Reputation: 37
I'm new in here and with bash scripting.
I have few exercises but I'm already stuck in the first one.
So I'll explain: With a script, I have to check an IP address, written by hand e.g and then, with two files created by me (accept.txt and deny.txt) check if that address is accepted or denied. So far, I have done this, but I'm totally stuck here.
IPS_acc="`cat accept.txt`"
IPS_den="`cat deny.txt`"
read -p "Quina IP vols comprovar? " IP
for ipfitxer in $IPS_acc $IPS_den
if [ "$IP" = "$ipfitxer" ]; then
echo "La $IP està acceptada explícitament"
elif [ "$IP" != "$ipfitxer" ]; then
echo "La IP $IP està denegada explícitament"
If anything is not understood, I can translate it.
Thanks in advance.
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Views: 207
Reputation: 7791
Here is one way using grep(1)
and an if-statement
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -p "Quina IP vols comprovar? " IP
if grep -wq "$IP" "$ips_acc"; then
echo "input $IP is accepted"
elif grep -wq "$IP" "$ips_den"; then
echo "input $IP is denied"
echo "$P is not known!" >&2
This might be close to the code that you're trying to write, I just translated the words that you have in your code via google.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
read -rp "Quina IP vols comprovar? " IP
if grep -wq "$IP" "$ips_acc" "$ips_den"; then
echo "La $IP està acceptada explícitament"
exit 0
echo "La IP $IP està denegada explícitament" >&2
exit 1
It is enclosed inside an if-statement
so the action will depend on the exit status of grep.
force PATTERN to match only whole words.
suppress all normal output or silent.
Per OP's original code using a for loop
but requires bash4+ feature, because of mapfile
#!/usr/bin/env bash
ips_acc=accept.txt ##: Save the text files in variables
mapfile -t accept < "$ips_acc" ##: save the value text files in an array.
mapfile -t deny < "$ips_den" ##: Using mapfile aka readarray.
main() { ##: Create a function named main
read -rp "Quina IP vols comprovar? " IP ##: ask and save user input
for ipfitxer in "${accept[@]}" "${deny[@]}"; do ##: loop through both accept and deny values.
if [[ $ipfitxer == "$IP" ]]; then ##: if input and values match
echo "La $IP està acceptada explícitament" ##: Print/send message that they did match
exit 0 ##: Exit the script with a zero (true) status
echo "La IP $IP està denegada explícitament" >&2 ##: Send message to stderr if there was no match.
exit 1
main ##: run/execute main function.
This one needs exglob.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s extglob ##: Enable shell globbing extglob.
ips_acc=accept.txt ##: save the value text files in an array.
mapfile -t accept < "$ips_acc" ##: save the value text files in an array.
mapfile -t deny < "$ips_den" ##: Using mapfile aka readarray.
both=("${accept[@]}" "${deny[@]}"); ##: merge both arrays.
pattern=$(IFS='|'; printf '%s' "@(${both[*]})") ##: Format/prepare the arrays.
read -rp "Quina IP vols comprovar? " IP ##: Read/store user input
if [[ ${IP:?You did not gave an answer!} == $pattern ]]; then ##: Test if there was a match
echo "La $IP està acceptada explícitament" ##: Print/send message that they do.
exit 0 ##: Exit gracefully with zero exit status
echo "La IP $IP està denegada explícitament" >&2 ##: If no match send message to stderr
exit 1 ##: Exit with 1 which is an error
Disclamer, I don't speak your native language.
The ${IP:?You did not gave an answer!}
is a form of P.E. parameter expansion.
Upvotes: 2