Reputation: 429
I have a left nav bar that utilises my admin.js file. This in turn imports my routes.js file which returns a const with an array. Is it possible to translate these items in any way using react-i18next without breaking the "hooks" rules?
Please note I've implemented react-i18next on my content pages and they work well. Not included any react-i18next imports on below code.
My Admin.js file
import React from "react";
import cx from "classnames";
import { Switch, Route, Redirect } from "react-router-dom";
// creates a beautiful scrollbar
import PerfectScrollbar from "perfect-scrollbar";
import "perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.css";
// @material-ui/core components
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
// core components
import AdminNavbar from "components/Navbars/AdminNavbar.js";
import Footer from "components/Footer/Footer.js";
import Sidebar from "components/Sidebar/Sidebar.js";
import FixedPlugin from "components/FixedPlugin/FixedPlugin.js";
import routes from "routes.js";
import styles from "assets/jss/material-dashboard-pro-react/layouts/adminStyle.js";
var ps;
const useStyles = makeStyles(styles);
export default function Dashboard(props) {
const { } = props;
// states and functions
const [mobileOpen, setMobileOpen] = React.useState(false);
const [miniActive, setMiniActive] = React.useState(false);
const [image, setImage] = React.useState(require("assets/img/sidebar-2.jpg"));
const [color, setColor] = React.useState("blue");
const [bgColor, setBgColor] = React.useState("black");
// const [hasImage, setHasImage] = React.useState(true);
const [fixedClasses, setFixedClasses] = React.useState("dropdown");
const [logo, setLogo] = React.useState(require("assets/img/logo-white.svg"));
// styles
const classes = useStyles();
const mainPanelClasses =
classes.mainPanel +
" " +
[classes.mainPanelSidebarMini]: miniActive,
navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") > -1
// ref for main panel div
const mainPanel = React.createRef();
// effect instead of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount
React.useEffect(() => {
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") > -1) {
ps = new PerfectScrollbar(mainPanel.current, {
suppressScrollX: true,
suppressScrollY: false
}); = "hidden";
window.addEventListener("resize", resizeFunction);
// Specify how to clean up after this effect:
return function cleanup() {
if (navigator.platform.indexOf("Win") > -1) {
window.removeEventListener("resize", resizeFunction);
// functions for changeing the states from components
const handleImageClick = image => {
const handleColorClick = color => {
const handleBgColorClick = bgColor => {
switch (bgColor) {
case "white":
const handleFixedClick = () => {
if (fixedClasses === "dropdown") {
setFixedClasses("dropdown show");
} else {
const handleDrawerToggle = () => {
const getRoute = () => {
return window.location.pathname !== "/admin/full-screen-maps";
const getActiveRoute = routes => {
let activeRoute = "Default Brand Text";
for (let i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
if (routes[i].collapse) {
let collapseActiveRoute = getActiveRoute(routes[i].views);
if (collapseActiveRoute !== activeRoute) {
return collapseActiveRoute;
} else {
if (
window.location.href.indexOf(routes[i].layout + routes[i].path) !== -1
) {
return routes[i].name;
return activeRoute;
const getRoutes = routes => {
return, key) => {
if (prop.collapse) {
return getRoutes(prop.views);
if (prop.layout === "/admin") {
return (
path={prop.layout + prop.path}
} else {
return null;
const sidebarMinimize = () => {
const resizeFunction = () => {
if (window.innerWidth >= 960) {
return (
<div className={classes.wrapper}>
logoText={"My App"}
<div className={mainPanelClasses} ref={mainPanel}>
{/* On the /maps/full-screen-maps route we want the map to be on full screen - this is not possible if the content and conatiner classes are present because they have some paddings which would make the map smaller */}
{getRoute() ? (
<div className={classes.content}>
<div className={classes.container}>
<Redirect from="/admin" to="/admin/dashboard" />
) : (
<div className={}>
<Redirect from="/admin" to="/admin/dashboard" />
{getRoute() ? <Footer fluid /> : null}
My routes.js file (wanting to translate the "name" item)
const dashRoutes = [
path: "/dashboard",
name: "Dashboard", <--- need to translate this t("Dashboard") and subsequent name attributes below
rtlName: "لوحة القيادة",
icon: DashboardIcon,
component: Dashboard,
layout: "/admin"
collapse: true,
name: "Pages",
rtlName: "صفحات",
icon: Image,
state: "pageCollapse",
views: [
path: "/pricing-page",
name: "Pricing Page",
rtlName: "عالتسعير",
mini: "PP",
rtlMini: "ع",
component: PricingPage,
layout: "/auth"
path: "/rtl-support-page",
name: "RTL Support",
rtlName: "صودعم رتل",
mini: "RS",
rtlMini: "صو",
component: RTLSupport,
layout: "/rtl"
path: "/timeline-page",
name: "Timeline Page",
rtlName: "تيالجدول الزمني",
mini: "T",
rtlMini: "تي",
component: TimelinePage,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/login-page",
name: "Login Page",
rtlName: "هعذاتسجيل الدخول",
mini: "L",
rtlMini: "هعذا",
component: LoginPage,
layout: "/auth"
path: "/register-page",
name: "Register Page",
rtlName: "تسجيل",
