Reputation: 2560
I am using graph combine
to combine a number of plots. How can I label each column and each row? In my case, each column graphs a different variable and each row uses a different sample. I would prefer not to have a label for each graph individually as this makes it a lot more cluttered.
An example of what I would like can be found here.
I have looked in the documentation, but did not find a solution. I did find this post on Statalist, but the solution there produces just one common title for the entire axis, not separate ones by columns/rows.
Is it possible to manually add text in the spirit of text(x y "text...")
to graph combine
Here is an example:
sysuse uslifeexp, clear
graph drop _all
line le_male year if year<=1950, ytitle("") name(male1900)
line le_female year if year<=1950, ytitle("") name(female1900)
line le_male year if year>1950, ytitle("") name(male1951)
line le_female year if year>1950, ytitle("") name(female1951)
graph combine male1900 female1900 male1951 female1951, rows(2) cols(2)
I would like to label it as follows (with more space on the row labels so that it doesn't spill into the graph; importantly, the label should not be part of the individual small graph, but put onto the combined set of graphs produced by graph combine
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Views: 2316
Reputation: 37358
Another solution is to restructure the data, so that the graph emerges from a call that includes the by()
option. The order of the panels is naturally at choice. Once you have the graph, you can edit e.g. graph subtitles.
sysuse uslifeexp, clear
keep le_male le_female year
gen period = year > 1950
label define period 0 "1901-1950" 1 "1951-1999"
label val period period
reshape long le_ , i(year) j(gender) string
egen panel = group(gender period), label
label var le "Life expectancy (years)"
set scheme s1color
line le_ year, by(panel, note("") xrescale imargin(medsmall)) ///
yla(, ang(h)) xlabel(#5) xtitle("")
See also twby
from SSC.
Upvotes: 1
The following works for me:
sysuse uslifeexp, clear
line le_male year if year<=1950, xlabel("") xtitle("") ytitle("1900-1950", ///
orientation(horizontal)) title(MALE) name(male1900)
line le_female year if year<=1950, xlabel("") xtitle("") ytitle("") ///
title(FEMALE) name(female1900)
line le_male year if year>1950, xlabel("") xtitle("") ytitle("1951-1999", ///
orientation(horizontal)) name(male1951)
line le_female year if year>1950, xlabel("") xtitle("") ytitle("") name(female1951)
graph combine male1900 female1900 male1951 female1951, rows(2) cols(2)
Upvotes: 1