Reputation: 5224
I have a windowless wpf application, whenever I set the window state as maximized it maximizes it on the primary display.
What I would like to do is have it maximize on which ever display the application is running.
So any idea how I would do this?
My code at the moment is just
private void titleBarThumb_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
if (this.WindowState == System.Windows.WindowState.Normal)
this.WindowState = System.Windows.WindowState.Maximized;
this.WindowState = System.Windows.WindowState.Normal;
Upvotes: 54
Views: 90975
Reputation: 11
I had my application getting maximized in the secondary screen by doing this
Add this at the top of the main window :
using Screen = System.Windows.Forms.Screen;
Add this in the maximize handler :
private void AdjustWindowSize()
if (this.WindowState == WindowState.Maximized)
this.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;
System.Drawing.Rectangle r = Screen.GetWorkingArea(new System.Drawing.Point((int)this.Left, (int)this.Top));
this.MaxWidth = r.Width;
this.MaxHeight = r.Height;
this.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
Here we go !
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4684
I just ran into the same problem. In my case it turned out to be the fact that I was Hiding my pop up window when I was done with it. So if I called it next time and asked it to Maximize, it would do it on the original screen. Once I started Closing it instead, it started to maximize on the proper screen.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 53
We cannot maximize the window until it's loaded. So by hooking the Loaded event of fullScreenWindow and handling the event along the lines of:
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5552
A question with 7 upvotes deserves the correct answer. :D
Use this window instead of normal window and then Maxmize/Minimize/normalize will take care of itself.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interop;
public partial class MyWindow : Window
public MyWindow ()
this.SourceInitialized += this.OnSourceInitialized;
#region Methods
private static IntPtr WindowProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled)
switch (msg)
case 0x0024:
WmGetMinMaxInfo(hwnd, lParam);
handled = true;
return (IntPtr)0;
private static void WmGetMinMaxInfo(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr lParam)
var mmi = (MINMAXINFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(MINMAXINFO));
// Adjust the maximized size and position to fit the work area of the correct monitor
IntPtr monitor = MonitorFromWindow(hwnd, (int)MonitorFromWindowFlags.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
if (monitor != IntPtr.Zero)
var monitorInfo = new MONITORINFO();
GetMonitorInfo(monitor, monitorInfo);
RECT rcWorkArea = monitorInfo.rcWork;
RECT rcMonitorArea = monitorInfo.rcMonitor;
mmi.ptMaxPosition.x = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.Left - rcMonitorArea.Left);
mmi.ptMaxPosition.y = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.Top - rcMonitorArea.Top);
mmi.ptMaxSize.x = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.Right - rcWorkArea.Left);
mmi.ptMaxSize.y = Math.Abs(rcWorkArea.Bottom - rcWorkArea.Top);
Marshal.StructureToPtr(mmi, lParam, true);
private void OnSourceInitialized(object sender, EventArgs e)
var window = sender as Window;
if (window != null)
IntPtr handle = (new WindowInteropHelper(window)).Handle;
DLL imports and declarations
public struct MINMAXINFO
public POINT ptReserved;
public POINT ptMaxSize;
public POINT ptMaxPosition;
public POINT ptMinTrackSize;
public POINT ptMaxTrackSize;
} ;
public enum MonitorFromWindowFlags
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public class MONITORINFO
public int cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MONITORINFO));
public RECT rcMonitor;
public RECT rcWork;
public int dwFlags;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 0)]
public struct RECT
public int Left;
public int Top;
public int Right;
public int Bottom;
public static readonly RECT Empty;
public int Width
return Math.Abs(this.Right - this.Left);
} // Abs needed for BIDI OS
public int Height
return this.Bottom - this.Top;
public RECT(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
this.Left = left;
this.Top = top;
this.Right = right;
this.Bottom = bottom;
public RECT(RECT rcSrc)
this.Left = rcSrc.Left;
this.Top = rcSrc.Top;
this.Right = rcSrc.Right;
this.Bottom = rcSrc.Bottom;
public bool IsEmpty
// BUGBUG : On Bidi OS (hebrew arabic) left > right
return this.Left >= this.Right || this.Top >= this.Bottom;
public override string ToString()
if (this == Empty)
return "RECT {Empty}";
return "RECT { left : " + this.Left + " / top : " + this.Top + " / right : " + this.Right + " / bottom : " +
this.Bottom + " }";
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (!(obj is RECT))
return false;
return (this == (RECT)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.Left.GetHashCode() + this.Top.GetHashCode() + this.Right.GetHashCode() +
public static bool operator ==(RECT rect1, RECT rect2)
return (rect1.Left == rect2.Left && rect1.Top == rect2.Top && rect1.Right == rect2.Right &&
rect1.Bottom == rect2.Bottom);
public static bool operator !=(RECT rect1, RECT rect2)
return !(rect1 == rect2);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr hMonitor, MONITORINFO lpmi);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr handle, int flags);
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 21
c# application first starts on the primary display, unless it is moved your code will work. However, if your wpf app will be moved to another display new location can be recorded and stored in a local config file. But, your app will have no borders or any other native controls so you will also have to implement the moving bit. and when your window is moved you will be able to capture the display index using SystemParameters.
Good Luck
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1359
I am not sure if this is answered yet- I created a sample app with the
WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
I created a button and on the click handler did this-
WindowState = WindowState.Maximized
I hooked up the MouseLeftButtonDown handler for the window to drag move-
this.MouseLeftButtonDown += new(MainWindow_MouseLeftButtonDown);
private void MainWindow_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
When I dragged my window to my second monitor and clicked the maximize button, it maximized in the current window, not the startup window. I was using VS2010 and .NET 4. Let me know if this helps.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1209
I've included this line on my MainWindow (first control) constructor:
Application.Current.MainWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
Upvotes: 51
Reputation: 7968
Because of the taskbar you should use user working area's size:
You can use this in view's constructor
Upvotes: 14