Reputation: 2268
I have multiple wildcard expressions like:
means 0 or more letters (they can be any letters, not necessarily the same)?
means single occurance of any
letterI need to find shortest string matching those wildcard patterns. e.g. in the example above one of those strings would be:
Also another example:
and result would be
aa?ab -> meaning "aaaab" OR "aabab" OR ...
I guess I need to use dynamic programming here. Tried some approaches but only got partial results. Any ideas?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1036
Reputation: 2268
OK, I even managed to create NFA, then convert to DFA and then to construct intersection of all DFAs and in the same time visit them using BFS. It works fast for 3 first test code samples, but last two seems to be too complex for algorithm to process. If i use A*, I can get to some solution, but problem here is that it is not shortest one!
import java.util.*;
public class Safe4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "?a*b";
patterns[1] = "a*b*";
patterns[2] = "*a??a*";
System.out.println(new Safe4().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "*p?qp?*bd*pd?q*";
patterns[1] = "*qp*d?b*?p?d*";
patterns[2] = "?*d?b???q*q?p*";
System.out.println(new Safe4().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[2];
patterns[0] = "*z*y*y*z*x*x*x*z*x*z*y*z*y*x*x*y*y*y*z*x*y*z*y*x*x*x*z*x*z*z*z*y*y*z*x*y*z*";
patterns[1] = "*y*z*z*x*x*y*z*y*z*y*x*z*y*z*y*x*z*y*x*y*x*y*y*z*x*y*z*x*x*z*y*z*y*y*x*z*y*";
System.out.println(new Safe4().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[5];
patterns[0] = "*i*o*?*?*u?*??*e?o*e*a*a*i*ee*";
patterns[1] = "*e*?ue*o*i*?*e*u*i*?*oa?*??*";
patterns[2] = "*?oi*i??uu*a*iu*?*?a*u*ia*u*";
patterns[3] = "*o*e*ea?*eu*?e?*ea*u*u?u*iu*";
patterns[4] = "*u*?oe*u*e?*e??ou?*oa*?*i*?a?*";
System.out.println(new Safe4().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[95];
patterns[0] = "??????????????????????????";
patterns[1] = "*a*n*";
patterns[2] = "*i*x*";
patterns[3] = "*q*v*";
patterns[4] = "*u*l*";
patterns[5] = "*p*n*";
patterns[6] = "*j*c*";
patterns[7] = "*j*h*";
patterns[8] = "*q*h*";
patterns[9] = "*p*w*";
patterns[10] = "*p*v*";
patterns[11] = "*r*s*";
patterns[12] = "*j*x*";
patterns[13] = "*i*j*";
patterns[14] = "*t*h*";
patterns[15] = "*u*x*";
patterns[16] = "*i*l*";
patterns[17] = "*k*s*";
patterns[18] = "*u*j*";
patterns[19] = "*p*o*";
patterns[20] = "*p*r*";
patterns[21] = "*a*z*";
patterns[22] = "*t*f*";
patterns[23] = "*b*c*";
patterns[24] = "*e*g*";
patterns[25] = "*l*z*";
patterns[26] = "*d*c*";
patterns[27] = "*u*g*";
patterns[28] = "*l*g*";
patterns[29] = "*r*z*";
patterns[30] = "*y*b*";
patterns[31] = "*g*c*";
patterns[32] = "*t*h*";
patterns[33] = "*w*f*";
patterns[34] = "*i*e*";
patterns[35] = "*d*g*";
patterns[36] = "*r*m*";
patterns[37] = "*e*y*";
patterns[38] = "*q*n*";
patterns[39] = "*p*n*";
patterns[40] = "*y*a*";
patterns[41] = "*q*n*";
patterns[42] = "*l*j*";
patterns[43] = "*n*v*";
patterns[44] = "*p*b*";
patterns[45] = "*h*m*";
patterns[46] = "*r*b*";
patterns[47] = "*p*i*";
patterns[48] = "*u*b*";
patterns[49] = "*e*z*";
patterns[50] = "*d*b*";
patterns[51] = "*p*a*";
patterns[52] = "*s*d*";
patterns[53] = "*d*z*";
patterns[54] = "*k*x*";
patterns[55] = "*o*f*";
patterns[56] = "*s*g*";
patterns[57] = "*o*l*";
patterns[58] = "*t*g*";
patterns[59] = "*p*v*";
patterns[60] = "*j*z*";
patterns[61] = "*y*n*";
patterns[62] = "*o*b*";
patterns[63] = "*k*g*";
patterns[64] = "*i*d*";
patterns[65] = "*c*v*";
patterns[66] = "*q*m*";
patterns[67] = "*e*k*";
patterns[68] = "*w*j*";
patterns[69] = "*i*f*";
patterns[70] = "*i*t*";
patterns[71] = "*i*b*";
patterns[72] = "*i*k*";
patterns[73] = "*p*w*";
patterns[74] = "*a*x*";
patterns[75] = "*p*z*";
patterns[76] = "*r*v*";
patterns[77] = "*y*c*";
