Reputation: 181
Dear colleagues I am trying to build a function that interpolates linearly data in a dataframe:
The code looks as follows:
Linear_Interpolation <- function(df, min_ts, max_ts, target_column, signal_key) {
if (exists(deparse(substitute(df))) == TRUE) {
if (nrow(df) != 0) {
vector.sequences <- seq(from = min_ts,
to = max_ts,
by = "hour")
df.interpolation.aux <- data.table(snsr_ts = vector.sequences)
df.interpolated <- bind_rows(df, df.interpolation.aux) %>%
arrange(., snsr_ts)
df.duplicates <- which(duplicated((df.interpolated$snsr_ts)))
df.interpolated <- df.interpolated[-df.duplicates,] %>%
mutate_(., column = na.approx(column)) %>%
mutate(., snsr_dt = as.Date(snsr_ts)) %>%
mutate(., package = aux1$package) %>%
rename_at(snsr_val = column) %>%
mutate(snsr_key = signal_key) %>%
mutate(locf_tag='N') %>%
mutate(qlty_good_ind=ifelse(, 'Y', qlty_good_ind)) %>%
mutate(qlty_interp=ifelse(, -3, qlty_interp))
} else {
df.interpolated <- NULL
As I am using dplyr I am aware that I can not use standard evaluation. However when I was trying with mutate_ I got the message that now this feature is deprecated. Therefore I tried following the guide and using the following version:
Linear_Interpolation <- function(df, min_ts, max_ts, target, signal_key) {
if (exists(deparse(substitute(df))) == TRUE) {
if (nrow(df) != 0) {
target <- enquo(target)
signal_key <- enquo(signal_key)
vector.sequences <- seq(from = min_ts,
to = max_ts,
by = "hour")
df.interpolation.aux <- data.table(snsr_ts = vector.sequences)
df.interpolated <- bind_rows(df, df.interpolation.aux) %>%
arrange(., snsr_ts)
df.duplicates <- which(duplicated((df.interpolated$snsr_ts)))
df.interpolated <- df.interpolated[-df.duplicates,] %>%
mutate(snsr_val = na.approx(!!target)) %>%
mutate(snsr_dt = as.Date(snsr_ts)) %>%
mutate(., package = aux1$package) %>
mutate(snsr_key = !!signal_key) %>%
mutate(locf_tag='N') %>%
mutate(qlty_good_ind=ifelse(, 'Y', qlty_good_ind)) %>%
mutate(qlty_interp=ifelse(, -3, qlty_interp))
} else {
df.interpolated <- NULL
However I am getting the following result: <- Linear_Interpolation(df, min(df$snsr_ts), max(df$snsr_ts), "column_name", "71")
Error in xy.coords(x, y, setLab = FALSE) :
'pairlist' object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
In addition: Warning message:
In :
Error in xy.coords(x, y, setLab = FALSE) :
'pairlist' object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
I have the feeling the target is being reading as a text in the na_approx function even I have not been able to debug it fully. The input dataframe is as follows:
snsr_dt package value snsr_ts locf_tag db_src qlty_interp qlty_good_ind
8/26/2011 589 0 8/26/11 12:00 N 2 1 Y
10/4/2013 589 147 10/4/13 0:00 N 2 1 Y
10/17/2014 589 160 10/17/14 0:00 N 2 1 Y
11/14/2015 589 168 11/14/15 0:00 N 2 1 Y
12/28/2016 589 198 12/28/16 0:00 N 2 1 Y
1/10/2018 589 215 1/10/18 0:00 N 2 1 Y
1/4/2019 589 238 1/4/19 0:00 N 2 1 Y
Does someone know what is going on?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 218
Reputation: 13691
Because you're wanting to accept strings and symbols, the proper verb is ensym()
, not enquo()
. Here's a minimal reproducible example that you can adapt to your larger application:
library( tidyverse )
library( lubridate )
Linear_Interpolation <- function( df, target ) {
vseq <- seq( from=min(df$date), to=max(df$date), by="day")
tibble(date = vseq) %>%
left_join(df, by="date") %>%
mutate( snsr_val = zoo::na.approx(!!ensym(target)) ) # <--- ensym
## Data
X <- tibble( date = mdy("10/4/2013", "10/7/2013", "10/12/2013"),
value = c(0, 147, 160) )
Linear_Interpolation( X, "value" ) # Works on strings
Linear_Interpolation( X, value ) # ...and symbols
# date value snsr_val
# <date> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 2013-10-04 0 0
# 2 2013-10-05 NA 49
# 3 2013-10-06 NA 98
# 4 2013-10-07 147 147
# 5 2013-10-08 NA 150.
# 6 2013-10-09 NA 152.
# 7 2013-10-10 NA 155.
# 8 2013-10-11 NA 157.
# 9 2013-10-12 160 160
Upvotes: 0