Reputation: 51
I am trying to get the X-axis (time) scaling to be consistently even. Depending on the range I input to the graph (could be 1 hour, could be 11 hours), the spacing will not stay consistent. As in the example below, for a two hour period, you would expect to see the center label at the 2:30 mark, but for some reason ZingChart is choosing 2:40 as the intermediate label.
I've tried playing with the 'max-labels' property, as well as autofit, but no luck.
Current code:
window.addEventListener('load', function()
//zingchart.EXPORTURL = 'http://naskep/zing/export/index.php';
id: "myChart",
width: "100%",
height: "700",
data: {
type: 'line',
backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
title: {
text: "Historical Trending Demo"
plotarea: {
margin: '50 100'
plot: {
marker: {size: '1'},
preview: {
type: "area", //"area" (default) or "line"
'line-color': "#0099ff",
'line-width': 2,
'line-style': "dotted",
'background-color': "#99cc00",
alpha: 1,
'alpha-area': 0.1
scaleX: {
//labels: myLabels,
autoFit: false,
transform: {
type: "date",
all: "%m/%d/%y %g:%i:%s %a"
'max-labels': 6,
step: "minute",
'max-value': <?php echo $endtime; ?>,
zooming: true,
scaleY: {
zooming: false,
minorGuide: {
lineColor: '#7F8C8D',
lineWidth: 3
minorTick: {
lineColor: '#7F8C8D'
minorTicks: 1,
tick: {
lineColor: '#7F8C8D',
lineWidth: 1
crosshairX: {
marker: {
alpha: 0.5,
size: '7px'
plotLabel: {
borderRadius: '3px',
multiple: true
scaleLabel: {
backgroundColor: '#53535e',
borderRadius: '3px'
preview: {
adjustLayout: true,
borderColor: '#000000',
backgroundColor: '#EAEDED',
label: {
fontColor: '#CD5C5C'
live: false,
mask: {
backgroundColor: '#7F8C8D'
series: [{
values: myData
Upvotes: 0
Views: 272
Reputation: 2631
Usually, the date time scale items are automatically spaced, so setting maxItems
tends to mess the logic. However, if you really need to use maxItems
, please also add
normalize : false
alongside it (in the scaleX
object). Also, if acceptable to you, to be able to squeeze more labels, you can try the "%m/%d/%y<br>%g:%i:%s %a"
// window.onload event for Javascript to run after HTML
// because this Javascript is injected into the document head
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
// Javascript code to execute after DOM content
// full ZingChart schema can be found here:
let chartConfig = {
"graphset": [
"type": "line",
"backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"title": {
"text": "Outside Temp"
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"margin": "50 100"
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"marker": {
"size": "1"
"preview": {
"type": "area",
"line-color": "#0099ff",
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"background-color": "#99cc00",
"alpha": 1,
"alpha-area": 0.1
"scaleX": {
normalize: false,
"autoFit": false,
"label": {
"text": "Date/Time"
"transform": {
"type": "date",
"all": "%m/%d/%y %g:%i:%s %a"
maxItems: 3,
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"step": "minute",
"max-value": 1585238400000,
"zooming": true
"scaleY": {
"label": {
"text": "°F"
"minorGuide": {
"lineColor": "#7F8C8D",
"lineWidth": 3
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"lineColor": "#7F8C8D"
"minorTicks": 1,
"tick": {
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"borderRadius": "3px",
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"backgroundColor": "#53535e",
"borderRadius": "3px"
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>ZingSoft Demo</title>
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<a class="zc-ref" href="">Powered by ZingChart</a>
Upvotes: 0