Reputation: 65
I'm investigating if it's possible to define a game's base ontology and then on top of that define arbitrary magic items without requiring updates to the code or sparql queries that consume it.
For example, I have the following test ontology:
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix : <http://rpg#>.
:underdarkElf rdfs:subClassOf :darkElf.
:darkElf rdfs:subClassOf :elf.
:scimitar :damageModifier 3.
:Unhan a :underdarkElf;
:name "Unhan";
:isWielding :scimitar;
:isWearing :jetAmulet.
Unhan is wearing a jet amulet which adds +1 to the damage modifier of any weapon wielded, provided the wielder is an elf, which Unhan is. This is defined by:
?entity a ?race;
:isWielding ?weapon;
:isWearing :jetAmulet.
?race rdfs:subClassOf :elf.
=> {?weapon :damageModifier 1.}.
The idea is that Unhan's scimitar's damage modifier goes up from 3 to 4 while he's wearing the amulet.
In order for the reasoner to climb up the chain of rdfs:subClassOf
from underdark-elf to dark-elf to elf, I had to use two reasoners in the order shown:
var data = new Graph();
var rdfReasoner = new RdfsReasoner();
var simpleReasoner = new SimpleN3RulesReasoner();
var queryStr = @"
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX : <http://rpg#>
SELECT ?name (SUM(?dm) as ?damageModifier)
?entity :name ?name.
?entity :isWielding [:damageModifier ?dm].
GROUP BY ?name
var resultSet = data.ExecuteQuery(queryStr) as SparqlResultSet;
foreach (var u in resultSet)
Which outputs what I'm after:
?name = Unhan , ?damageModifier = 4^^
It seems strange that I have to use two reasoners in the specific order shown.
Am I doing it right?
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Views: 189
Reputation: 1932
In short, yes you are.
The reasoners work by materializing the inferred triples into the graph; as your N3 rule relies on a single rdfs:subClassOf property you need the RDFS reasoner to be applied first so that the rdfs:subClassOf hierarchy is flattened out.
You can simplify your N3 rule a bit, as the RDFS reasoner should infer :Unhan a :elf.
from the data. So your N3 rule could instead be:
?entity a :elf;
:isWielding ?weapon;
:isWearing :jetAmulet.
=> {?weapon :damageModifier 1.}.
Upvotes: 2