Reputation: 25
We are running powershelll script to update LDAP attributes from Servicenow. We get below error.
Access Request Console : LDAP Script Directory : C:\MID Server INT\agent\scripts\PowerShell
Object DN : employeeNumber=L1009804,ou=people,ou=partenaires,dc=total,dc=com
Exception : The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: At C:\MID Server INT\agent\scripts\PowerShell\LDAP\ldapFunctions.psm1:14 char:1
+ {
+ ~
Missing closing '}' in statement block or type definition.
At C:\MID Server INT\agent\scripts\PowerShell\LDAP\ldapFunctions.psm1:58 char:2
+ }
+ ~
Unexpected token '}' in expression or statement.
At C:\MID Server INT\agent\scripts\PowerShell\LDAP\ldapFunctions.psm1:60 char:1
+ }
+ ~
Unexpected token '}' in expression or statement. .
Below is the Powershell script, which is triggered on raising request and is triggered via workflow. Data Inflow is working correctly but we have issue while outgoing from ServiceNow to LDAP . Script fails on every run.
Create a new LdapConnection
New-LdapConnection -LDAPServer -Login admin -Password password1
Create a new LdapConnection on server with admin credential
function New-LdapConnection
# Description d'aide LDAPServer
[String] $LDAPServer,
# Description d'aide LDAPServerPort
[Int32] $LDAPServerPort=389,
# Description d'aide Login
[String] $Login,
# Description d'aide Password
[String] $Password,
# Description d'aide AuhtenticationType
[String] $AuhtenticationType="Basic",
# Description d'aide ProtocolVersion
[int] $ProtocolVersion=3,
# Description d'aide SecureSocketLayer
[Boolean] $SecureSocketLayer=$true,
# Description d'aide EncryptionType
[int] $EncryptionType=0
#$LDAPServer = $ldapURL
$Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Login,$Password)
$LDAPConnection = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection($LDAPServer,$Credentials,$AuhtenticationType)
$LDAPConnection.SessionOptions.ProtocolVersion = $ProtocolVersion
$LDAPConnection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer =$SecureSocketLayer
# don't check certificate (feature enabled again on 24/11/2016 as requested by customer)
$LDAPConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = {
$Global:LdapCertificate = $Certificate
return $true
return $LDAPConnection
Find a Entry in LDAP
Find-LdapEntry -LdapConnection $con -filter "(objectClass=person)" -rootDistinguishedName "DC=test,DC=lab"
function Find-LdapEntry
# Ldap Connection
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection] $LdapConnection,
# Ldap Filter
[String] $filter,
# Base DN
[String] $rootDistinguishedName
Write-Host "Begin Find Entry"
$Filter = $filter
$TimeOut = New-Object System.TimeSpan(1,0,0)
$Request = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchRequest($rootDistinguishedName, $Filter, "Subtree", $null)
$Response = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($Request,$TimeOut)
if($Response.Entries.Count -gt 0){
$Entry = $Response.Entries[0]
$Entry = $null
return $Entry
Add a Entry in LDAP
New-LdapAddRequest -LdapConnection $con -Attrib $attrib -ObjectDN $obj_dn
function New-LdapAddRequest
# Ldap Connection
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection] $LdapConnection,
# Attributes to Add
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $Attrib,
# Object DN
[String] $ObjectDN
[string[]]$result = @()
[string[]] $newObjClass = @()
$newObjClass = $Attrib.Get_Item("defaultobjclass").split("^") | where {$_ -ne "^"}
Write-Host "Begin New-LdapAddRequest"
$newEntry = (new-object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.AddRequest")
$newEntry.DistinguishedName = $ObjectDN
if($Attrib.Get_Item("objectclass") -ne $null -and $Attrib.Get_Item("objectclass") -ne ""){
$objcl = $Attrib.Get_Item("objectclass")
$objs = $objcl.split("^") | where {$_ -ne "^"}
foreach($i in $objs){
$newObjClass += $i
Write-Host "Create new entry ", $ObjectDN, " with class ", $newObjClass
$attrObjClass = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute("objectclass",$newObjClass)
#add values of the attribute
foreach ($line in $Attrib.GetEnumerator()) {
$key = $($line.Name)
$val = $($line.Value)
if($key -ne "DN" -and $key -ne "objectclass" -and $key -ne "defaultobjclass"){
Write-Host "Key : ", $key ," ; Value : ", $val
if( $val.Contains("^") ){
