Reputation: 645
I have a tbl_df
that has several columns that have multiple values in them. I am looking to use the values in the columns to create several columns. After that, I'm looking to summarize the columns.
One way I can go about it is to create several ifelse
within a mutate
but that seems inefficient. Is there a better way to go about this? I'm thinking that there is probably a dplyr
and/or tidyr
based solution.
Example of what I'm looking to do is below. It's only a sampling of the data and columns. It doesn't contain all of the columns that I'm looking to create. The summary table will have some sum
and mean
based columns.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
df <- tibble::tribble(
~type, ~bb_type, ~description,
"B", NA, "ball",
"S", NA, "foul",
"X", "line_drive", "hit_into_play_no_out",
"S", NA, "swinging_strike",
"S", NA, "foul",
"X", "ground_ball", "hit_into_play",
"S", NA, "swinging_strike",
"X", "fly_ball", "hit_into_play_score",
"B", NA, "ball",
"S", NA, "foul"
df <- df %>%
mutate(ground_ball = ifelse(bb_type == "ground_ball", 1, 0),
fly_ball = if_else(bb_type == "fly_ball", 1, 0),
X = if_else(type == "X", 1, 0),
# not sure if this is the based way to go about counting columns that start with swinging to sum later
swinging_strike = grepl("^swinging", description))
#> # A tibble: 10 x 7
#> type bb_type description ground_ball fly_ball X swinging_strike
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 B <NA> ball NA NA 0 FALSE
#> 2 S <NA> foul NA NA 0 FALSE
#> 3 X line_drive hit_into_play_no… 0 0 1 FALSE
#> 4 S <NA> swinging_strike NA NA 0 TRUE
#> 5 S <NA> foul NA NA 0 FALSE
#> 6 X ground_ba… hit_into_play 1 0 1 FALSE
#> 7 S <NA> swinging_strike NA NA 0 TRUE
#> 8 X fly_ball hit_into_play_sc… 0 1 1 FALSE
#> 9 B <NA> ball NA NA 0 FALSE
#> 10 S <NA> foul NA NA 0 FALSE
summary_df <- df %>%
summarize(n = n(),
fly_ball = sum(fly_ball, na.rm = TRUE),
ground_ball = sum(ground_ball, na.rm = TRUE))
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> n fly_ball ground_ball
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 10 1 1
In summary, I'm looking to do the following:
and type
that counts themdplyr::rename
after the fact?Upvotes: 1
Views: 902
Reputation: 16178
Using dplyr
and tidyr
you can do something like this. First, you can group by the "bb_type" variable by specifying .drop = FALSE
, in order dplyr
keep NA
values. Then, you can count them and get the sum of all counted values and finally use pivot_wider
to get the data being displayed in the orientation you are looking for:
df %>% group_by(bb_type, .drop = FALSE) %>%
count() %>%
ungroup() %>% mutate(Sum = sum(n)) %>%
pivot_wider(.,names_from = bb_type,values_from = n)
# A tibble: 1 x 5
Sum fly_ball ground_ball line_drive `NA`
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 10 1 1 1 7
Is it what you are looking for ?
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This appears to be a request for a tabulation with a subsequent count of the entries in that tabulation
tb_df <- table(df$bb_type, useNA="always")
c(Sum=sum(tb_df), tb_df)
Sum fly_ball ground_ball line_drive <NA>
10 1 1 1 7
If you wanted it as a dataframe you would first turn it into a named list:
data.frame( as.list( c(Sum=sum(tb_df), tb_df) ) )
Sum fly_ball ground_ball line_drive NA.
1 10 1 1 1 7
If you wanted this done on all columns then first make a function that handles one column and lapply it to the tbl_df:
tally_col <- function(x){ tb <- table(x, useNA="always")
tal <- c(Sum=sum(tb), tb); data.frame( as.list(tal)) }
lapply(df, tally_col)
# ---output---
Sum B S X NA.
1 10 2 5 3 0
Sum fly_ball ground_ball line_drive NA.
1 10 1 1 1 7
Sum ball foul hit_into_play hit_into_play_no_out hit_into_play_score swinging_strike NA.
1 10 2 3 1 1 1 2 0
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 887851
We can use table
with addmargins
from base R
addmargins(table(df$bb_type, useNA = 'always'), 1)
# fly_ball ground_ball line_drive <NA> Sum
# 1 1 1 7 10
Upvotes: 2