Rmarkdown can't find a .png image while trying to compile on pdf using papaja

I am trying to make a document using papaja format in r-markdown. The problem is R can't compile the pdf because it cannot find an image I am trying to import using `knitr::include_graphics().

This is my Yaml header:

title             : "Something"
  - name          : "my name"
bibliography      : ["Draft.bib"]
floatsintext      : yes
figsintext        : yes
figurelist        : no
tablelist         : no
footnotelist      : no
linenumbers       : yes
link-citations    : yes
mask              : no
draft             : no
documentclass     : "apa6"
classoption       : "man"
output            : 
  pdf_document : papaja::apa6_pdf
  - \usepackage{setspace}
  - \AtBeginEnvironment{tabular}{\singlespacing}
  - \AtBeginEnvironment{lltable}{\single  espacing}
  - \AtBeginEnvironment{tablenotes}{\doublespacing}
  - \captionsetup[table]{font={stretch=1.5}}
  - \captionsetup[figure]{font={stretch=1.5}}

This is the chunk where I am trying to import the image:

```{r colors}

Note that I have already checked my wd, and that there are not any spaces in the path of my image

And finally this is what R prints as an error while trying to compile:

!!! Error: Input file `Draft_files/figure-latex/colors-1.pdf' not found!

Quitting from lines 87-88 (Draft.Rmd) 
Error in magick_image_readpath(enc2native(path), density, depth, strip) : 
  R: unable to open image `Draft_files/figure-latex/colors-1.png': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2874
Calls: <Anonymous> ... in_dir -> plot_crop -> <Anonymous> -> magick_image_readpath
Execution halted

I have also tried to change the path to ./figures/colors.png but the result is the same.

Any help will be pretty much appreciated!

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Views: 1028

Answers (1)

Yihui Xie
Yihui Xie

Reputation: 30174

This is a known bug that has been fixed in the development version of knitr. Please either try the dev version


or wait for the next version of knitr (v1.28) to appear on CRAN (hopefully in a few days).

Alternatively, you may set the chunk option crop=NULL on the chunk, e.g.

```{r colors, crop=NULL}

Upvotes: 3

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