Reputation: 444
I am making a simple ping tool batch script. And I would like to filter the output the CMD gives, using the ping command. Normally the output of a ping would be like this:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=52
But I would like to filter out the size of the packets the ttl, and change the Reply text. So that it would look more like this:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply: time=21ms
I found in this post that I should be able to do that with a awk -F
argument, however trying that in my script just closes the CMD window on opening.
How could I do what I want to do?
My script right now:
cls & set /p address=Host to ping:
@echo Started pinging at: %time%
ping %address% /t & echo. & pause. & goto :PING
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Views: 2761
Reputation: 38719
Based upon your provided information, here's a quick example using FOR /F
, as indicated in the comment section.
@Echo Off
Set /P "IP=Host to ping: "
Echo "%IP%"|"%__AppDir__%findstr.exe" "\"[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\"">NUL^
||GoTo PingIt
Echo Started pinging at: %TIME%
For /F "Tokens=1-7,9" %%G In (
'""%__AppDir__%PING.EXE" %IP%|"%__AppDir__%findstr.exe" "ms$ data""'
)Do If "%%N"=="" (Echo(%%G %%H %%I %%J %%K %%L %%M)Else Echo Reply: time=%%N
The code includes a 'better than nothing' validation of your end user's input, before trying to use it as an IP Address. It also includes an optional Pause
command, included only to show you the output before the cmd.exe window closes, (dependent upon your method of invoking the script).
Please note that the example does not cater for responses which fail the ping, e.g. Request timed out.
. These cases are outside of the scope of your question so I have left it to you to deal with yourself.
Upvotes: 2