
Reputation: 3032

Can't Add A View to EF Data Model

I have a view that I am trying to add to my ADO.NET Entity Data Model. Every time I try to Update From Database, and check the view, it refreshes everything else, but does not add the view.
I get no error message or output, so I have no idea what is wrong with the view. Other views are no problem. Am I missing something, is there a way to turn error messages on? Visual Studio 2008 sp1

Update: I found this link but the problem didn't solve with these solutions. MSDN Forum

Update: The view that i can't add it will query from another view.

Update: Help

WITH cte AS (SELECT     dbo.TBL_Gharardad.PK_Shenase, dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_NoeKhedmat AS NoeKhedmatId, 
                                                    dbo.TBL_NoeKhedmat.NoeKhedmat AS [نوع خدمت], dbo.TBL_Gharardad.OnvaneKhedmat AS [عنوان خدمت], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.MahaleEraeieKhedmat AS [محل ارائه خدمت], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_NahveieTaieeneBarande AS NahveieTaeeneBararndeId, 
                                                    dbo.TBL_NahveieTaieeneBarande.NahveieTaieeneBarande AS [نحوه تعيين برنده], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TarikheShorooeGharardad_Jalali AS [تاريخ شروع قرارداد], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TarikhePayaneGharardad_Jalali AS [تاريخ پايان قرارداد], dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_VahedeArz AS VahedeArzId, 
                                                    dbo.TBL_VahedeArz.VahedeArz AS [واحد ارز], dbo.TBL_Gharardad.MablagheDariaftiKol AS [مبلغ دريافتي کل], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.MablaghePardakhtieKol AS [مبلغ پرداختي کل], dbo.TBL_Gharardad.SahmeKarfarma AS [درصد مشارکت کارفرما], 
                                                    100 - dbo.TBL_Gharardad.SahmeKarfarma AS [درصد مشارکت پيمانکار], dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TedadNirooyeMard AS [تعداد نيروي مرد], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TedadNirooyeZan AS [تعداد نيروي زن], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TedadNirooyeMard + dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TedadNirooyeZan AS [تعداد کل نيروها], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_TarafeGharardad AS TarafeGharardadId, 
                                                    CASE TBL_TarafeGharardad.Hoghooghi WHEN 0 THEN ISNULL(TBL_TarafeGharardad.Naam, ' ') 
                                                    + ' ' + ISNULL(TBL_TarafeGharardad.NaameKhanevadegi, ' ') ELSE TBL_TarafeGharardad.NameSherkat END AS [طرف قرارداد], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_VahedeVagozarKonande AS VahedeVagozarKonandeId, 
                                                    dbo.TBL_VahedeVagozarKonande.VahedeVagozarKonande AS [واحد واگذار کننده], dbo.TBL_Gharardad.ShomareGharardad AS [شماره قرارداد], 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.TarikheGharardad_Jalali AS [تاريخ قرارداد], 
                                                    CASE VaziateGharardad WHEN 0 THEN N'لغو شده' WHEN 1 THEN N'ثبت اوليه' WHEN 2 THEN N'فسخ' WHEN 3 THEN N'ثبت نهايي ' WHEN 4 THEN
                                                     N' جاري ' WHEN 5 THEN N'تمام شده ' WHEN 6 THEN N' متمم ' END AS [وضعيت قرارداد], dbo.TBL_NoeMoamele.NoeMoamele AS [نوع معامله]
                             FROM          dbo.TBL_Gharardad INNER JOIN
                                                    dbo.TBL_NoeKhedmat ON dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_NoeKhedmat = dbo.TBL_NoeKhedmat.PK_Id INNER JOIN
                                                    dbo.TBL_NahveieTaieeneBarande ON 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_NahveieTaieeneBarande = dbo.TBL_NahveieTaieeneBarande.PK_Id INNER JOIN
                                                    dbo.TBL_VahedeArz ON dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_VahedeArz = dbo.TBL_VahedeArz.PK_Id INNER JOIN
                                                    dbo.TBL_TarafeGharardad ON dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_TarafeGharardad = dbo.TBL_TarafeGharardad.PK_Id INNER JOIN
                                                    dbo.TBL_VahedeVagozarKonande ON 
                                                    dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_VahedeVagozarKonande = dbo.TBL_VahedeVagozarKonande.PK_Id INNER JOIN
                                                    dbo.TBL_NoeMoamele ON dbo.TBL_Gharardad.FK_NoeMoamele = dbo.TBL_NoeMoamele.PK_Id)
    SELECT     v_Gharardad.شناسه, v_Gharardad.NoeKhedmatId, v_Gharardad.[نوع خدمت], v_Gharardad.[عنوان خدمت], v_Gharardad.[محل ارائه خدمت], 
                            v_Gharardad.NahveieTaeeneBararndeId, v_Gharardad.[نحوه تعيين برنده], v_Gharardad.[تاريخ شروع قرارداد], v_Gharardad.[تاريخ پايان قرارداد], 
                            v_Gharardad.VahedeArzId, v_Gharardad.[واحد ارز], v_Gharardad.[مبلغ دريافتي کل], v_Gharardad.[مبلغ پرداختي کل], v_Gharardad.[درصد مشارکت کارفرما], 
                            v_Gharardad.[درصد مشارکت پيمانکار], v_Gharardad.[تعداد نيروي مرد], v_Gharardad.[تعداد نيروي زن], v_Gharardad.[تعداد کل نيروها], 
                            v_Gharardad.TarafeGharardadId, v_Gharardad.[طرف قرارداد], v_Gharardad.VahedeVagozarKonandeId, v_Gharardad.[واحد واگذار کننده], 
                            v_Gharardad.[شماره قرارداد], v_Gharardad.[تاريخ قرارداد], v_Gharardad.[وضعيت قرارداد], v_Gharardad.[نوع معامله]
     FROM         dbo.TBL_Gharardad AS TBL_Gharardad_3 INNER JOIN
                            dbo.v_GharardadRecords AS v_Gharardad ON v_Gharardad.شناسه = TBL_Gharardad_3.PK_Shenase
     WHERE     (TBL_Gharardad_3.FK_GharardadeAsli IS NULL) AND (TBL_Gharardad_3.PK_Shenase NOT IN
                                (SELECT     FK_GharardadeAsli
                                   FROM         dbo.TBL_Gharardad AS TBL_Gharardad_2
                                   WHERE     (FK_GharardadeAsli IS NOT NULL)))
SELECT     sub.FK_GharardadeAsli AS شناسه, cte_2.NoeKhedmatId, cte_2.[نوع خدمت], cte_2.[عنوان خدمت], cte_2.[محل ارائه خدمت], cte_2.NahveieTaeeneBararndeId, 
                      cte_2.[نحوه تعيين برنده], cte_2.[تاريخ شروع قرارداد], cte_2.[تاريخ پايان قرارداد], cte_2.VahedeArzId, cte_2.[واحد ارز], cte_2.[مبلغ دريافتي کل], cte_2.[مبلغ پرداختي کل], 
                      cte_2.[درصد مشارکت کارفرما], cte_2.[درصد مشارکت پيمانکار], cte_2.[تعداد نيروي مرد], cte_2.[تعداد نيروي زن], cte_2.[تعداد کل نيروها], cte_2.TarafeGharardadId, 
                      cte_2.[طرف قرارداد], cte_2.VahedeVagozarKonandeId, cte_2.[واحد واگذار کننده], cte_2.[شماره قرارداد], cte_2.[تاريخ قرارداد], cte_2.[وضعيت قرارداد], 
                      cte_2.[نوع معامله]
FROM         dbo.v_GharardadRecords AS cte_2 INNER JOIN
                          (SELECT     FK_GharardadeAsli, MAX(PK_Shenase) AS PK_Shenase, MAX(TarikheSabt) AS TarikheSabt
                             FROM         dbo.TBL_Gharardad AS TBL_Gharardad_1
                             WHERE     (FK_GharardadeAsli IS NOT NULL)
                             GROUP BY FK_GharardadeAsli) AS sub ON sub.PK_Shenase = cte_2.شناسه