patterns[78] = "*i*b*";
patterns[79] = "*n*v*";
patterns[80] = "*g*v*";
patterns[81] = "*u*k*";
patterns[82] = "*w*i*";
patterns[83] = "*e*f*";
patterns[84] = "*l*s*";
patterns[85] = "*t*v*";
patterns[86] = "*y*d*";
patterns[87] = "*p*e*";
patterns[88] = "*h*b*";
patterns[89] = "*s*f*";
patterns[90] = "*o*x*";
patterns[91] = "*i*z*";
patterns[92] = "*q*e*";
patterns[93] = "*r*c*";
patterns[94] = "*k*h*";
System.out.println(new Safe4().solution(patterns));
class NFA {
Map<Integer, Map<Character, Set<Integer>>> table;
int initState;
int lastState;
public NFA(Map<Integer, Map<Character, Set<Integer>>> table, int initState, int lastState) {
this.table = table;
this.initState = initState;
this.lastState = lastState;
* Create NFA from input; e.g. if input is "?a*b" - here we have alphabet of "a", "b", * - any character zero or more times (represented
* in function as 'X') and ? (means also any character but has to be there once at least - 'X')
* <p>
* so for input "?a*b" this gives table
* _STATE_|__a___b___X______________
* 0 | 1 1 1
* 1 | 2
* 2 | 2 2,3 2
* 3 |
* <p>
* here, 3 is FINAL state and 0 is start state
private NFA createNFA(Set<Character> chars, String p) {
int state = 0;
boolean wasStar = false;
Map<Integer, Map<Character, Set<Integer>>> nfa = new HashMap<>();
for (char c : p.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '*') {
Map<Character, Set<Integer>> m1 = nfa.computeIfAbsent(state, k -> new HashMap<>());
for (char c1 : chars) {
m1.computeIfAbsent(c1, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state);
m1.computeIfAbsent('X', k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state);
wasStar = true;
} else if (c == '?') {
if (wasStar) {
Map<Character, Set<Integer>> m1 = nfa.get(state);
for (char c1 : chars) {
m1.computeIfAbsent(c1, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state);
m1.computeIfAbsent('X', k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state);
Map<Character, Set<Integer>> m1 = nfa.computeIfAbsent(state, k -> new HashMap<>());
for (char c1 : chars) {
m1.computeIfAbsent(c1, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state + 1);
m1.computeIfAbsent('X', k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state + 1);
wasStar = false;
} else {
if (wasStar) {
Map<Character, Set<Integer>> m1 = nfa.computeIfAbsent(state, k -> new HashMap<>());
m1.computeIfAbsent(c, k -> new TreeSet<>()).add(state + 1);
wasStar = false;
return new NFA(nfa, 0, state);
class DFA {
Map<Integer, Map<Character, Integer>> table;
int initState;
Set<Integer> lastStates;
public DFA(Map<Integer, Map<Character, Integer>> table, int initState, Set<Integer> lastStates) {
this.table = table;
this.initState = initState;
this.lastStates = lastStates;
* Convert NFA to DFA (nondeterministic finite automata to deterministic)
* <p>
* e.g. for NFA
* <p>
* _STATE_|__a___b___X______________
* 0 | 1 1 1
* 1 | 2
* 2 | 2 2,3 2
* 3 |
* <p>
* we convert to DFA
* <p>
* _STATE_|__a___b___X______________
* 0 | 1 1 1
* 1 | 2
* 2 | 2 4 2
* 4 | 2 4 2
* <p>
* here, 4 is FINAL state and 0 is start state
private DFA convertToDFA(Set<Character> chars, NFA nfa) {
Set<Character> charsWithX = new TreeSet<>(chars);
Map<Integer, Map<Character, Integer>> dfa = new HashMap<>();
Queue<Integer> sq = new LinkedList<>();
int newUsableState = nfa.lastState + 1;
Set<Integer> lastStates = new TreeSet<>();
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> newStateToStates = new HashMap<>();
Map<Set<Integer>, Integer> statesToNewState = new HashMap<>();
Integer currS;
while ((currS = sq.poll()) != null) {
Map<Character, Integer> m1 = dfa.computeIfAbsent(currS, k -> new HashMap<>());
if (currS <= nfa.lastState) {
//state exists in nfa
if (nfa.table.get(currS) != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Character, Set<Integer>> charToStates : nfa.table.get(currS).entrySet()) {
