Reputation: 2134
I'm struggling to understand why I cant get a "LIVE" feed from my IP camera.
It appears that there is a buffer and it causes the frames to build up if not being read - and as each iteration of my code takes some time there is a backlog and it ends up being almost slow mo to whats actually happening.
I found the below code which triggers a thread to do the reading of the camera on a loop to try and avoid this. But now i'm getting a "LIVE" feed for around 5 frames and then it stalls and shows the same image for another few.
##camera class - this stops the RTSP feed getting caught in the buffer
class Camera:
def __init__(self, rtsp_link):
#init last ready and last frame
self.last_frame = None
self.last_ready = None
self.lock = Lock()
#set capture decive
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(rtsp_link,apiPreference=cv2.CAP_FFMPEG)
#set thread to clear buffer
thread = threading.Thread(target=self.rtsp_cam_buffer, args=(capture,), name="rtsp_read_thread")
thread.daemon = True
#delay start of next step to avoid errors
def rtsp_cam_buffer(self, capture):
#loop forever
while True:
with self.lock:
self.last_ready, self.last_frame = capture.retrieve()
def getFrame(self):
#get last frame
if (self.last_ready is not None) and (self.last_frame is not None):
return self.last_frame.copy())
return None
Whats the correct thing to do in this situation? Is there a way round this?
Should I use something like gstreamer or ffmpeg to get the camera feed? If so which is better and why? Any advice or pages to give me some python examples of getting it working? I couldn't find loads about that made sense to me.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 16026
Reputation: 872
Lewis's solution was helpful to reduce the lag so far but there was still some lag in my case, and I have found this gist, which is a bit faster:
import os
import sys
import time
import threading
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
# also acts (partly) like a cv.VideoCapture
class FreshestFrame(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, capture, name='FreshestFrame'):
self.capture = capture
assert self.capture.isOpened()
# this lets the read() method block until there's a new frame
self.cond = threading.Condition()
# this allows us to stop the thread gracefully
self.running = False
# keeping the newest frame around
self.frame = None
# passing a sequence number allows read() to NOT block
# if the currently available one is exactly the one you ask for
self.latestnum = 0
# this is just for demo purposes
self.callback = None
def start(self):
self.running = True
def release(self, timeout=None):
self.running = False
def run(self):
counter = 0
while self.running:
# block for fresh frame
(rv, img) =
assert rv
counter += 1
# publish the frame
with self.cond: # lock the condition for this operation
self.frame = img if rv else None
self.latestnum = counter
if self.callback:
def read(self, wait=True, seqnumber=None, timeout=None):
# with no arguments (wait=True), it always blocks for a fresh frame
# with wait=False it returns the current frame immediately (polling)
# with a seqnumber, it blocks until that frame is available (or no wait at all)
# with timeout argument, may return an earlier frame;
# may even be (0,None) if nothing received yet
with self.cond:
if wait:
if seqnumber is None:
seqnumber = self.latestnum+1
if seqnumber < 1:
seqnumber = 1
rv = self.cond.wait_for(lambda: self.latestnum >= seqnumber, timeout=timeout)
if not rv:
return (self.latestnum, self.frame)
return (self.latestnum, self.frame)
And then you use it like:
# open some camera
cap = cv.VideoCapture('rtsp://URL')
cap.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS, 30)
# wrap it
fresh = FreshestFrame(cap)
Use fresh to deal with the open camera
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2134
After searching online through multiple resources the suggestion for using threads to remove frames from the buffer came up ALOT. And although it seemed to work for a while it caused me issues with duplicate frames being displayed for some reason that I could not work out.
I then tried to build opencv from source with gstreamer support but even once it was compiled correctly it still didn't seem to like interfacing with gstreamer correctly.
Eventually I thought the best bet was to go back down the threading approach but again couldnt get it working. So I gave multiprocessing a shot.
I wrote the below class to handle the camera connection:
import cv2
import time
import multiprocessing as mp
class Camera():
def __init__(self,rtsp_url):
#load pipe for data transmittion to the process
self.parent_conn, child_conn = mp.Pipe()
#load process
self.p = mp.Process(target=self.update, args=(child_conn,rtsp_url))
#start process
self.p.daemon = True
def end(self):
#send closure request to process
def update(self,conn,rtsp_url):
#load cam into seperate process
print("Cam Loading...")
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(rtsp_url,cv2.CAP_FFMPEG)
print("Cam Loaded...")
run = True
while run:
#grab frames from the buffer
#recieve input data
rec_dat = conn.recv()
if rec_dat == 1:
#if frame requested
ret,frame =
elif rec_dat ==2:
#if close requested
run = False
print("Camera Connection Closed")
def get_frame(self,resize=None):
###used to grab frames from the cam connection process
##[resize] param : % of size reduction or increase i.e 0.65 for 35% reduction or 1.5 for a 50% increase
#send request
frame = self.parent_conn.recv()
#reset request
#resize if needed
if resize == None:
return frame
return self.rescale_frame(frame,resize)
def rescale_frame(self,frame, percent=65):
return cv2.resize(frame,None,fx=percent,fy=percent)
Displaying the frames can be done as below
cam = Camera("rtsp://admin:[somepassword]@")
print(f"Camera is alive?: {cam.p.is_alive()}")
frame = cam.get_frame(0.65)
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key == 13: #13 is the Enter Key
This solution has resolved all my issues of buffer lag and also repeated frames. #
Hopefully it will help anyone else in the same situation.
Upvotes: 7