
Reputation: 505

SIMD reduce 4 vectors without hadd

I'm trying to optimize some code and I'm at a state where I have 4 vectors __m256d and I want to store the sum of each of them inside another __m256d. So basically result = [sum(a), sum(b), sum(c), sum(d)]. I know there is a way to do this using 2 hadds a blend and permute but I realised that hadd is too expensive.

So I was wondering if there is an intrinsic that allows to do this faster.

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Views: 1073

Answers (1)



Three options:

  • 1 matrix transpose, then vertical sum

good: conceptually simple, using a generally useful algorithm (matrix transpose), portable code

bad: code size, latency, throughput

  • 2 using vhaddpd efficiently

good: small code (good for Icache), good latency and throughput on Intel uArchs

bad: requires architecture specific code, problematic on some uArch

  • 3 partial transpose, sum, partial transpose, sum

good: good latency, good throughput

bad: not quite as small as the vhaddpd-code, not as easy to understand as the full matrix transpose

Matrix Transpose, Vertical Sum

Have your compiler optimize this for you. With gcc vector extensions*, code to sum over a transposed matrix could look like this:

#include <stdint.h>

typedef uint64_t v4u64 __attribute__((vector_size(32)));
typedef double v4f64  __attribute__((vector_size(32)));

v4f64 dfoo(v4f64 sv0, v4f64 sv1, v4f64 sv2, v4f64 sv3)
  v4f64 tv[4];
  tv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(sv0, sv1, (v4u64){0,4,2,6});
  tv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(sv0, sv1, (v4u64){1,5,3,7});
  tv[2] = __builtin_shuffle(sv2, sv3, (v4u64){0,4,2,6});
  tv[3] = __builtin_shuffle(sv2, sv3, (v4u64){1,5,3,7});
  v4f64 fv[4];
  fv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[0], tv[2], (v4u64){0,1,4,5});
  fv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[0], tv[2], (v4u64){2,3,6,7});
  fv[2] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[1], tv[3], (v4u64){0,1,4,5});
  fv[3] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[1], tv[3], (v4u64){2,3,6,7});
  return fv[0]+fv[1]+fv[2]+fv[3];

gcc-9.2.1 produces the following assembly:

    vunpcklpd   %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm5
    vunpcklpd   %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm4
    vunpckhpd   %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm5, %ymm4, %ymm1
    vperm2f128  $49, %ymm5, %ymm4, %ymm4
    vunpckhpd   %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vaddpd  %ymm4, %ymm1, %ymm1
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm2, %ymm0, %ymm3
    vperm2f128  $49, %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vaddpd  %ymm3, %ymm1, %ymm1
    vaddpd  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm0

Agner Fog's tables say:

  • vunpck[h/l]pd: 1 cycle latency, 1 per cycle throughput, 1 uOP port5.
  • vinsertf128: 3 cycles latency, 1 per cycle throughput, 1 uOP port5.
  • vperm2f128: 3 cycles latency, 1 per cycle throughput, 1 uOP port5.
  • vaddpd: 4 cycles latency, 2 per cycle throughput, 1 uOP port01.

In all, there are

  • 4 [unpack] + 2 [insert] + 2 [permute] = 8 port5 uOPs.
  • 3 [add] = 3 port01 uOPs.

Throughput will bottleneck on port5. Latency is pretty bad at about ~18 cycles. Code size is about 60 bytes.

Horizontal Sum

Code (sensibly) using vhadd is not easy to get via gcc vector extensions, so the code needs Intel-specific intrinsics:

v4f64 dfoo_hadd(v4f64 sv0, v4f64 sv1, v4f64 sv2, v4f64 sv3)
  v4f64 hv[2];
  hv[0] = __builtin_ia32_haddpd256(sv0, sv1); //[00+01, 10+11, 02+03, 12+13]
  hv[1] = __builtin_ia32_haddpd256(sv2, sv3); //[20+21, 30+31, 22+23, 32+33]
  v4f64 fv[2];
  fv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(hv[0], hv[1], (v4u64){0, 1, 4, 5}); //[00+01, 10+11, 20+21, 30+31]
  fv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(hv[0], hv[1], (v4u64){2, 3, 6, 7}); //[02+03, 12+13, 22+23, 32+33]
  return fv[0] + fv[1]; //[00+01+02+03, 10+11+12+13, 20+21+22+23, 30+31+32+33]

this generates the following asssembly:

    vhaddpd %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vhaddpd %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm2, %ymm0, %ymm1
    vperm2f128  $49, %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vaddpd  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm0

According to Agner Fog's instruction tables,

  • vhaddpd: 6 cycles latency, 0.5 per cycle throughput, 3 uOPS port01 + 2*port5.

In all, there are

  • 4 [hadd] + 2 [insert/permute] = 6 uOPs port5.
  • 3 [hadd/add] = 3 uOPs port01.

Throughput is also limited by port5, and this has more throughput than the transposing code. Latency should be about ~16 cycles, also faster than the transposing code. Code size is about 25 bytes.

