Osama Na
Osama Na

Reputation: 277

Flutter: How to display Tooltip for TextSpan inside RichText

I have big paragraph, and many words have to have tooltip message. When you click on any of these words, then tooltip message should be appeared.

I tried to use RichText widget where it contains many TextSpan children like below:

  text: TextSpan(
     children: <TextSpan>[
        TextSpan(text: "Welcome to"),
        TextSpan(text: "Flutter"),

I need to display tooltip text when i click on TextSpan I tried to wrap TextSpan with Tooltip widget

  text: TextSpan(
     children: <TextSpan>[
        TextSpan(text: "Welcome to"),
            message: "any text here",
            child: TextSpan(text: "Flutter"),

but this is not possible since the children have to be TextSpan only.

anyone have an idea on how to achieve this requirement?

Upvotes: 5

Views: 5777

Answers (3)

Mahdi Dahouei
Mahdi Dahouei

Reputation: 1951

You can create a custom WidgetSpan like this:

class TooltipSpan extends WidgetSpan {
    @required String message,
    @required InlineSpan inlineSpan,
  }) : super(
          child: Tooltip(
            message: message,
            child: Text.rich(

and wrap your TextSpan with it:

  text: TextSpan(
     children: <TextSpan>[
        TextSpan(text: "Welcome to"),
            message: "any text here",
            inlineSpan: TextSpan(text: "Flutter"),

Upvotes: 6

Mariano Zorrilla
Mariano Zorrilla

Reputation: 7686

With TextSpan you have 2 ways to do it: With or without using children parameter.

Widget _toolTipSimple() {
    return Center(
      child: Tooltip(
        message: "Flutter",
        child: RichText(
          text: TextSpan(
              text: "Welcome to", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 70)),

This one is a complex version without a Tooltip but it handles the click on a specific word:

Widget _snackBarTextSpanChildren(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: RichText(
        textAlign: TextAlign.center,
        text: TextSpan(
          children: [
            TextSpan(text: "Welcome to ", style: TextStyle(fontSize: 70)),
                text: "Flutter",
                style: TextStyle(fontSize: 70),
                recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer()..onTap = () {
                  Scaffold.of(context).showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('Hello!')));

The result for this one is the following:

Snackbar on specific word

Upvotes: 7

Khalifa Alkhatri
Khalifa Alkhatri

Reputation: 294

I tried to do what you need but didint work since SpanText work only, but if you Check below code my work for you :)

          // Center is a layout widget. It takes a single child and positions it
          // in the middle of the parent.
          child: Column(
              // Column is also a layout widget. It takes a list of children and
              // arranges them vertically. By default, it sizes itself to fit its
              // children horizontally, and tries to be as tall as its parent.
              // Invoke "debug painting" (press "p" in the console, choose the
              // "Toggle Debug Paint" action from the Flutter Inspector in Android
              // Studio, or the "Toggle Debug Paint" command in Visual Studio Code)
              // to see the wireframe for each widget.
              // Column has various properties to control how it sizes itself and
              // how it positions its children. Here we use mainAxisAlignment to
              // center the children vertically; the main axis here is the vertical
              // axis because Columns are vertical (the cross axis would be
              // horizontal).
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
              children: <Widget>[
                  'You have pushed the button this many times:',
                  text: TextSpan(
                      style: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
                      children: <TextSpan>[
                        TextSpan(text: "Welcome to"),
                  message: 'any text here',
                  child: Text('Flutter'),


Upvotes: 0

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