant component can only use the exposed dependencies which are declared inside the component class of dependencies, in your case these are context and application in your ApplicationComponent class and provided by ApplicationModule.

For validation(testing):

1) Add a new provides in your app module

// inside ApplicationModule
Student getNum() {
    return new Student("aa");

2) Create and use ActivityComponent object to inject the Student in any class. It will result in missing provides. It can be fixed by exposing Student in ApplicationComponent class as:

Student getStu();

2-And as a basic question, where is the problem?

With the following implementations:

  1. Dagger misconfigured dependancy graph, as explained above
  2. Missing Rxjava implementation and retrofit implementations
  3. Missing url provides etc

To fix the above follow the below steps:

  1. Dagger misconfigured dependancy graph, as explained above

a) MainActivity requires the RestApiHelper which is provided by UrlComponent not AppComponent so first use UrlComponent as dependencies instead of AppComponent

@Component(modules = ActivityModule.class, dependencies = {UrlComponent.class})
public interface ActivityComponent {

    void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);


b) Now expose the dependancy in the UrlComponent

@Subcomponent(modules = UrlModule.class)
public interface UrlComponent {
    RestApiHelper getRetrofit();

Implementation of UrlModule.class with fixed issues(mentioned above)

import com.jakewharton.retrofit2.adapter.rxjava2.RxJava2CallAdapterFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;    
import dagger.Module;
import dagger.Provides;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import retrofit2.Retrofit;
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory;

public class UrlModule {
    private String url;

    public UrlModule(String url) {
        this.url = url;

    OkHttpClient provideOkhttpClient() {
        return new OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .connectTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
                .readTimeout(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

    String provideUrl() {
        return url;

    Retrofit provideRetrofit(String baseURL, OkHttpClient client) {

        return new Retrofit.Builder()

    RestApi provideApiService(Retrofit retrofit) {
        return retrofit.create(RestApi.class);

c) Build Url appComponent and urlComponent in Application class for later use as

public class ExampleApplication extends Application {

    // note, I remove the inject, you were doing it for testing etc
    private ApplicationComponent appComponent;

    private UrlComponent urlComponent;

    public void onCreate() {

        appComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder()
                .applicationModule(new ApplicationModule(this)).build();

        urlComponent = appComponent.plus(new UrlModule("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/"));


    public ApplicationComponent getAppComponent() {
        return appComponent;

    public UrlComponent getUrlComponent() {
        return urlComponent;


Now build the activityComponent in BaseActivity as

activityComponent= DaggerActivityComponent.builder()
                .activityModule(new ActivityModule(this))

and use it in your MainActivity as

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {

    RestApiHelper restApiHelper;
    Disposable disposable;
    private static final String TAG = "MainActivity";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ActivityComponent component = getActivityComponent();

        disposable = restApiHelper.getquestionlist(1)
                .subscribe(new Consumer<Object>() {
                    public void accept(Object o) throws Exception {
                        Log.d(TAG, "accept: "+ o.toString());    
                }, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
                    public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {

    protected void onDestroy() {
        disposable.dispose(); // best practice

That's it.

Note: Make sure your baseUrl value and retrofit objects are properly setup and have internet app permission etc. You can optimised your code further with lambdas etc as I kept most of the code as it is for understanding.

Upvotes: 2

Pavlo Ostasha
Pavlo Ostasha

Reputation: 16729

First of all your method that provides RestApi is wrong. I should be like

    public RestApi provideApiService(Retrofit retrofit) {
        return retrofit.create(RestApi.class);


Upvotes: 0

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