
Reputation: 401

How to make smooth spline interpolation setting derivatives only at specific points, in Python?


Apparently scipy doesn't provide a method similar to MATLAB's spapi that allows for setting the derivatives only at specific points, ensuring smooth transitions all along the interpolated spline. I'd like to find a way to do that in Python.


My goal is to make spline interpolation using Python 3, but setting the desired derivatives only at specific points. For example, say the array X defines position of an object, point to point, I'd want a spline to represent a feasible trajectory, but also ensuring that the speed (first derivative) is zero at both starting and ending points, other points having no constraints on the derivatives. In this example, I could also desire to have the acceleration (second derivative) equal to zero at the same points.

What I want is, in other words, an implementation of spline interpolation similar to the MATLAB's spapi function, as referenced here:

spline = spapi(knots,x,y) returns the spline f (if any) of order

k = length(knots) - length(x)

with knot sequence knots for which

(*) f(x(j)) = y(:,j), all j.

If some of the entries of x are the same, then this is taken in the osculatory sense, i.e., in the sense that Dm(j)f(x(j)) = y(:, j), with m(j) : = #{ i < j : x(i) = x(j) }, and Dmf the mth derivative of f. Thus r-fold repetition of a site z in x corresponds to the prescribing of value and the first r – 1 derivatives of f at z.

What I've tried

I know of the method from_derivatives of the BPoly class of scipy.interpolate, but that poses a critical problem, being that when derivatives are not specified at any point, the algorithm does not guarantee smooth transition, as noted here. I also tried what was proposed here, but as expected, the same problem arises.

So, next I present simple reproductions of what I'm trying to achieve, successful or not.

spapi without derivatives

Here, example using spapi method, in MATLAB, without setting any derivatives. Not as what I want since the derivatives are high at start and end points:

xi = linspace(0, 10, 6);
xnew = linspace(0, 10, 100);

yi = [0 2 1 4 2 0];

knots = optknt(xi, order);
ref_spline = spapi(knots, xi, yi);

spline = fnval(xnew, ref_spline);
der_spline = gradient(spline);

And the corresponding plot of reference points along with the interpolated spline: Spline interpolation without setting derivatives, using <code>spapi</code>

And here the 1st order derivative of that spline: 1st derivative of the interpolated spline

spapi with derivatives

Here, example using spapi method, in MATLAB, setting derivatives as 0 at both start and end points. Exactly the expected result, with smooth transitions all along the spline, and derivatives equal to 0 at start and end points:

xi = linspace(0, 10, 6);
xnew = linspace(0, 10, 100);
xder = [0 xi 10];

yi = [0 2 1 4 2 0];
ynew = [0 yi 0];

knots = optknt(xder, order);
ref_spline = spapi(knots, xder, ynew);

spline = fnval(xnew, ref_spline);
der_spline = gradient(spline);

And the plot of reference points along with the spline: Spline interpolation setting derivatives as zero at start and end, using <code>spapi</code>

And here the 1st order derivative of that spline: 1st derivative of the interpolated spline

BPoly.from_derivatives with derivatives

Here, example using BPoly.from_derivatives setting derivatives as 0 at both start and end points. Unsuccessful, even though the derivatives are 0 at start and end, smooth transition is not guaranteed along the spline:

ref_points = [0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 0]
time_vector = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
time_points = np.linspace(0, 10, 6)

ref_complete = [[ref_points[j] if (i == 0) else 0 for i in range(2)] if (
    (j == 0) or (j == len(ref_points) - 1)) else [ref_points[j]] for j in range(len(ref_points))]

ref_spline = BPoly.from_derivatives(time_points, ref_complete)
spline = ref_spline(time_vector)

der_spline = ref_spline.derivative(1)
der_y = der_spline(time_vector)

To clarify, the line that defines ref_complete simply replaces the first and last elements of ref_points by an array containing the original value at index 0, and a 0 at index 1:

>>> ref_points
[0, 2, 1, 4, 2, 0]
>>> ref_complete
[[0, 0], [2], [1], [4], [2], [0, 0]]

And the plot of reference points along with the spline: Spline interpolation setting derivatives as zero at start and end, using <code>BPoly.from_derivatives</code>

And here the 1st order derivative of that spline: 1st derivative of the interpolated spline

Upvotes: 3

Views: 1572

Answers (1)


Reputation: 19

If you just want to do cubic spline interpolation with zero derivatives at both ends this is enough (docs here)

from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

CubicSpline(time_points, ref_points, bc_type="clamped")

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