João Matos
João Matos

Reputation: 7020

Have my Spring test slice scan a single class instead of the whole package

I was asked to create integration tests for an existing SpringBoot project, whose organisation is not as modular as I would prefer. For example, there is a package yielding all repositories associated with all services. This became a problem for me when I was attempting to create a @WebMvcTest test slice, because when I use @ComponentScan, @EnableJpaRepositories, @EntityScan to read my target classes it ends up scanning all other unnecessary ones that share the same package.

Since changing the project structure is not really a decision I can make on my own, my question is whether it is possible to have my test scan pick a specific class and disregard all others within the same package?

Thank you for your attention

Upvotes: 6

Views: 1915

Answers (3)


Reputation: 472

Based on João Matos answer and a response to a github issue I was able to put together a shorter complete solution. The difference here is that all of the hibernate setup is left to Spring Boot. Following sample limits the repositories to MyEntityRepository and entities to MyEntity.

@ContextConfiguration(classes = MyEntityRepositoryTest.TestConfiguration.class)
public class MyRepositoryTest {

    @EnableJpaRepositories(basePackageClasses = MyEntityRepository.class, 
        includeFilters = {
            @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, value = MyEntityRepository.class) })
    static class TestConfiguration {

        public class CustomPersistenceUnitPostProcessor implements PersistenceUnitPostProcessor {

            public void postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo(MutablePersistenceUnitInfo pui) {


        class CustomBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {

            public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
                if (bean instanceof LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean) {
                    ((LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean) bean)
                            .setPersistenceUnitPostProcessors(new CustomPersistenceUnitPostProcessor());
                return bean;


    MyEntityRepository myEntityRepository;

    public void test() {


Upvotes: 0

João Matos
João Matos

Reputation: 7020

I was finally able to achieve all the required filtering, thanks to Josef's answer and these:

Components and Services can be configured to yield filters hence we can specify our target services and controllers and exclude everything else at the same time:

        basePackageClasses = {
        useDefaultFilters = false,
        includeFilters = {
                @ComponentScan.Filter(type = ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, value = MyTargetService.class),
                @ComponentScan.Filter(type = ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, value = MyTargetController.class)


Repositories. This is unlikely to work for repositories, but fortunately the @EnableJpaRepositories supports the same type of filters:

       basePackageClasses = {
       includeFilters = {
            @ComponentScan.Filter(type = ASSIGNABLE_TYPE, value = MyTargetRepository.class)

Entities. This part is more tricky because @EntityScan does not support these filters. Although the entities do not reference Spring beans, I prefer loading only the entities necessary for my test. I was not able to find any annotation for entities that supports filtering, but we can filter them programmatically using a PersistenceUnitPostProcessor in our EntityManagerFactory. Here is my full solution:

   //add also the filtered @ComponentScan and @EnableJpaRepositories annotations here
   public class MyConfig {

    //here we specify the packages of our target entities
    private static String[] MODEL_PACKAGES = {

    //here we specify our target entities
    private static Set<String> TARGET_ENTITIES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(

    public DataSource getDataSource() {
        EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder builder = new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder();
        return builder.setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).build();

    public EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory() {

        ReflectionsPersistenceUnitPostProcessor reflectionsPersistenceUnitPostProcessor = new ReflectionsPersistenceUnitPostProcessor();

        HibernateJpaVendorAdapter vendorAdapter = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();

        LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean factory = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();

        return factory.getObject();

    public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() {
        JpaTransactionManager txManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
        return txManager;

    public class ReflectionsPersistenceUnitPostProcessor implements PersistenceUnitPostProcessor {

        public void postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo(MutablePersistenceUnitInfo pui) {

            Reflections r = new Reflections("", new TypeAnnotationsScanner());
            Set<Class<?>> entityClasses = r.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class, true);
            Set<Class<?>> mappedSuperClasses = r.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class, true);

            pui.getManagedClassNames().clear(); //here we remove all entities

            //here we add only the ones we are targeting
            for (Class<?> clzz : mappedSuperClasses) {
                if (TARGET_ENTITIES.contains(clzz.getName())) {
            for (Class<?> clzz : entityClasses) {
                if (TARGET_ENTITIES.contains(clzz.getName())) {




Upvotes: 3

Josef Cech
Josef Cech

Reputation: 2275

ComponentScan can work with slices. - It's actually configured on SpringBootApplication annotation itself. The part that makes test slices work with ComponentScan is TypeExcludeFilter:

    basePackages = "com.mycompany.someotherpackage",
    excludeFilters = {
      @ComponentScan.Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class),

Upvotes: 1

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