Reputation: 7755
I have a phrase that needs to be outputted in results.txt. The phrase comes from x.txt. For example: "I have two kids", it should output "kids two have I" in results.txt.
Its already working but i want no loop. Pls see code below
set /p content=<x.txt
SET var=!content: =,!
SET rev=
IF NOT "!var!"=="" (
FOR /F "delims=, tokens=1,*" %%F IN ("!var!") DO (
SET rev=%%F,!rev!
SET var=%%G
) ELSE (
SET rev=!rev:~0,-1!
ECHO !rev:,= ! > results.txt
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Views: 1834
Reputation: 56180
This takes the first four words (of each line) of the text file and rewrites them in reverse order to result.txt
>result.txt (for /f "tokens=1-4" %%a in (x.txt) do echo %%d %%c %%b %%a)
Another solution (for a one-line text file, unspecified number of words):
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo I have two little but wonderful kids>x.txt
<x.txt set /p x=
for %%a in (%x%) do set "res=%%a !res!"
>result.txt echo %res:~0,-1%
(although technically, the for
command is a loop on its own)
Without any form of a loop, if you can live with some spaces at the front:
echo I have two kids>x.txt
<x.txt set /p x=
call :reverse %x%
goto :eof
set "rev=%9 %8 %7 %6 %5 %4 %3 %2 %1"
echo Reverse without any form of loop: "%rev%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%rev%") do echo To get rid of the spaces, you need a FOR loop: "%%a"
This is limited to a maximum of nine words because cmd
supports only %1
to %9
You can use more parameters (words) by using the shift
command, but that would mean using a loop.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 38622
I'm not sure if I've understood your question fully, so this is intended to reverse the order of each space separated substring per line.
For the task, I'd leverage PowerShell.
GC '.\x.txt'|%{$L=$_.Split(' ');[Array]::Reverse($L);$L -Join ' '}|SC '.\results.txt'
At the command-prompt, (cmd.exe):
"%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoP "GC '.\x.txt'|%{$L=$_.Split(' ');[Array]::Reverse($L);$L -Join ' '}|SC '.\results.txt'
From a batch-file:
@"%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoP "GC '.\x.txt'|%%{$L=$_.Split(' ');[Array]::Reverse($L);$L -Join ' '}|SC '.\results.txt'
At the powershell prompt, (powershell.exe):
GC '.\x.txt' -To 1|%{$L=$_.Split(' ');[Array]::Reverse($L);$L -Join ' '}|SC '.\results.txt'
At the command-prompt, (cmd.exe):
"%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoP "GC '.\x.txt' -To 1|%{$L=$_.Split(' ');[Array]::Reverse($L);$L -Join ' '}|SC '.\results.txt'
From a batch-file:
@"%__AppDir__%WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoP "GC '.\x.txt' -To 1|%%{$L=$_.Split(' ');[Array]::Reverse($L);$L -Join ' '}|SC '.\results.txt'
"I have two kids"
, would output as kids" two have "I
, not "kids two have I"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 82307
Here are three different ways.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=One two three four five"
call :rev1
call :rev2
call :rev3
exit /b
:rev1 -- replacement magic
set "rev="
set rev=%var: = !rev!&Set rev=% !rev!
echo %0 !rev!
exit /b
:rev2 -- FOR toekns
FOR /F "tokens=1-5" %%1 in ("%var%") do set "rev=%%5 %%4 %%3 %%2 %%1"
echo %0 !rev!
exit /b
:rev3 -- recursion
set "rev="
call :__rev3_rec %var%
echo %0 !rev!
exit /b
if "%1" == "" exit /b
call :__rev3_rec %2 %3 %4 %5
set "rev=%rev%%1 "
exit /b
Upvotes: 0