Upvotes: 37

Views: 37739

Answers (14)

Onur Bassist
Onur Bassist

Reputation: 1

Add a dummy field with an alias "id", which is not null

...fields, 1 as id

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 6729

Just had this and nothing else worked. I've had it a few times and the primary key ID trick did it. Not this time. In desperation I rewrote them as stored procs and STILL they didn't come up!

The cause ended up being onedrive synching the sln folder between two machines. I deleted the .vs, bin and obj folders and recompiled, and it finally worked.

Upvotes: -1

Add id column in your view:


After that, you can add your view in the Entity Model.

Upvotes: 0

Gary Huckabone
Gary Huckabone

Reputation: 412

This might be a combination of answers on this topic but all that I've read doesn't seem to mention this particular fix. My view joins three tables and I was getting errors as mentioned. I had SELECT'd the PK from two of the tables but not the third. After including the PK from the third table, entity framework was satisfied.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1

I was trying to load a view with a single nullable column. My solution for this was to wrap the nullable column in isnull and provide a default of zero:

isnull([column], 0)

Upvotes: 0



You can add a rowcount to the view and make it look like a key "Id" field that is not null. An example:-

     -- dumb key for EF in C#
     IsNull(cast(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [Notes] ORDER BY [Notes] ASC) as int), 0) as [Id]

     -- required fields
    ,[Notes]        as [Notes]
    ,Count([Notes]) as [NoteCount]

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1

  1. Create a supporting table with a primary key field and insert only one record.
  2. create view with with joining to the created column(key) of that table.
  3. Now you are able to add the view to the Entity Model.

Upvotes: -2

Tomas Chabada
Tomas Chabada

Reputation: 3019

To be able to add a view into a model, Entity Framework needs at least one column in database view to be not nullable.

Upvotes: 5

Ruben D. Lopez
Ruben D. Lopez

Reputation: 379

Same issue here, what I did was to add the PrimaryKey on the View, using :

..... (SELECT      TOP (100) PERCENT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY R.Road DESC) AS RoadNumber......

And then I had to do a CAST of this :

ISNULL (CAST(RoadNumber AS INT),0)AS RoadNumber

The column must be (not null), that's why the CAST at the end.

Upvotes: 17

Mateusz Rostański
Mateusz Rostański

Reputation: 11

Check if your View is for sure View in *.edmx file.


<EntitySet Name="SomeView" EntityType="Model.SomeView" store:Type="Views" Schema="dbo" />


<EntitySet Name="SomeView" EntityType="Model.SomeView" store:Type="Tables" Schema="dbo" />

Upvotes: 1

You add the field than primary key in your view, entity is bad boy with it

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 351

If your view does not contain the primary key column,then it wont add to edmx file.

Upvotes: 35


Reputation: 29484

In my case it was because of an OUTER JOIN.
That causes the columns to be nullable and can't be imported by EF.

When I changed it to INNER JOIN it worked.

Another way is to use ISNULL (see the answer to this post)

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 26694

I have experienced this same behaviour when I try to add a view that doesn't select a primary key from another table. (Like Ladislav Mrnka has commented)

My strategy for solving this is to reduce the view to as simple as possible (1 column) and try and to get it added. Once you have it added to the model, slowly bring in more columns and refresh the model to make sure the view is still there. You can usually identify what section of the view is giving EDM problems.

Upvotes: 23

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