Integer newState;
if (charToStates.getValue().size() == 1) {
newState = charToStates.getValue().stream().findAny().get();
if (newState == nfa.lastState) {
} else {
newState = newUsableState++;
newStateToStates.putIfAbsent(newState, charToStates.getValue());
statesToNewState.putIfAbsent(charToStates.getValue(), newState);
if (charToStates.getValue().contains(nfa.lastState)) {
m1.putIfAbsent(charToStates.getKey(), newState);
if (!dfa.containsKey(newState) && !sq.contains(newState)) {
} else {
//this is final state
} else {
//new state
Set<Integer> li = newStateToStates.get(currS);
for (Character c : charsWithX) {
Set<Integer> states = new TreeSet<>();
for (Integer i : li) {
Map<Character, Set<Integer>> maybeFinal = nfa.table.get(i);
if (maybeFinal != null) {
Set<Integer> exisStat = maybeFinal.get(c);
if (exisStat != null) {
if (!states.isEmpty()) {
Integer newState;
if (states.size() == 1) {
newState =;
if (newState == nfa.lastState) {
} else {
newState = statesToNewState.get(states);
if (newState == null) {
newState = newUsableState++;
newStateToStates.putIfAbsent(newState, states);
statesToNewState.putIfAbsent(states, newState);
if (states.contains(nfa.lastState)) {
m1.putIfAbsent(c, newState);
if (!dfa.containsKey(newState) && !sq.contains(newState)) {
return new DFA(dfa, 0, lastStates);
private Set<Character> chars(String p) {
Set<Character> chars = new TreeSet<>();
for (char c : p.toCharArray()) {
if (c > 96 && c < 123) {
return chars;
class RecNodeMulti {
final List<Integer> newState;
final char rec;
final RecNodeMulti parent;
public RecNodeMulti(List<Integer> newState, char rec, RecNodeMulti parent) {
this.newState = newState;
this.rec = rec;
this.parent = parent;
public String toRoot() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
RecNodeMulti rn = this;
while (rn.rec != Character.MIN_VALUE) {
rn = rn.parent;
return sb.reverse().toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
RecNodeMulti that = (RecNodeMulti) o;
return rec == that.rec &&
Objects.equals(newState, that.newState);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(newState, rec);
RecNodeMulti root;
* Intersects dfa1,dfa2,... dfaN and visit intersecting nodes one by one in BFS manner
* <p>
* e.g. for 2 DFAs like dfa1 representing "?a*b"
* <p>
* _STATE_|__a___b___X______________
* 0 | 1 1 1
* 1 | 2
* 2 | 2 4 2
* 4 | 2 4 2
* <p>
* and dfa2 representing "a*b*"
* <p>
* _STATE_|__a___b___X______________
* 0 | 1
* 1 | 1 3 1
* 3 | 3 3 3
* <p>
* we FOLLOW BFS states representing representing "aa*b*"
* <p>
* _STATE_|__a___b___X______________
* 5 | 6
* 6 | 7
* 7 | 8 7
* 8 | 8 9
* 9 | 8 9
* <p>
* where final state is 8
private String multiIntersectDFAWithBFS(Set<Character> charsSvi, List<DFA> dfaS) {
Set<Character> charsSviWithX = new TreeSet<>(charsSvi);
Set<RecNodeMulti> visited = new HashSet<>();
Queue<RecNodeMulti> sq = new LinkedList<>();
root = new RecNodeMulti( -> x.initState).collect(Collectors.toList()), Character.MIN_VALUE, null);
RecNodeMulti currS;
Map<List<Integer>, Integer> statesToNewState = new HashMap<>();
int newUsableState = -> x.table.keySet().stream().mapToInt(y -> y).max().getAsInt()).max().getAsInt() + 1;
while ((currS = sq.poll()) != null) {
List<Map<Character, Integer>> statemap = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < dfaS.size(); i++) {
for (char c1 : charsSviWithX) {
List<Integer> sIns = -> {
Integer in = x.get(c1);
if (in == null) {
return x.get('X');
return in;
if ( {
Integer exisP = statesToNewState.get(sIns);
if (exisP == null) {
exisP = newUsableState++;
statesToNewState.put(sIns, exisP);
boolean allLast = true;
for (int i = 0; i < dfaS.size(); i++) {
if (!dfaS.get(i).lastStates.contains(sIns.get(i))) {
allLast = false;
if (allLast) {
//newS3 is LAST STATE!!!!!!
