Reputation: 9
I'm working on developing a game, and my current roadblock is Camera Rotation. I want the mouse to control the camera, and when the camera turns, I want to rotate the player as well. However, the code I am using rotates the player object COMPLETELY with the player, causing the player to turn like this:
The player rotating forward not only looks strange, but causes clipping problems with the terrain. How do I make my code only rotate the player along one axis, while allowing the camera to rotate along any axis (to allow the audience to look around, without the player object being turned upwards or down).
this is the code that is rotating the player:
Quaternion QT = Quaternion.Euler(_LocalRotation.y, _LocalRotation.x, 0);
this._XForm_Parent.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(this._XForm_Parent.rotation, QT, Time.deltaTime * OrbitDampening);
if (this._XForm_Camera.localPosition.z != this._CameraDistance * -1f)
this._XForm_Camera.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, Mathf.Lerp(this._XForm_Camera.localPosition.z, this._CameraDistance * -1f, Time.deltaTime * ScrollDampening));
and this is the complete script I am using:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;
public class CameraOrbit : MonoBehaviour {
protected Transform _XForm_Camera;
protected Transform _XForm_Parent;
protected Vector3 _LocalRotation;
protected float _CameraDistance = 10f;
public float MouseSensitivity = 4f;
public float ScrollSensitvity = 2f;
public float OrbitDampening = 10f;
public float ScrollDampening = 6f;
public bool CameraDisabled = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
this._XForm_Camera = this.transform;
this._XForm_Parent = this.transform.parent;
void LateUpdate()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift))
CameraDisabled = !CameraDisabled;
if (!CameraDisabled)
//Rotation of the Camera based on Mouse Coordinates
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") != 0 || Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") != 0)
_LocalRotation.x += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * MouseSensitivity;
_LocalRotation.y += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * MouseSensitivity;
//Clamp the y Rotation to horizon and not flipping over at the top
if (_LocalRotation.y < 0f)
_LocalRotation.y = 0f;
else if (_LocalRotation.y > 90f)
_LocalRotation.y = 90f;
//Zooming Input from our Mouse Scroll Wheel
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") != 0f)
float ScrollAmount = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") * ScrollSensitvity;
ScrollAmount *= (this._CameraDistance * 0.3f);
this._CameraDistance += ScrollAmount * -1f;
this._CameraDistance = Mathf.Clamp(this._CameraDistance, 1.5f, 100f);
//Actual Camera Rig Transformations
Quaternion QT = Quaternion.Euler(_LocalRotation.y, _LocalRotation.x, 0);
this._XForm_Parent.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(this._XForm_Parent.rotation, QT, Time.deltaTime * OrbitDampening);
if (this._XForm_Camera.localPosition.z != this._CameraDistance * -1f)
this._XForm_Camera.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, Mathf.Lerp(this._XForm_Camera.localPosition.z, this._CameraDistance * -1f, Time.deltaTime * ScrollDampening));
A picture of my heirarchy: (Please note that Player is an empty object containing all of my scripts and physics components, whereas the GFXs component is simply the model, with an animator component clean of any physics components.)
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Views: 264
Reputation: 443
It sounds like what you want is basically to rotate the player around its local Y axis until it is facing the same direction as the camera. You can find out if things are facing the same direction using Vector3.SignedAngle
and passing in the axis that you care about. Here is some sample code that should get you going.
float turnThresholdDegrees = 15;
float playerTurnSpeed = 1;
// Get delta angle in degrees on the Y axis between the direction player is facing and the direction camera is facing
float angleDelta = Vector3.SignedAngle(player.transform.forward, camera.transform.forward, Vector3.up);
// Calculate a rotation speed, clamping it to 0 when the angle delta is < some threshold
float rotateSpeed = Mathf.Abs(angleDelta) > turnThresholdDegrees ? Mathf.Sign(angleDelta) * playerTurnSpeed : 0;
// Rotate the player around its local Y axis by the rotation speed
player.transform.Rotate(0, rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0, Space.Self);
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