Reputation: 65
We have a requirement (Windows UWP app) to store audio and video data received from cameras(RTP packets) in mp4.Video format is h264 and audio is g711 pcmu
We are using media foundation(c# using MF .Net) sinkWriter to write video data to mp4 which works fine. I would like to know how to write audio samples to mp4. I tried the following way:
private void SetupAudioMediaType(out IMFMediaType mediaType, in Guid audioSubType)
HResult hr = HResult.S_OK;
hr = MFExtern.MFCreateMediaType(out mediaType);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("MFCreateMediaType for audio failed " + hr.ToString());
hr = mediaType.SetGUID(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE, MFMediaType.Audio);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("Set MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE media-out failed " + hr.ToString());
return ;
hr = mediaType.SetGUID(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_SUBTYPE, audioSubType);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("Set MF_MT_SUBTYPE media-out failed " + hr.ToString());
return ;
hr = mediaType.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND, 48000);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("Set MF_MT_AUDIO_SAMPLES_PER_SECOND media-out failed " + hr.ToString());
hr = mediaType.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS, 1);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("Set MF_MT_AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS media-out failed " + hr.ToString());
return ;
hr = mediaType.SetUINT32(MFAttributesClsid.MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, 8);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("Set MF_MT_AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE media-out failed " + hr.ToString());
return ;
return errorCode;
private MultiplexerErrorCode SetupAudio()
HResult hr = HResult.S_OK;
IMFMediaType mediaTypeOut = null;
IMFMediaType mediaTypeIn = null;
SetupAudioMediaType(out mediaTypeOut, MFMediaType.AAC); // or mp3 (MP4 in windows support mp3 or aac)
if (errorCode != MultiplexerErrorCode.Success)
Debug.Fail("setupAudioMediaType output failed:", errorCode.ToString());
hr = sinkWriter.AddStream(mediaTypeOut, out audioStreamIndex);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("AddStream audio failed " + hr.ToString());
Guid PcmuAudioSubType = (new FourCC(7,0,0,0)).ToMediaSubtype(); //PCMU
SetupAudioMediaType(out mediaTypeIn, PcmuAudioSubType);
hr = sinkWriter.SetInputMediaType(audioStreamIndex, mediaTypeIn, null);
if (!hr.Succeeded())
Debug.Fail("SetInputMediaType audio failed " + hr.ToString());
return ;
SetInputMediaType returns error MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE. From my analysis following are the reasons for the error
1) I think PCMU input type is not supported. It should be PCM. Is this understanding corect? If so does this mean I have to decode PCMU to PCM.If so is there any windows c# API which does this ? And once this decode is done , what are the bits per sample in the ouput pcm. Is it 16?
2)Even if I provide pcm as input type, SetInputMediaType returns MF_E_INVALIDMEDIATYPE error. Is it because the aac encoder supports only sampling rate of 44.1 & 48Khz. (mp3 supports 32 Khz,...). If my understanding is correct, how do I overcome the issue. Should I up-sample. If so how?
3)Is there any simpler way to write pcmu(8000 samples per second, 8 bits per sample) to mp4 along with the video frames
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1140
Reputation: 1515
For 1) and 3) read this : muxing-only-audio-into-mp4-ffmpeg-failed
For 2)
Perhaps CLSID_MULawCodecWrapper is able do to resampling. Perhaps you will have audio/video synchronization problems.
Upvotes: 2