return currS.toRoot() + c1;
} else {
//already known state; we do not want to go back
RecNodeMulti rnm = new RecNodeMulti(sIns, c1, currS);
if (!sq.contains(rnm) && !visited.contains(rnm)) {
return null;
private String solution(String[] patterns) {
List<DFA> dfaS = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Character> charsSvi = new TreeSet<>();
for (String p : patterns) {
Set<Character> chars = chars(p);
NFA nfa = createNFA(chars, p);
DFA dfa = convertToDFA(chars, nfa);
return multiIntersectDFAWithBFS(charsSvi, dfaS);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51063
Here's an approach which doesn't use DFAs.
I considered the problem of just testing whether there is a string of a given length k
satisfies every pattern, and returning one if there is one. This is a slightly simpler problem, but we can find the shortest string satisfying every pattern by testing for increasing k
until we find a solution (or until k
exceeds some upper bound on the length of a shortest solution).
My solution isn't fast enough to solve the larger examples within 10-20 seconds, but perhaps the idea will be useful anyway. I used the Z3 theorem prover in Python, but there are bindings for many languages.
Essentially, the idea is to define k
formal variables representing the letters in the string, then build a huge logical expression encoding the patterns, and use the Z3 solver to search for a solution (or verify that no solution exists).
There are a few extra tricks to improve efficiency. We can start by simplifying the patterns; it's better to have ?
s before *
s to reduce the branching factor, and any sequence of two or more *
s is redundant. We can also work out the minimum possible length of a solution based on the non-*
symbols in the patterns.
In principle the same idea could be used to test for strings of length <= k
, optimising for the shortest one, by introducing a $
symbol into the alphabet, adding the constraint that $
cannot appear before any symbol other than $
, and then solving the optimisation problem to maximise the the number of $
symbols. I did not try this; there are also some other easy improvements that could be made, but I tried to keep it simple as a proof of concept.
My implementation is below. The main issue affecting performance is that the logical expression's size is exponential in the number of *
s in a given pattern.
from z3 import *
def simplify_pattern(p):
q = ''
while p != q:
q = p
p = p.replace('*?', '?*').replace('**', '*')
return p
def min_length(p):
return len(p.replace('*', ''))
def solve(patterns, max_length):
patterns = [simplify_pattern(p) for p in patterns]
m = max(map(min_length, patterns))
for k in range(m, max_length+1):
s = solve_for_length(patterns, k)
if s is not None:
return s
return None
def solve_for_length(patterns, k):
alphabet = sorted(set(''.join(patterns)) - set('?*'))
vs = [Int('v' + str(i)) for i in range(k)]
constraints = [And(0 <= v, v < len(alphabet)) for v in vs]
for p in patterns:
cs = constraints_for_pattern(p, vs, alphabet)
s = Solver()
if s.check() == sat:
m = s.model()
idx = [m.eval(v).as_long() for v in vs]
return ''.join(alphabet[i] for i in idx)
return None
def constraints_for_pattern(pattern, vs, alphabet):
while pattern and pattern[0] != '*':
if not vs:
# output string shorter than pattern
yield False
if pattern[0] != '?':
yield vs[0] == alphabet.index(pattern[0])
pattern = pattern[1:]
vs = vs[1:]
if pattern == '*':
elif pattern:
# pattern starts with '*' but != '*'
p = pattern[1:]
yield Or(*[
And(*constraints_for_pattern(p, vs[i:], alphabet))
for i in range(len(vs) - min_length(p) + 1)
elif vs:
# output string longer than pattern
yield False
>>> solve(['a?', '?b'], 2)
>>> solve(['a*', '*b'], 2)
>>> solve(['a*', '?b*', '*c'], 3)
>>> solve(['a*a*a*', '*b*b*b'], 5) is None
>>> solve(['a*a*a*', '*b*b*b'], 6)
>>> solve(['*a*b*', '*c*d*', '*e*?*'], 10)
>>> solve(['?a*b', 'a*b*', '*a??a*'], 10)
>>> mini_5 = [
... "*i*o*?*?*u?*??*e?o*e*a*a*i*ee*",
... "*e*?ue*o*i*?*e*u*i*?*oa?*??*",
... "*?oi*i??uu*a*iu*",
... "*o*e*ea?*eu*?e*",
... "*u*?oe*u*e?*e?*",
... ]
>>> solve(mini_5, 33) # ~20 seconds on my machine
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2268
I also managed to find the library that does this stuff automatically. But even this one has a problem with some inputs (e.g. the input in snippet)! There must be some way to optimize for these kind of inputs?
