Reputation: 145
I am trying to change a picture in a userform to an "active format" when it is clicked and then when another picture is clicked the picture that was previously clicked goes back to a "dormant format" and the new picture that has been clicked is now an "active format". This is to show the user which menu they are currently on.
I have been trying to use the following code to do this but I cannot seem to get the pictures to return to the "dormant format" when the other picture is clicked. The code is also very lengthy so if there are an suggestions on how to reduce the length that would be helpful as I have 8 menus in the userform.
'----------------------------------------------------------Menu 0 Button
Private Sub Home_Bttn_Click()
Home.MultiPage1.Value = 0
If Home.MultiPage1.Value = 0 Then
Home_Bttn.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectRaised
'----------------------------------------------------------Changing button to active and setting others to Dormant
Home_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Home_Bttn_Activated.jpg")
Create_Protocol_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Create_Summary_Report_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Review_Summary_Report_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Review_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Add_Report_Template_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Add_to_Database_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_to_Database_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
User_Agreement_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\User_Agreement_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Email_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Email_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Mobile_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Mobile_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Menu_Title.Caption = "Home"
End If
End Sub
'----------------------------------------------------------Menu 1 Button
Private Sub Create_Protocol_Bttn_Click()
Home.MultiPage1.Value = 1
If Home.MultiPage1.Value = 1 Then
Create_Protocol_Bttn.SpecialEffect = fmSpecialEffectRaised
'----------------------------------------------------------Changing button to active and setting others to Dormant
Create_Protocol_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Create_Protocol_Bttn_Activated.jpg")
Home_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Home_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Create_Summary_Report_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Review_Summary_Report_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Review_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Add_Report_Template_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Add_to_Database_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_to_Database_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
User_Agreement_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\User_Agreement_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Email_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Email_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Mobile_Bttn.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Mobile_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Menu_Title.Caption = "Create Protocol"
End If
End Sub
Editied Code:
Option Explicit
Private buttArrN As Variant, pictArr As Variant, dormArr As Variant
Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
'User form start up focus on multipage 1 and then focus on username field
Me.MultiPage1.Value = 0
Me.Login_Error_Message.Visible = False
buttArrN = Array(Me.Home_Bttn.Name, Me.Mobile_Bttn.Name, Me.Email_Bttn.Name)
'Me.Create_Protocol_Bttn.Name, Me.Create_Summary_Report_Bttn.Name, Me.Review_Summary_Report_Bttn.Name, Me.Add_Report_Template_Bttn.Name, Me.Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn.Name, Me.Add_to_Database_Bttn.Name, Me.User_Agreement_Bttn.Name)
pictArr = Array(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Home_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Mobile_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Email_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Create_Protocol_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Review_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_to_Database_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\User_Agreement_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
dormArr = Array("F:\Automation\Report Creation Wizard\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Home_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Mobile_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Email_Bttn_Activated.jpg")
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Create_Protocol_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Review_Summary_Report_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Add_to_Database_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
' ThisWorkbook.Path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\User_Agreement_Bttn_Activated.jpg")
End Sub
Private Sub Login_Bttn_Click()
'Execute login in module code
End Sub
Private Sub Home_Bttn_Click()
testChangePicture Me.Home_Bttn
Menu_Title.Caption = "User Login"
End Sub
Private Sub Mobile_Bttn_Click()
testChangePicture Me.Mobile_Bttn
Menu_Title.Caption = "Mobile Contact Menu"
End Sub
Private Sub Email_Bttn_Click()
testChangePicture Me.Email_Bttn
Menu_Title.Caption = "Email Contact Menu"
End Sub
'Private Sub Create_Protocol_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.Create_Protocol_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "Create a Protocol"
'End Sub
'Private Sub Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.Create_Summary_Report_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "Create a Summary Report"
'End Sub
'Private Sub Review_Summary_Report_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.Review_Summary_Report_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "Review Summary Report"
'End Sub
'Private Sub Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.Add_Report_Template_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "Add a Report Template"
'End Sub
'Private Sub Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.Add_Calbration_Certificates_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "Add Calibration Certificates"
'End Sub
'Private Sub Add_to_Database_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.Add_to_Database_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "Add to Wizard Database"
'End Sub
'Private Sub User_Agreement_Bttn_Click()
' testChangePicture Me.User_Agreement_Bttn
' Menu_Title.Caption = "User Agreement"
'End Sub
Private Sub testChangePicture(but As Control)
Dim c As Variant, pos As Long, i As Long
pos = Application.Match(but.Name, buttArrN, False)
Me.Controls(buttArrN(pos - 1)).Picture = LoadPicture(pictArr(pos))
For Each c In buttArrN
If c <> buttArrN(pos - 1) Then
Me.Controls(c).Picture = LoadPicture(dormArr(i))
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1207
Reputation: 42256
Try the next code, please:
I prepared it for only three buttons, but I think the code can easily be extended of all controls existing in your project.
