Reputation: 23
I have python script which is using google STT engine and then it loops through dictionary to check where is the biggest match (ratio) using difflib SequenceMatcher
UPDATE (better explanation of what script needs to do):
hotword:"lights on" komanda:"execute some code to turn on the lights" razlika_izgovoreno_hotword:"0.90" hotword:"blinds shut" komanda:"execute some code shut blinds" razlika_izgovoreno_hotword:"0.10" etc.
FULL working code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# NOTE: this example requires PyAudio because it uses the Microphone class
import snowboydecoder
import sys
import signal
import subprocess
import speech_recognition as sr
import urllib
import difflib
interrupted = False
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
global interrupted
interrupted = True
def interrupt_callback():
global interrupted
return interrupted
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("Error: need to specify model name")
print("Usage: python your.model")
model = sys.argv[1]
# capture SIGINT signal, e.g., Ctrl+C
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
detector = snowboydecoder.HotwordDetector(model, sensitivity=0.5)
print('Snowboy listening... Press Ctrl+C to exit')
# main loop
def detektiran():
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone() as source:
print("Say something!")
audio = r.listen(source,phrase_time_limit=5)
# recognize speech using Google Speech Recognition
# for testing purposes, we're just using the default API key
# to use another API key, use `r.recognize_google(audio, key="GOOGLE_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_API_KEY")`
# instead of `r.recognize_google(audio)`
print("Izgovoreno: " + r.recognize_google(audio, language="hr-HR"))
izgovoreno = r.recognize_google(audio, language="hr-HR")
##############KOMANDE - ubacivanje novih i promjena postojecih#################################################
glasovne_naredbe = {
###svijetlo 1 prostorija
'glasovno1' : {
"hotword": "svijetlo",
"komanda": "urllib.urlopen('¶m=switchlight&idx=2&switchcmd=On')"
###zvuk najglasnije
'glasovno2' : {
"hotword": "najglasnije",
"komanda": "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '100%'])"
###zvuk najtiše
'glasovno3' : {
"hotword": "najtiše",
"komanda": "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%'])"
###zvuk srednje glasno
'glasovno4' : {
"hotword": "srednje glasno",
"komanda": "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '50%'])"
###zvuk smanji
'glasovno5' : {
"hotword": "smanji",
"komanda": "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%-'])"
###zvuk pojačaj
'glasovno6' : {
"hotword": "pojačaj",
"komanda": "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%+'])"
###############KOMANDE KRAJ##########################################################################
i = 0
for a, b in glasovne_naredbe.items():
#print(a, b)
i += 1
glasovno = ("glasovno" + str(i))
hotword = (glasovne_naredbe[glasovno]['hotword'])
hotword_decoded = hotword.decode('utf-8')
razlika_izgovoreno_hotword = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, izgovoreno, hotword_decoded).ratio() #svaka razlika iznad 0.50 aktivira komandu
#print ("Omjer(%s) Izgovoreno (%s) Hotword (%s)" % (razlika_izgovoreno_hotword, izgovoreno, hotword_decoded))
#ubacivanje (privremenog) rezultata razlika_izgovoreno_hotword u dictionary
glasovne_naredbe[glasovno]['razlika_izgovoreno_hotword'] = razlika_izgovoreno_hotword
#izvlacenje maksimalnog razlika_izgovoreno_hotword iz dictionarya
razlika_izgovoreno_key, razlika_izgovoreno_value, komanda_value, komanda_key = \
max(((raz_k,raz_v,k_k,k_v) for inner_d in glasovne_naredbe.values() for raz_k,raz_v in inner_d.items() for k_v,k_k in inner_d.items()))
print("Vrijednost razlika_izgovoreno postotak: %s" % (razlika_izgovoreno_value))
print("Komanda: %s" % (komanda_value))
if razlika_izgovoreno_value >= 0.50: #ako je ratio u postotku veci od 0.50, pokreni komandu
#dong zvuk da je uspjesno izvedeno
print ("Izgovoreno se ne podudara minimalno 50% sa nijednim hotwordom, molim ponovi!")
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio")
except sr.RequestError as e:
print("Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}".format(e))
I have problem with this part of the code, where I am able to get MAX value for "razlika_izgovoreno_value", and I can get corresponding "komanda_value", but I'm unable to get corresponding value of "hotword_value".
razlika_izgovoreno_key, razlika_izgovoreno_value, komanda_value, komanda_key, hotword_key, hotword_value = \
max(((raz_k,raz_v,k_k,k_v,h_v,h_k) for inner_d in glasovne_naredbe.values() for raz_k,raz_v in inner_d.items() for k_v,k_k in inner_d.items() for h_v,h_k in inner_d.items()))
Any advice? I have tried every combination in for loop, but I just can't get hotword value out.
EDIT: Output of glasovne_naredbe (test word for comparison is "test")
Izgovoreno: test
{'komanda': "urllib.urlopen(' type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=2&switchcmd=On')",
'hotword': 'svijetlo',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.16666666666666666},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '100%'])",
'hotword': 'najglasnije',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.13333333333333333},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%'])",
'hotword': 'najti\xc5\xa1e',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.36363636363636365},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '50%'])",
'hotword': 'srednje glasno',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.2222222222222222},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%-'])",
'hotword': 'smanji',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.2},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%+'])",
'hotword': 'poja\xc4\x8daj',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.0}
Upvotes: 2
Views: 277
Reputation: 585
I'd start with reformatting that mess of a long "for" statement into something like this:
for inner_d in glasovne_naredbe.values():
This will make your code more easy for you (and others) to follow, and will lead to an answer.
Also make sure max() is doing what you think it is.
It's not a clear question, so I'm guessing this might help. It's a fully running python solution showing a solution for what I think your problem is asking:
glasovne_naredbe = {'glasovno1':
{'komanda': "urllib.urlopen(' type=command¶m=switchlight&idx=2&switchcmd=On')",
'hotword': 'svijetlo',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.16666666666666666},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '100%'])",
'hotword': 'najglasnije',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.13333333333333333},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%'])",
'hotword': 'najti\xc5\xa1e',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.36363636363636365},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '50%'])",
'hotword': 'srednje glasno',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.2222222222222222},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%-'])",
'hotword': 'smanji',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.2},
{'komanda': "subprocess.Popen(['amixer', 'set', 'Master', '10%+'])",
'hotword': 'poja\xc4\x8daj',
'razlika_izgovoreno_hotword': 0.0}}
max_key,value = next(iter(glasovne_naredbe.items()))
max_value = value['razlika_izgovoreno_hotword']
for key, value in glasovne_naredbe.items():
new_value = value['razlika_izgovoreno_hotword']
if new_value > max_value:
print("new max")
max_value = new_value
max_key = key
print("max key %s" % max_key)
print("corresponding komanda %s" % glasovne_naredbe[max_key]['komanda'])
print("corresponding hotword %s" % glasovne_naredbe[max_key]['hotword'])
print("corresponding r_i_h %s" % glasovne_naredbe[max_key]['razlika_izgovoreno_hotword'])
Getting key with maximum value in dictionary?
How do I print the key-value pairs of a dictionary in python
How do you find the first key in a dictionary?
Upvotes: 1