Reputation: 905
I took following codility demo task Write a function:
def solution(A)
that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A.
For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2], the function should return 5.
Given A = [1, 2, 3], the function should return 4.
Given A = [−1, −3], the function should return 1.
Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions:
N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [−1,000,000..1,000,000].
My Solution
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
l = len(A)
B = []
result = 0
n = 0
for i in range(l):
if A[i] >=1:
if B ==[]:
B = list(dict.fromkeys(B))
n = len(B)
for j in range(n-1):
if B[j+1]>B[j]+1:
result = (B[j]+1)
if result != 0:
Although I get correct output for all inputs I tried but my score was just 22%. Could somebody please highlight where I am going wrong.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 17200
Reputation: 1654
My solution using sets (not depending on the boundaries for the problem):
def solution(A):
a_positive = [x for x in A if x > 0]
set_a_positive = set(a_positive)
if not set_a_positive:
return 1
max_a_positive = max(a_positive)
set_b = set(range(1, max_a_positive + 2))
return min(set_b ^ set_a_positive)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
This is my solution
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.8.10
new = set(A)
max_ = abs(max(A)) #use the absolute here for negative maximum value
for num in range(1,max_+2):
if num not in new:
return num
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 85
This solution is an easy approach!
def solution(A):
... A.sort()
... maxval = A[-1]
... nextmaxval = A[-2]
... if maxval < 0:
... while maxval<= 0:
... maxval += 1
... return maxval
... else:
... if nextmaxval + 1 in A:
... return maxval +1
... else:
... return nextmaxval + 1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 521
I tried the following, and got 100% score
def solution(A):
A_set = set(A)
for x in range(10**5 + 1, 1):
if x not in A_set:
return x
return 10**5 + 1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2075
def solution(A):
s = set(A)
for x in range(1,100002):
if x not in s:
return x
And GOT 100%
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1
My solution (100% acceptance):
def solution(nums):
nums_set = set()
for el in nums:
if el > 0 and el not in nums_set:
sorted_set = sorted(nums_set)
if len(sorted_set) == 0:
return 1
if sorted_set[0] != 1:
return 1
for i in range(0, len(sorted_set) - 1, 1):
diff = sorted_set[i + 1] - sorted_set[i]
if diff >= 2:
return sorted_set[i] + 1
return sorted_set[-1] + 1
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 584
My Javascript solution. The solution is to sort the array and compare the adjacent elements of the array. Complexity is O(N)
function solution(A) {
// write your code in JavaScript (Node.js 8.9.4)
A.sort((a, b) => a - b);
if (A[0] > 1 || A[A.length - 1] < 0 || A.length <= 2) return 1;
for (let i = 1; i < A.length - 1; ++i) {
if (A[i] > 0 && (A[i + 1] - A[i]) > 1) {
return A[i] + 1;
return A[A.length - 1] + 1;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 31
# you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
# print("this is a debug message")
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
i = 1;
B = set(A);
while True:
if i not in B:
return i;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 357
in Codility you must predict correctly others inputs, not only the sample ones and also get a nice performance. I've done this way:
from collections import Counter
def maior_menos_zero(A):
if A < 0:
return 1
return 1 if A != 1 else 2
def solution(A):
if len(A) > 1:
copia = set(A.copy())
b = max(A)
c = Counter(A)
if len(c) == 1:
return maior_menos_zero(A[0])
elif 1 not in copia:
return 1
for x in range(1,b+2):
if x not in copia:
return x
return maior_menos_zero(A[0])
Got it 100%. If is an array A of len(A) == 1, function maior_menos_zero
will be called. Moreover, if it's an len(A) > 1 but its elements are the same (Counter), then function maior_menos_zero
will be called again. Finally, if 1 is not in the array, so 1 is the smallest positive integer in it, otherwise 1 is in it and we shall make a for X in range(1,max(A)+2) and check if its elements are in A, futhermore, to save time, the first ocurrence of X not in A is the smallest positive integer.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 628
Python solution with O(N) time complexity and O(N) space complexity:
def solution(A):
arr = [0] * 1000001
for a in A:
if a>0:
arr[a] = 1
for i in range(1, 1000000+1):
if arr[i] == 0:
return i
My main idea was to:
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 71
I think this should be as easy as starting at 1 and checking which number first fails to appear.
def solution(A):
i = 1
while i in A:
i += 1
return i
You can also consider putting A's elements into a set (for better performance on the search), but I'm not sure that it's worth for this case.
Update: I've been doing some tests with the numbers OP gave (numbers from negative million to positive million and 100000 elements).
100000 elements:
Linear Search: 0.003s
Set Search: 0.017s
1000000 elements (extra test):
Linear Search: 0.8s
Set Search: 2.58s
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 610
Try this, I am assuming the list is not sorted but if it is sorted you can remove the number_list = sorted(number_list)
to make it a little bit faster.
def get_smallest_positive_integer(number_list):
if all(number < 0 for number in number_list) or 1 not in number_list:
#checks if numbers in list are all negative integers or if 1 is not in list
return 1
#get the smallest number in missing integers
number_list = sorted(number_list) # remove if list is already sorted by default
return min(x for x in range(number_list[0], number_list[-1] + 1) if x not in number_list and x != 0)
#if there is no missing number in list get largest number + 1
return max(number_list) + 1
number_list = [1,2,3]
number_list = [-1,-2,-3]
number_list = [2]
number_list = [12,1,23,3,4,5,61,7,8,9,11]
number_list = [-1,3,2,1]
Upvotes: -1