Firstly, create the next variables of the module level (on top of it, in the declarations part):
Option Explicit
Private buttArrN As Variant, pictArr As Variant, dormArr As Variant
Then, put this code in the Form_Initialize
event. You must extend the arrays according to your buttons number:
buttArrN = Array(Me.Home_Bttn.Name, Me.Create_Protocol_Bttn.Name, Me.Add_Report_Template_Bttn.Name)
pictArr = Array(ThisWorkbook.path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Home_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Create_Protocol_Bttn_Activated.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.path & "\UI\General Buttons\Activated\Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Activated.jpg")
dormArr = Array(ThisWorkbook.path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Home_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Create_Summary_Report_Bttn_Dormant.jpg", _
ThisWorkbook.path & "\UI\General Buttons\Dormant\Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Dormant.jpg")
Each of your buttons to change their picture Click
event will call a single sub, as following:
Private Sub Home_Bttn_Click()
testChangePicture Me.Home_Bttn
End Sub
Private Sub Create_Protocol_Bttn_Click()
testChangePicture Me.Create_Protocol_Bttn
End Sub
Private Sub Add_Report_Template_Bttn_Click()
testChangePicture Me.Add_Report_Template_Bttn
End Sub
And the called sub will look like this:
Private Sub testChangePicture(but As Control)
Dim c As Variant, pos As Long, i As Long
pos = Application.Match(but.Name, buttArrN, False)
If pos = 0 Then MsgBox but.Name & " button is missing from ""buttArrN"" array!": Exit Sub
If Not FileExists(pictArr(pos - 1)) Then _
MsgBox "The path to the active picture """ & pictArr(pos - 1) & """ is wrong!": Exit Sub
Me.Controls(buttArrN(pos - 1)).Picture = LoadPicture(pictArr(pos - 1))
For Each c In buttArrN
If c <> buttArrN(pos - 1) Then
If Not FileExists(dormArr(i)) Then _
MsgBox "The path to the dormant picture """ & dormArr(i) & """ is wrong!": Exit Sub
Me.Controls(c).Picture = LoadPicture(dormArr(i))
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Function FileExists(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
FileExists = ((GetAttr(fName) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory)
On Error GoTo 0: Err.Clear
End Function
I was too lazy to build paths for real pictures, so the code is not tested on the real environment. I just tested the fact that testChangePicture
sub is able do identify the caller button.
Edited: I added a new function (FileExists
) which checks if the pictures path is correct. If not, it stops the code and sends an elocvent message. I also added an new line Me.Repaint
in all buttons click event. In my case, the code works without it, but in yours doesn't. It was simpler to force the form repainting, then finding the reason...
Important is to understand how the code works and take care to properly fill the three arrays. They must be filled in the same order for each involved control!
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 149325
I would recommed a slightly different approach
In Action
Place relevant number of image controls in your userform and set their visible property to False. Upload all images from ...\UI\General Buttons\...
path and store it in these image controls.
Now all you have to do is use a one liner to load the relevant image. No need of LoadPicture
anymore. For example
Image1.Picture = Image3.Picture
In the above example, I created a userform and placed 3 image controls and a togglebutton as shown below
And the code that I used is
Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Image1.Picture = Image2.Picture
End Sub
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
Image1.Picture = Image3.Picture
Image1.Picture = Image2.Picture
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5100
Since I didn't have your images, I just made an example with a bunch of different ones.
My example has 3 buttons on a form (Btn1, Btn2, Btn3
) and uses 6 Images (red_on.bmp, red_off.bmp, blue_on.bmp, blue_off.bmp, green_on.bmp, green_off.bmp
The code in UserForm_Initialize
Pre-loads the images and activates Btn1
Buttons are Activated by passing the name of the button to ActivateButton
Private MenuControl As Object
Private Sub Btn1_Click()
ActivateButton "Btn1"
End Sub
Private Sub Btn2_Click()
ActivateButton Me.ActiveControl.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Btn3_Click()
ActivateButton "Btn3"
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If MenuControl Is Nothing Then Set MenuControl = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' MenuControl.Add <Button>.Name, Array(<Button>, <Button State 1>, <Button State 2>, <Button Group>)
MenuControl.Add Btn1.Name, Array(UserForm1.Btn1, LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\red_on.bmp"), LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\red_off.bmp"), "Main")
MenuControl.Add Btn2.Name, Array(UserForm1.Btn2, LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\blue_on.bmp"), LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\blue_off.bmp"), "Main")
MenuControl.Add Btn3.Name, Array(UserForm1.Btn3, LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\green_on.bmp"), LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\green_off.bmp"), "Main")
ActivateButton TargetName:="Btn1"
End Sub
Private Sub ActivateButton(TargetName As String)
Dim Key As Variant
Dim Group As String: Group = MenuControl.Item(TargetName)(3)
For Each Key In MenuControl.Keys
If MenuControl.Item(Key)(3) = Group Then
If Key = TargetName Then
MenuControl.Item(Key)(0).Picture = MenuControl.Item(Key)(1)
MenuControl.Item(Key)(0).Picture = MenuControl.Item(Key)(2)
End If
End If
Next Key
End Sub
The above code is similar to that of the example below but has the ability to make groups of buttons.
Upvotes: 1