Partial Transpose, Sum, Partial Transpose, Sum

Implementing @PeterCordes comment:

v4f64 dfoo_PC(v4f64 sv0, v4f64 sv1, v4f64 sv2, v4f64 sv3)
  v4f64 tv[4];
  v4f64 av[2];
  tv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(sv0, sv1, (v4u64){0,4,2,6});//[00, 10, 02, 12]
  tv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(sv0, sv1, (v4u64){1,5,3,7});//[01, 11, 03, 13]
  av[0] = tv[0] + tv[1];//[00+01, 10+11, 02+03, 12+13]
  tv[2] = __builtin_shuffle(sv2, sv3, (v4u64){0,4,2,6});//[20, 30, 22, 32]
  tv[3] = __builtin_shuffle(sv2, sv3, (v4u64){1,5,3,7});//[21, 31, 23, 33]
  av[1] = tv[2] + tv[3];//[20+21, 30+31, 22+23, 32+33]
  v4f64 fv[2];
  fv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(av[0], av[1], (v4u64){0,1,4,5});//[00+01, 10+11, 20+21, 30+31]
  fv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(av[0], av[1], (v4u64){2,3,6,7});//[02+03, 12+13, 22+23, 32+33]
  return fv[0]+fv[1];//[00+01+02+03, 10+11+12+13, 20+21+22+23, 30+31+32+33]

This generates:

    vunpcklpd   %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm4
    vunpckhpd   %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm1
    vunpcklpd   %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm0
    vunpckhpd   %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vaddpd  %ymm1, %ymm4, %ymm1
    vaddpd  %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm2
    vinsertf128 $1, %xmm2, %ymm1, %ymm0
    vperm2f128  $49, %ymm2, %ymm1, %ymm1
    vaddpd  %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0

In all, there are

  • 4 [unpack] + 2 [insert/permute] = 6 port5 uOPs.
  • 3 [add] = 3 port01 uOPs.

This gets to the same number of port5 uOPs as the hadd-code. The code still bottlenecks on port5, latency is about ~16 cycles. Code size is about 41 bytes.

If you wanted to increase throughput, you would have to shift work away from port5. Unfortunately, almost all permute/insert/shuffle instructions require port5, and lane-crossing instructions (which are required here) have a minimum of 3 cycles latency. One interesting instruction that almost helps is vblendpd, which has 3/cycle throughput, 1 cycle latency, and can execute on port015, but using it to replace one of the permute/insert/shuffles would require a 64-bit shift of a 128-bit lane of a vector, which is implemented by vpsrldq/vpslldq, which -you guessed it- takes a port5 uOP (so this would help with vectors of 32-bit float, because vpsllq/vpsrlq do not require port5). There is no free lunch here.

* gcc vector extensions quick description:

The code is using gcc vector extensions, which allow using basic operators (+-*/=><>><< etc.) on vectors, operating element-wise. They also include a few __builtin_* functions, in particular __builtin_shuffle(), which has a 3-operand form where the first two are two (same-length N) vectors of the same type T, which (logically) are concatenated to a double-length (2N) vector of that type T, the third is a vector of an integer type (IT) the same width and length (N) as the type of the original vectors. The result is a vector of the same type T and width N of the original vector, with elements selected by the indices in the integer-type vector.

Originally, my answer was about uint64_t, kept here for context:

 #include <stdint.h>

typedef uint64_t v4u64 __attribute__((vector_size(32)));

v4u64 foo(v4u64 sv0, v4u64 sv1, v4u64 sv2, v4u64 sv3)
  v4u64 tv[4];
  tv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(sv0, sv1, (v4u64){0,4,2,6});
  tv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(sv0, sv1, (v4u64){1,5,3,7});
  tv[2] = __builtin_shuffle(sv2, sv3, (v4u64){0,4,2,6});
  tv[3] = __builtin_shuffle(sv2, sv3, (v4u64){1,5,3,7});
  v4u64 fv[4];
  fv[0] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[0], tv[2], (v4u64){0,1,4,5});
  fv[1] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[0], tv[2], (v4u64){2,3,6,7});
  fv[2] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[1], tv[3], (v4u64){0,1,4,5});
  fv[3] = __builtin_shuffle(tv[1], tv[3], (v4u64){2,3,6,7});
  return fv[0]+fv[1]+fv[2]+fv[3];

The translation generated by gcc-9.2.1 on skylake-avx2 could look like this:

    vpunpcklqdq %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm5
    vpunpcklqdq %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm4
    vpunpckhqdq %ymm3, %ymm2, %ymm2
    vpunpckhqdq %ymm1, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vperm2i128  $32, %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm3
    vperm2i128  $32, %ymm5, %ymm4, %ymm1
    vperm2i128  $49, %ymm2, %ymm0, %ymm0
    vperm2i128  $49, %ymm5, %ymm4, %ymm4
    vpaddq  %ymm4, %ymm1, %ymm1
    vpaddq  %ymm0, %ymm3, %ymm0
    vpaddq  %ymm0, %ymm1, %ymm0

Note that the assembly has an almost line for line correspondence to the gcc vector extensions.

According to Agner Fog's instruction tables for Skylake,

  • vpunpck[h/l]qdq: 1 cycle latency, 1 per cycle throughput, port5.
  • vperm2i128: 3 cycles latency, 1 per cycle throughput, port5.
  • vpaddq: 1 cycle latency, 3 per cycle throughput, ports015.

So the transpose takes 10 cycles (4 for unpack, 4 throughput + 2 latency for permute). Of the three adds, only two can be executed in parallel, so that would take 2 cycles, for 12 cycles total.

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