Reputation: 31
Okay, long story short, I'm learning assembly, and I'm trying to make a loop print out the ascii characters "0" - "9". So, I did all of the basics I've been seeing in examples, like saving register states with pushad and popad, allocating stack space, and making sure I leave things the way they started. So I managed this small example:
; Hello_World.asm
; (NASM Syntax, Windows)
extern _printf
section .text
pushad ; save register states
push ebp ; save old stack
mov ebp, esp ; prepare new stack
sub esp, 1*4 ; allocate 4 bytes
mov byte [esp + 0], 48 ; add ascii '0' to stack
mov byte [esp + 1], 0 ; add ascii NULL terminator to stack
push esp; ; push the string in the stacks refrence
call _printf ; call printf()
add esp, 4 ; pop string refrence
add esp, 1*4 ; deallocate 4 bytes
mov esp, ebp ; close this stack
pop ebp ; restore old stack
popad ; restore register states
ret ; leave this function
This works, it prints out '0', but that's a little on the safe side. I tried adding a loop into it, but things just fall apart there. I read that the 'loop' opcode is supposed to decrement the ECX register, and go back to the label parameter should ECX > 0, however, I don't think I've quite got it yet.
So I add a few lines, and come up with this:
; Hello_World.asm
extern _printf
global _main
section .text
pushad ; save register states
push ebp ; save old stack
mov ebp, esp ; prepare new stack
sub esp, 1*4 ; allocate 4 bytes
mov byte [esp + 0], 48 ; add ascii '0' to stack
mov byte [esp + 1], 0 ; add ascii NULL terminator to stack
mov ecx, 9 ; set loop counter to 9
inc byte [esp + 0] ; increment ascii character
push esp; ; push the string in the stacks refrence
call _printf ; call printf()
add esp, 4 ; pop string refrence
loop aLoop ; loop back to aLoop if ecx > 0
add esp, 1*4 ; deallocate 4 bytes
mov esp, ebp ; close this stack
pop ebp ; restore old stack
popad ; restore register states
ret ; leave this function
Well, now things go crazy. I run it in command prompt and I hear this beeping through my headphones, and it's cycling through every ascii character, printing them all out. So after about 5 seconds of flying characters, I assume something overflows, and it just crashes.
I'm pretty new to assembly (today's my first day of real coding), and I don't see what's going wrong. Could someone please explain how I could better implement a loop ?
Thanks ahead! -Jason
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4913
Reputation: 21
inc byte [esp + 0] ; increment ascii character
push ecx; ; save ecx
push esp; ; push the string in the stacks refrence
call printf ; call printf()
add esp, 4 ; pop string refrence
pop ecx
loop aLoop ; loop back to aLoop if ecx > 0
The caller-saved registers are eax, ecx, edx. The called subroutine is allowed to modify these registers. Look for caller-saved vs callee-saved registers using a search engine. Should give you more details.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 20664
Does the "_printf" subroutine preserve the contents of ECX? If not, that could be your problem. Try saving it across the call.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 112424
okay, well, what you're describing is that the loop isn't terminating for some reason. That means the problem pretty well has to be here:
add esp, 4 ; pop string refrence
loop aLoop ; loop back to aLoop if ecx > 0
This sounds like a job for a debugger: what's really happening to ecx
Well, I note that you're setting ecx
to 9
. You're then adding 4
to esp
. When are you changing ecx
? (Yes, I know it's supposed to be happening in the loop
instruction, but if that were working you wouldn't be asking. What's really happening to ecx
The beeping, by the way, is easy: as you cycle through all the ASCII characters, you're hitting ASCII 0x07, the BEL character.
Upvotes: 3