Borislav Nanovski
Borislav Nanovski

Reputation: 455

Flutter BLoC mapEventToState gets called only the first time for an event and not called each next time that event is fired

I have Courses and Tasks. Each Course has many Tasks. That is why I am using different screens in the app to show a list of courses and after a tap on a course, I am navigating to the next screen - a list of tasks. Here is my onTap method of the list of courses:

                          onTap: () {
                            TasksPageLoadedEvent pageLoadedEvent =
                              truckNumber: this.truckNumber,
                              params: {
                                Routes.truckNumber: this.truckNumber,

I create a TasksPageLoadedEvent, pass it to the TaskBloc and navigate to the Tasks page.

Here is the TaskBloc and how it handles the mapping Event - State:

  Stream<TaskState> mapEventToState(
    TaskEvent event,
  ) async* {
    if (event is TasksLoadingEvent) {
      yield TasksLoadingState();
    } else if (event is TasksReloadingErrorEvent) {
      yield TasksErrorState();
    } else if (event is TasksFetchedFailureEvent) {
      yield TaskFetchedStateFailureState(error: event.failure);
    } else if (event is TasksPulledFromServerEvent) {
      yield TasksPulledFromServerState(
        truckNumber: event.truckNumber,
        courseNumber: event.courseNumber,
        courseId: event.courseId,
    } else if (event is TasksPageLoadedEvent) {
      yield TasksLoadingState();

      final networkInfoEither = await this.getNetworkInfoQuery(NoQueryParams());

      yield* networkInfoEither.fold((failure) async* {
        yield TasksErrorState();
      }, (success) async* {
        if (success) {
          final getTasksEither = await getTasksQuery(
              truckNumber: event.truckNumber,
              courseId: event.courseId,

          yield* getTasksEither.fold((failure) async* {
            yield TaskFetchedStateFailureState(error: "coursesDatabaseError");
          }, (result) async* {
            if (result != null) {
              yield TasksFetchedState(tasks: result);
            } else {
              yield TaskFetchedStateFailureState(
                  error: "coursesFetchFromDatabaseError");
        } else {
          yield TasksNoInternetState();

When I get navigated to the Tasks page, the BlocBuilder checks the state and handles the building accordingly. I have a Go Back functionality that navigates back to the Courses page:

              onPressed: () {
                  CoursesPageLoadedEvent(truckNumber: this.truckNumber),

This fires the similar event for the previous page and it gets re-loaded.

The problem I am facing happens if I want to go to another course and see its tasks. If I tap on another item in the list and therefore fire a new TasksPageLoadedEvent (with new properties) the mapEventToState() doesn't get called at all.

I have had similar issues with BLoC before, but they were regarding the BlocListener and states extending Equatable. That is why I had my events NOT extending Equatable (although I am not sure whether this was the issue here). But still nothing happens.

Here are my Events:

abstract class TaskEvent {
  const TaskEvent();

class TasksPageLoadedEvent extends TaskEvent {
  final String truckNumber;
  final int courseId;


class TasksFetchedFailureEvent extends TaskEvent {
  final String failure;


class TasksLoadingEvent extends TaskEvent {}

class TasksReloadingErrorEvent extends TaskEvent {}

class TasksPulledFromServerEvent extends TaskEvent {
  final String courseNumber;
  final String truckNumber;
  final int courseId;

    @required this.courseNumber,
    @required this.truckNumber,
    @required this.courseId,

How should I handle my back-and-forth between the two pages using two BLoCs for each page?

Upvotes: 7

Views: 5054

Answers (2)

Hashem Aboonajmi
Hashem Aboonajmi

Reputation: 13870

for anyone else who has similar issue:

in case you are listening to a repository stream and looping through emitted object, it cause mapEventToState gets blocked. because the loop never ends.

 Stream<LoaderState<Failure, ViewModel>> mapEventToState(
      LoaderEvent event) async* {
    yield* event.when(load: () async* {
      yield const LoaderState.loadInProgress();
      await for (final Either<Failure, Entity> failureOrItems in repository.getAll()) {
        yield failureOrItems.fold((l) => LoaderState.loadFailure(l),
            (r) => LoaderState.loadSuccess(mapToViewModel(r)));

what you should do instead of await for the stream, listen to stream and then raise another event, and then process the event:

watchAllStarted: (e) async* {
    yield const NoteWatcherState.loadInProgress();
    _noteStreamSubscription = _noteRepository.watchAll().listen(
        (failureOrNotes) =>
  notesReceived: (e) async* {
    yield e.failureOrNotes.fold(
        (failure) => NoteWatcherState.loadFailure(failure),
        (right) => NoteWatcherState.loadSuccess(right));

Upvotes: 1

Borislav Nanovski
Borislav Nanovski

Reputation: 455

OK, I found an answer myself!

The problem, of course, as Federick Jonathan implied - the instance of the bloc. I am using a singleton instance created by the flutter package get_it. Which is really useful if you are implementing dependency injection (for a clean architecture for example).

So the one instance was the problem.

Luckily the package has implemented the neat method resetLazySingleton<T>.

Calling it upon going back resets the bloc used in that widget. Therefore when I navigate again to the Tasks page I am working with the same but reset instance of that bloc.

Future<bool> _onWillPop() async {
      instance: serviceLocator<TaskBloc>(),

    return true;

I hope this answer would help someone in trouble with singletons, dependency injections and going back and forth within a flutter app with bloc.

Upvotes: 3

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