I'm trying to add an alert when gameOver()
is called. "Result of 'Alert' initializer is unused". How do I initialize the alert I created?
func gameOver() {
round = 0
score = 0
Solution Attempt:
func gameOver() {
round = 0
score = 0
Alert(title: Text("Game Over"),
message: Text("Thanks for playing"),
dismissButton: Alert.Button.default( Text("Play Again")))
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Views: 1747
This ended up working to display a game over alert.
.alert(isPresented: $alertIsVisible) { () -> Alert in
let roundedValue = sliderValueRounded()
if self.round == 5 {
return Alert(title: Text("Game Over"), message: Text("Your score was \(score)."), dismissButton: .default(Text("Play Again")) {
} else {
return Alert(title: Text(alertTitle()), message: Text("The slider's value is \(roundedValue). \n" + "You scored \(pointsForCurrentRound()) points!"), dismissButton: .default(Text("Play Again")){
self.round += 1
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Reputation: 3275
In SwiftUI framework you have several options for implementing Alert
, for example:
func alert<Item>(item: Binding<Item?>, content: (Item) -> Alert) -> some View where Item : Identifiable
func alert<Item>(item: Binding<Item?>, content: (Item) -> Alert) -> some View where Item : Identifiable
Here is a simple example of using the first option:
struct GameOverAlert: View {
@State private var round = 0
@State private var score = 0
@State private var restartGame = false // variable for showing alert
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("round: \(round)")
Text("score: \(score)")
HStack { // used this style just for brevity
Button(action: { self.score += 1 }) { Text("add score") }
Button(action: { self.gameOver() }) { Text("over game") }
Spacer() // only for presenting result
.alert(isPresented: $restartGame) {
Alert(title: Text("Your score is \(score)"), dismissButton: .default(Text("Play again")) {
// described logic here, but it should be in some ViewModel, etc
private func gameOver() {
restartGame = true
private func playAgain() {
score = 0
round = 0
with code above you'll achieve this:
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