Reputation: 1094
How to retrieve at runtime the version info stored in a Windows exe/dll? This info is manually set using a resource file.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2448
Reputation: 1094
Here is a C++ way of doing it, using the standard Windows API functions:
TCHAR szFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
if( !::GetModuleFileName( 0, szFileName, MAX_PATH ) )
throw __LINE__;
DWORD nParam;
DWORD nVersionSize = ::GetFileVersionInfoSize( szFileName, &nParam );
if( !nVersionSize )
throw __LINE__;
HANDLE hMem = ::GetProcessHeap();
if( !hMem )
throw __LINE__;
LPVOID lpVersionData = ::HeapAlloc( hMem, 0, nVersionSize );
if( !lpVersionData )
throw __LINE__;
if( !::GetFileVersionInfo( szFileName, 0, nVersionSize, lpVersionData ) )
throw __LINE__;
LPVOID pVersionInfo;
UINT nSize;
if( !::VerQueryValue( lpVersionData, _T("\\"), &pVersionInfo, &nSize ) )
throw __LINE__;
CString strVersion;
strVersion.Format( _T(" version %i.%i.%i.%i"),
pVSInfo->dwProductVersionMS >> 16,
pVSInfo->dwProductVersionMS & 0xFFFF,
pVSInfo->dwProductVersionLS >> 16,
pVSInfo->dwProductVersionLS & 0xFFFF
GetDlgItem( IDC_ABOUT_VERSION )->SetWindowText( strAppName + strVersion );
if( !HeapFree( hMem, 0, lpVersionData ) )
throw __LINE__;
catch( int err )
ASSERT( !err ); // always break on debug builds to inspect error codes and such
DWORD dwErr = ::GetLastError();
// handle memory cleanup...
Note that the catch part is purely educational - in a real situation you would properly cleanup after the memory allocation and actually use the error code!
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 11
To check .NET assemblies, in C#:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 103525
Here's a Delphi 7 version:
uses Windows, SysUtils;
function GetEXEVersion(exename: string; const Fmt : string = '%d.%d.%d.%d'): string;
credit to [email protected]
( )
iBufferSize, iDummy : dword;
pBuffer, pFileInfo : Pointer;
iVer : array[1..4] of word;
Result := '';
iBufferSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PChar(exename), iDummy);
if iBufferSize > 0 then begin
GetMem(pBuffer, iBufferSize);
GetFileVersionInfo(PChar(exename), 0, iBufferSize, pBuffer);
VerQueryValue(pBuffer, '\', pFileInfo, iDummy);
iVer[1] := HiWord(PVSFixedFileInfo(pFileInfo)^.dwFileVersionMS);
iVer[2] := LoWord(PVSFixedFileInfo(pFileInfo)^.dwFileVersionMS);
iVer[3] := HiWord(PVSFixedFileInfo(pFileInfo)^.dwFileVersionLS);
iVer[4] := LoWord(PVSFixedFileInfo(pFileInfo)^.dwFileVersionLS);
finally FreeMem(pBuffer);
Result := Format(Fmt, [iVer[1],iVer[2],iVer[3],iVer[4]] );
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1535
Valentin's answer is correct, but note commenter plinth's warning about the possibility of a memory leak.
I'm also not sure why you'd use ::HeapAlloc in this day and age.
Here is a snippet that uses new and boost::shared_array to do the same thing in what IMHO is a safer and cleaner way.
#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
DWORD dwHandle;
DWORD dwFileVersionInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize((LPTSTR)lpszFileName, &dwHandle);
if (!dwFileVersionInfoSize)
return FALSE;
// ensure our data will be deleted
boost::shared_array<BYTE> data(new BYTE[dwFileVersionInfoSize]);
LPVOID const lpData = data.get();
//party on with lpData....
Upvotes: 2