mini: "R",
rtlMini: "صع",
component: RegisterPage,
layout: "/auth"
path: "/lock-screen-page",
name: "Lock Screen Page",
rtlName: "اقفل الشاشة",
mini: "LS",
rtlMini: "هذاع",
component: LockScreenPage,
layout: "/auth"
path: "/user-page",
name: "User Profile",
rtlName: "ملف تعريفي للمستخدم",
mini: "UP",
rtlMini: "شع",
component: UserProfile,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/error-page",
name: "Error Page",
rtlName: "صفحة الخطأ",
mini: "E",
rtlMini: "البريد",
component: ErrorPage,
layout: "/auth"
collapse: true,
name: "Components",
rtlName: "المكونات",
icon: Apps,
state: "componentsCollapse",
views: [
collapse: true,
name: "Multi Level Collapse",
rtlName: "انهيار متعدد المستويات",
mini: "MC",
rtlMini: "ر",
state: "multiCollapse",
views: [
path: "/buttons",
name: "Buttons",
rtlName: "وصفت",
mini: "B",
rtlMini: "ب",
component: Buttons,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/buttons",
name: "Buttons",
rtlName: "وصفت",
mini: "B",
rtlMini: "ب",
component: Buttons,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/grid-system",
name: "Grid System",
rtlName: "نظام الشبكة",
mini: "GS",
rtlMini: "زو",
component: GridSystem,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/panels",
name: "Panels",
rtlName: "لوحات",
mini: "P",
rtlMini: "ع",
component: Panels,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/sweet-alert",
name: "Sweet Alert",
rtlName: "الحلو تنبيه",
mini: "SA",
rtlMini: "ومن",
component: SweetAlert,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/notifications",
name: "Notifications",
rtlName: "إخطارات",
mini: "N",
rtlMini: "ن",
component: Notifications,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/icons",
name: "Icons",
rtlName: "الرموز",
mini: "I",
rtlMini: "و",
component: Icons,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/typography",
name: "Typography",
rtlName: "طباعة",
mini: "T",
rtlMini: "ر",
component: Typography,
layout: "/admin"
collapse: true,
name: "Forms",
rtlName: "إستمارات",
icon: "content_paste",
state: "formsCollapse",
views: [
path: "/regular-forms",
name: "Regular Forms",
rtlName: "أشكال عادية",
mini: "RF",
rtlMini: "صو",
component: RegularForms,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/extended-forms",
name: "Extended Forms",
rtlName: "نماذج موسعة",
mini: "EF",
rtlMini: "هوو",
component: ExtendedForms,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/validation-forms",
name: "Validation Forms",
rtlName: "نماذج التحقق من الصحة",
mini: "VF",
rtlMini: "تو",
component: ValidationForms,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/wizard",
name: "Wizard",
rtlName: "ساحر",
mini: "W",
rtlMini: "ث",
component: Wizard,
layout: "/admin"
collapse: true,
name: "Tables",
rtlName: "الجداول",
icon: GridOn,
state: "tablesCollapse",
views: [
path: "/regular-tables",
name: "Regular Tables",
rtlName: "طاولات عادية",
mini: "RT",
rtlMini: "صر",
component: RegularTables,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/extended-tables",
name: "Extended Tables",
rtlName: "جداول ممتدة",
mini: "ET",
rtlMini: "هور",
component: ExtendedTables,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/react-tables",
name: "React Tables",
rtlName: "رد فعل الطاولة",
mini: "RT",
rtlMini: "در",
component: ReactTables,
layout: "/admin"
collapse: true,
name: "Maps",
rtlName: "خرائط",
icon: Place,
state: "mapsCollapse",
views: [
path: "/google-maps",
name: "Google Maps",
rtlName: "خرائط جوجل",
mini: "GM",
rtlMini: "زم",
component: GoogleMaps,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/full-screen-maps",
name: "Full Screen Map",
rtlName: "خريطة كاملة الشاشة",
mini: "FSM",
rtlMini: "ووم",
component: FullScreenMap,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/vector-maps",
name: "Vector Map",
rtlName: "خريطة المتجه",
mini: "VM",
rtlMini: "تم",
component: VectorMap,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/widgets",
name: "Widgets",
rtlName: "الحاجيات",
icon: WidgetsIcon,
component: Widgets,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/charts",
name: "Charts",
rtlName: "الرسوم البيانية",
icon: Timeline,
component: Charts,
layout: "/admin"
path: "/calendar",
name: "Calendar",
rtlName: "التقويم",
icon: DateRange,
component: Calendar,
layout: "/admin"
export default dashRoutes;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2047
Reputation: 196
you can do something like this.
import { withTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import i18n from "../../../../i18n" // import here your i18n file
const dashRoutes = [
path: "/dashboard",
name: i18n("Dashboard"), <--- need to translate this t("Dashboard") and subsequent name attributes below
rtlName: "لوحة القيادة",
icon: DashboardIcon,
component: Dashboard,
layout: "/admin"
collapse: true,
name: i18n("Page"),
rtlName: "صفحات",
icon: Image,
state: "pageCollapse",
export default withTranslation()(dashRoutes);
or you can use useTranslation
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
const {t} = useTranslation();
const dashRoutes = [
path: "/dashboard",
name: t("Dashboard"), <--- need to translate this t("Dashboard") and subsequent name attributes below
rtlName: "لوحة القيادة",
icon: DashboardIcon,
component: Dashboard,
layout: "/admin"
i hope it can help you to translate your array name .
Upvotes: 0