

how do I get content written of TinyMCE with Angular4?

I need to store the content written inside the tinyMCE editor on my html page after clicking a submit button, but I have no idea how. I have the EditorComponent in my AppModule imported.

my component.html has the following editor embedded in it:

     height: 500,
     menubar: false,
     plugins: [
       'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor',
       'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen',
       'insertdatetime media table paste code help wordcount',
       'undo redo | formatselect | bold italic backcolor | \
       alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | \
       bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | help | save'      

I have a function known as getcontent() { // } in my Component.Ts file. I don't know exactly what to do at this point as other online topics uses Javascript or PHP specifically (I'm using Angular 4)

essentially, I have a string initialized known as str and I need this content inserted here to update my backend database.

on other articles, I see them using the class tinyMCE and calling functions on it but I am unable to access it in my Angular application.

however, I am able to run (onSaveContent)="somefunction()" when I click save; I just need to get the content of what I wrote to a String variable

Upvotes: 2

Views: 3526

Answers (2)


Reputation: 571



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Reputation: 2273

Based on the fact that you mentioned EditorComponent, I'm assuming you are using this package. In that case, it's simple; you just use ngModel to two-way bind the value of tiny mce's editor with a property in your component:

     height: 500,
     menubar: false,
     plugins: [
       'advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor',
       'searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen',
       'insertdatetime media table paste code help wordcount',
       'undo redo | formatselect | bold italic backcolor | \
       alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | \
       bullist numlist outdent indent | removeformat | help | save'


And in your component:

// String field to store our HTML
html = '<p>Hi, TinyMCE!</p>';
somefunction() {
  // Do something here.

Here's a working stackblitz example.

Upvotes: 1

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