Reputation: 21154
Under Delphi XE, is there an ANSI version for Copy? I am using Copy a lot to copy pieces of a ANSI strings.
Upvotes: 15
Views: 6144
Reputation: 33
I did my own function. It could be useful and get right results instead of Copy(string(ansistr), i, l) on the Linux platform:
function AnsiCopy(const s: ansistring; StartIndex, Lenght: integer): ansistring;
SetLength(Result, Lenght);
Move(s[StartIndex], Result[1], Lenght);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I have the same problem, see this code:
TMyFileField: Array[TheStart..TheEnd] of Char; // This is a simplification of a field type on a file
procedure WriteWideStringToArrayOfChars(TheLiteral:WideString);
MyFileField:TMyFileField; // This is a simplification, it is really a Field inside a File
for MyIndex:=1 to Max(Length(TheLiteral),1+TheEnd-TheStart)
do begin // Will copy as many charactes as possible from TheLiteral to MyFileField
MyFileField[MyIndex]:=Copy(TheLiteral,MyIndex,1)[1]; // This gives Copile Error: Incompatible types 'Char' and 'WideChar'
The problem is that the WideString must be saved onto am Array of Char inside a file. So mix types must be done... and so, some loose of Unicode chars will occur, no way to avoid it.
The wanted: The compiler can compile it.
Solution1: Convert WideString to String prior to call Copy, or inside Copy. Solution2: Convert WideChar to Char prior to assing.
Here are both solutions (remember some unicode chars could get lost)...
MyFileField[MyIndex]:=Copy(UTF8Encode(TheLiteral),MyIndex,1)[1]; // Note: Unicode chars will not get lost, but converted, so beware of accent vocals, etc...
MyFileField[MyIndex]:=Copy(String(TheLiteral),MyIndex,1)[1]; // Note: Unicode chars will get lost, they will be converted to '?'
MyFileField[MyIndex]:=Char(Copy(TheLiteral,MyIndex,1)[1]); // Note: Unicode chars will get lost, they will be converted to '?'
If anyone knows anthing better i would be glad to know.
I personally use Copy(String(Literal),Start,NumberOfChars)
since normal accent letters are conserved and more important, length...
Example: Length(String('BlaBlaBlá')) -> 9 Example: Length(UTF8Encode('BlaBlaBlá')) -> More than 9 since the last 'á' is converted to multiple chars, etc...
Hope this can help someone!
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Reputation: 136401
Altar the Copy function in Delphi is a intrinsic function this means which is handled by the compiler rather than the run-time library. depending of the parameters passed this function call the LStrCopy
or a UStrCopy
internal functions
check this sample :
s : AnsiString;
u : string;
s:='this is a ansi string';
s:= Copy(s,1,5);
u:='this is a unicode string';
u:= Copy(u,1,5);
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
Project91.dpr.12: s:='this is a ansi string';
004111DC B8787E4100 mov eax,$00417e78
004111E1 BA04134100 mov edx,$00411304
004111E6 E8314FFFFF call @LStrAsg
Project91.dpr.13: s:= Copy(s,1,5);
004111EB 68787E4100 push $00417e78
004111F0 B905000000 mov ecx,$00000005
004111F5 BA01000000 mov edx,$00000001
004111FA A1787E4100 mov eax,[$00417e78]
004111FF E8A050FFFF call @LStrCopy //call the ansi version of copy
Project91.dpr.14: Writeln(s);
00411204 A1EC2C4100 mov eax,[$00412cec]
00411209 8B15787E4100 mov edx,[$00417e78]
0041120F E84033FFFF call @Write0LString
00411214 E8DF33FFFF call @WriteLn
00411219 E8D22AFFFF call @_IOTest
Project91.dpr.15: u:='this is a unicode string';
0041121E B87C7E4100 mov eax,$00417e7c
00411223 BA28134100 mov edx,$00411328
00411228 E8534EFFFF call @UStrAsg
Project91.dpr.16: u:= Copy(u,1,5);
0041122D 687C7E4100 push $00417e7c
00411232 B905000000 mov ecx,$00000005
00411237 BA01000000 mov edx,$00000001
0041123C A17C7E4100 mov eax,[$00417e7c]
00411241 E8C654FFFF call @UStrCopy //call the unicode version of copy
Project91.dpr.17: Writeln(u);
00411246 A1EC2C4100 mov eax,[$00412cec]
Upvotes: 20
Reputation: 37211
Copy is a "compiler magic" routine, it is handled intrinsically by the compiler depending on what parameters you pass it (ANSI string, string, or dynamic array). You can just use Copy; it will work correctly with ANSI strings.
Upvotes: 6