import dk.brics.automaton.Automaton;
import dk.brics.automaton.RegExp;
public class Safe {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "?a*b";
patterns[1] = "a*b*";
patterns[2] = "*a??a*";
System.out.println(new Safe().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "*a*b*";
patterns[1] = "*c*d*";
patterns[2] = "*e*f*";
System.out.println(new Safe().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "*p?qp?*bd*pd?q*";
patterns[1] = "*qp*d?b*?p?d*";
patterns[2] = "?*d?b???q*q?p*";
System.out.println(new Safe().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[2];
patterns[0] = "*z*y*y*z*x*x*x*z*x*z*y*z*y*x*x*y*y*y*z*x*y*z*y*x*x*x*z*x*z*z*z*y*y*z*x*y*z*";
patterns[1] = "*y*z*z*x*x*y*z*y*z*y*x*z*y*z*y*x*z*y*x*y*x*y*y*z*x*y*z*x*x*z*y*z*y*y*x*z*y*";
System.out.println(new Safe().solution(patterns));
public String solution(String[] patterns){
Automaton a = null;
for(String pattern : patterns){
RegExp r = convertToRegExp(pattern);
if(a == null) {
a = r.toAutomaton();
a = a.intersection(r.toAutomaton());
return a.getShortestExample(true);
private RegExp convertToRegExp(String pattern){
return new RegExp(replaceQuestionMarks(replaceStars(pattern)).trim());
private String replaceStars(String pattern){
return pattern.replaceAll("\\*+", "[a-z]*");
private String replaceQuestionMarks(String pattern){
return pattern.replace("?", "[a-z]{1}");
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2268
Works for smaller examples. For larger ones, takes too much time. Maybe because I calculate transitions using arrays.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
public class Safe {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "?a*b";
patterns[1] = "a*b*";
patterns[2] = "*a??a*";
String sol = new Safe().solution(patterns);
throw new RuntimeException("Not Equal!");
patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "*a*b*";
patterns[1] = "*c*d*";
patterns[2] = "*e*f*";
System.out.println(new Safe().solution(patterns));
patterns = new String[3];
patterns[0] = "*p?qp?*bd*pd?q*";
patterns[1] = "*qp*d?b*?p?d*";
patterns[2] = "?*d?b???q*q?p*";
sol = new Safe().solution(patterns);
throw new RuntimeException("Not Equal!");
patterns = new String[2];
patterns[0] = "*z*y*y*z*x*x*x*z*x*z*y*z*y*x*x*y*y*y*z*x*y*z*y*x*x*x*z*x*z*z*z*y*y*z*x*y*z*";
patterns[1] = "*y*z*z*x*x*y*z*y*z*y*x*z*y*z*y*x*z*y*x*y*x*y*y*z*x*y*z*x*x*z*y*z*y*y*x*z*y*";
sol = new Safe().solution(patterns);
throw new RuntimeException("Not Equal!");
private boolean isItLetter(char c) {
return c != '*' && c != '?';
private char match(String[] patterns, int[] indices) {
boolean firstThrown = true;
try {
char matched = '*';
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
char c = patterns[i].charAt(indices[i]);
firstThrown = false;
if (isItLetter(c)) {
if (isItLetter(matched)) {
if (matched != c) {
//two different letters
//so we cannot continue
return Character.MIN_VALUE;
matched = c;
} else {
//* or ?
