Reputation: 305
As part of an integration of OfferWall, I am asked by my service provider to provide a Callback file making it possible to return parameters from servers to servers (S2S) once an investigation is complete, for example. The provider in question, however, requests to use a signature verification system using the HMAC SHA-1 hash protocol. This one provided me with an example file, problem they only have Ruby developers and I would need the equivalence in PHP. I tried to convert from what I received in Ruby to PHP but I still cannot verify the signature through a condition which will then make a request to the server of my website.
Here is the code provided by the service provider in Ruby:
def index
url = request.original_url
Alerts::Notify.delay.send(1,"#{params} - IP: #{request.ip} - #{request.fullpath}", "#callback_testing")
app = App.find(params[:app_id])
secret_key = app.secret_key
signature = Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', secret_key, url.split("&hash=")[0]))
enc = signature.gsub("+", "-").gsub("/","_").gsub("=","").gsub("\n", "")
encoded_hash = "#{enc}"
if encoded_hash == params[:hash]
#puts "Golden boy"
#puts "You dun messed up son"
render plain: "foogile"
Here is my code in PHP:
$key = "my-secret-key";
$URL = array(
'user_id' => $_GET['user_id'],
'app_id' => '16982',
'reward' => $_GET['reward'],
'status' => $_GET['status'],
'currency' => $_GET['currency'],
'screenout' => $_GET['screenout'],
'tx_id' => $_GET['tx_id'],
'debug' => 'true',
'hash' => $_GET['hash'],
$URL = ''. http_build_query($URL);
$encoded_key = utf8_encode($key);
$encoded_URL = utf8_encode($URL);
$hashed = hash_hmac('sha1', $encoded_URL, $encoded_key);
$digested_hash = pack('H*',$hashed);
$base64_encoded_result = base64_encode($digested_hash);
$final_result = str_replace(["+","/","="],["-","_",""],utf8_decode($base64_encoded_result));
if($hash == $base64_encoded_result) {
echo "1";
} else {
echo "0";
} // It always returns 0
Thank you in advance for your help
Upvotes: 0
Views: 162
Reputation: 11
I hope this answer will be helpful for anyone who is facing the same problem. I was struggling for 1 day trying to solve that $final_result is different from $hash, coming to the conclusion that from the url you have to remove the hash, so it will become
$URL = array(
'user_id' => $_GET['user_id'],
'app_id' => $_GET['app_id'],
'reward' => $_GET['reward'],
'status' => $_GET['status'],
'currency' => $_GET['currency'],
'screenout' => $_GET['screenout'],
'profiler' => $_GET['profiler'],
'tx_id' => $_GET['tx_id'],
'debug' => $_GET['debug']
Upvotes: 1