Reputation: 23
I have a 2D numpy array C which contains the coefficients of a 2d polynomial, such that the polynomial is given by the sum over all coefficients:
How can I find the roots of this 2d polynomial? It seems that numpy.roots only works for 1d polynomials.
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Views: 1805
It is correct as Jussi Nurminen pointed out that a multivariate polynomial does not have a finite number of roots in the general case, however it is still possible to find functions that yield all the (infinitely many) roots of a multivariate polynomial.
One solution would be to use sympy:
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
deg = (2, 3) # degrees of polynomial
x = sp.symbols(f'x:{len(deg)}') # free variables
c = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, deg) # coefficients of polynomial
eq = (np.power(np.array(x), np.indices(deg).transpose((*range(1, len(deg) + 1), 0))).prod(-1) * c).sum()
sol = sp.solve(eq, x, dict=True)
for i, s in enumerate(sol):
print(f'solution {i}:')
for k, v in s.items():
print(f' {k} = {sp.simplify(v).evalf(3)}')
# solution 0:
# x0 = (1.25e+14*x1**2 - 2.44e+14*x1 + 6.17e+14)/(-4.55e+14*x1**2 + 5.6e+14*x1 + 5.71e+14)
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Reputation: 2408
This is a polynomial in two variables. In general there will be infinitely many roots (think about all the values of x and y that will yield xy=0), so an algorithm that gives you all the roots cannot exist.
Upvotes: 2