I'm trying to code against LibGit2Sharp, and I'm falling at the first hurdle
I'm looking at the sample code at
As I need to use credentials I'm looking at the bottom bit of code:
var co = new CloneOptions();
co.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = "Username", Password = "Password" };
Repository.Clone("", "path/to/repo", co);
what has me baffled is
co.CredentialsProvider = (_url, _user, _cred) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = "Username", Password = "Password" };
What is the VB.NET equivalent of that code? And ideally I'd like to understand what this does. What does the
= (_url, _user, _cred) =>
syntax do in C#?
Many thanks
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Views: 278
Along the same lines as Nathan's and Craig's suggestions (thanks all!) I implemented this as follows:
Dim oOpt As LibGit2Sharp.CloneOptions = Nothing
Dim oCred As LibGit2Sharp.UsernamePasswordCredentials = Nothing
oOpt = New LibGit2Sharp.CloneOptions
oCred = New LibGit2Sharp.UsernamePasswordCredentials
oCred.Username = "xxxxxxx"
oCred.Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
oOpt.CredentialsProvider = New LibGit2Sharp.Handlers.CredentialsHandler(Function(_url, _user, _cred) oCred)
LibGit2Sharp.Repository.Clone("<your repository>", "<your local folder>", oOpt)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If Not oCred Is Nothing Then
oCred = Nothing
End If
If Not oOpt Is Nothing Then
oOpt = Nothing
End If
End Try
Job's a good'un
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There are too many online converters to mention all of them.
I prefer the converter from Telerik but use the other as a backup.
The code below was converted by Telerik's converter.
Dim co = New CloneOptions()
co.CredentialsProvider = Function(_url, _user, _cred) New UsernamePasswordCredentials With {
.Username = "Username",
.Password = "Password"
Repository.Clone("", "path/to/repo", co)
If I don't understand a C# code, I will convert it with a converter and that usually helps me understand the C# code. Sometimes I have to use multiple converters as each one may give a different result.
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