if (!isItLetter(matched)) {
//so we do not overwrite ? with *
if (c == '?') {
matched = c;
return matched;
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
//means we tried matching end of string
//check if all are at the end
if (firstThrown) {
//check only if first thrown;
//otherwise, one of patterns is not at the end
for (int i = 1; i < patterns.length; i++) {
if (indices[i] < patterns[i].length()) {
return Character.MIN_VALUE;
} else {
return Character.MIN_VALUE;
//max when we reached the end
return Character.MAX_VALUE;
class Node{
final String recognized;
final int[] indices;
public Node(String recognized, int[] indices) {
this.recognized = recognized;
this.indices = indices;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Node node = (Node) o;
return recognized.equals(node.recognized) &&
Arrays.equals(indices, node.indices);
public int hashCode() {
int result = Objects.hash(recognized);
result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(indices);
return result;
Queue<Node> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
Set<Node> knownStates = new HashSet<>();
public String solution(String[] patterns){
List<int[]> startingIndices = generateStartingIndices(patterns, new int[patterns.length]);
for(int[] si : startingIndices){
Node nextNode = new Node("", si);
String result = null;
while (result == null) {
result = solution(patterns, queue.poll());
return result;
private List<int[]> generateStartingIndices(String[] patterns, int[] indices){
List<int[]> generated = Collections.singletonList(new int[patterns.length]);
for(int i=0; i<patterns.length; i++){
char currentChar = patterns[i].charAt(indices[i]);
List<int[]> replaceGenerated = new ArrayList<>();
if(currentChar == '*'){
for(int[] gi : generated){
gi[i] = indices[i]+1;
for(int[] gi : generated){
int[] gin = gi.clone();
gin[i] = indices[i];
for(int[] gi : generated){
gi[i] = indices[i];
generated = replaceGenerated;
return generated;
private List<int[]> generateNextIndices(String[] patterns, int[] indices){
List<int[]> generated = Collections.singletonList(new int[patterns.length]);
for(int i=0; i<patterns.length; i++){
char currentChar = patterns[i].charAt(indices[i]);
char nextChar = Character.MIN_VALUE;
if(indices[i]+1 < patterns[i].length()){
nextChar = patterns[i].charAt(indices[i]+1);
List<int[]> replaceGenerated = new ArrayList<>();
if(currentChar == '*'){
//or next index
for(int[] gi : generated){
gi[i] = indices[i]+1; //short it first so we first test that case
//same index or
for(int[] gi : generated){
int[] gin = gi.clone();
gin[i] = indices[i];
//some character
//or if * we can skip
for(int[] gi : generated){
gi[i] = indices[i]+2; //skip first so we check that shorter case
//we can go next or
for(int[] gi : generated){
int[] gin = gi.clone();
gin[i] = indices[i]+1;
generated = replaceGenerated;
return generated;
public String solution(String[] patterns, Node node) {
char matched = match(patterns, node.indices);
if (matched == Character.MAX_VALUE) {
//we reached the end
return node.recognized;
if (matched == Character.MIN_VALUE) {
//impossible to match
return null;
if(matched == '*'){
//all stars
return null;
List<int[]> nextIndices = generateNextIndices(patterns, node.indices);
for(int[] ni : nextIndices){
Node nextNode = new Node(node.recognized + matched, ni);
if(notKnownState(nextNode)) {
return null;
private boolean notKnownState(Node node) {
return false;
return true;
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 46960
There's a formal algorithm to get the optimal answer.
First convert each regex to a deterministic finite automaton (DFA). For example, you can use Thompson's construction to get an NFA and then the subset construction to get the DFA. But there are other, more direct methods.
Actually these aren't full regexes with alternation, so building DFAs is especially simple.
For this collection of DFAs, construct the "intersection" version of the cross-product DFA. This is a well-known algorithm. You'll end up with a DFA that accepts exactly the strings accepted by all the originals.
Then do breadth first search from the start state of that DFA to find the shortest accepted string (or verify that there are none).
Run time will be proportional to the product of sizes of DFAs constructed from original regexes. Those are linear in the regex size for regexes that appear in practice nearly all the time. But in weird pathological cases, they can be exponential in the regex size. Such is the price of optimality.
While this may all sound hairy, these algorithms are not complicated. If the number of regexes isn't too big, and they're not weird pathalogical cases, this method will be very practical. Otoh it's not something you'll gin up in an afternoon.
Upvotes: 0