[string[]] $tab = @()
$tab = $val.split("^") | where {$_ -ne "^"}
$attr = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute($key, $tab)
$attr = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttribute( $key, $val)
$re = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($newEntry)
#$result += "NewEntry_ResultCode: $($re.ResultCode)"
if ($re.ResultCode -ne [System.directoryServices.Protocols.ResultCode]::Success){
Write-Host "NewEntry_ErrorMessage: $($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
throw "$($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
#return $result
Update access for an object in LDAP
New-LdapUpdateRequest -LdapConnection $connexion -Entry $Entry -AttribToUpd $hashAttrUpd -AttribToDlt $hashAttrDlt
function New-LdapUpdateRequest
# Ldap Connection
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection] $LdapConnection,
# Entry Profile
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResultEntry] $Entry,
# Attributes to Modify
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $AttribToUpd,
# Attributes to Delete
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $AttribToDlt
if ($AttribToUpd -ne $null) {
$reUpt = New-LdapModifyRequest -LdapConnection $LdapConnection -Entry $Entry -Attrib $AttribToUpd
if ($AttribToDlt -ne $null) {
$reDlt = New-LdapDeleteRequest -LdapConnection $LdapConnection -Entry $Entry -AttribToDelete $AttribToDlt
Delete a Entry in LDAP
New-LdapDeleteRequest -LdapConnection $con -Entry $Entry -AttribToDelete $attrib
function New-LdapDeleteRequest
# [OutputType([System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryResponse])]
# Ldap Connection
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection] $LdapConnection,
# Entry Profile
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResultEntry] $Entry,
# Attributes to delete
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $AttribToDelete
$r = (new-object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyRequest")
$r.DistinguishedName = $Entry.DistinguishedName
foreach($attrib in $AttribToDelete.GetEnumerator()){
$key = $($attrib.Name)
$val = $($attrib.Value)
if($key -ne "objectclass" -and $Entry.Attributes[$key] -ne $null ){
if ($val -eq "" -or $val -eq $null){
Write-Host "Delete attribute : ", $key
$ope = New-Object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeModification"
$ope.Name = $key
$ope.Operation = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeOperation]::Delete
$ObjClassVal = $AttribToDelete.Get_Item("objectClass")
if($ObjClassVal -ne $null){
# process objectClass when provided
[string[]] $DelObjClassValue = @()
$DelObjClassValue = $ObjClassVal.split("^") | where {$_ -ne "^"}
Write-Host "The entry does not have that objectClass"
$tabObjClass = $Entry.Attributes["objectclass"].GetValues([string])
Write-Host "Object Class : ", $tabObjClass
[string[]] $newObjClass = @()
foreach($i in $tabObjClass){
$validValue = $true
foreach($j in $DelObjClassValue){
if($i -eq $j){
$validValue = $false
if($validValue -eq $true){
$newObjClass += $i
Write-Host "New Object Class : ", $newObjClass
#prepare the request
$objclass = New-Object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeModification"
$objclass.Name = "objectclass"
$objclass.Operation = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeOperation]::Replace
#Actually process the request through the server
$re = $LDAPConnection.SendRequest($r);
if ($re.ResultCode -ne [System.directoryServices.Protocols.ResultCode]::Success){
Write-Host "SendRequest ResultCode : $($re.ResultCode) ; ErrorMessage : $($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
throw "$($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
Create access for a Entry in LDAP
New-LdapModifyRequest -LdapConnection $con -Entry $Entry -Attrib $attrib
function New-LdapModifyRequest
# Ldap Connection
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection] $LdapConnection,
# Entry Profile
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResultEntry] $Entry,
# Attributes to Add
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $Attrib
Write-Host "Begin Update LdapModifyRequest for", $Entry.DistinguishedName
$r = (new-object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.ModifyRequest")
$r.DistinguishedName = $Entry.DistinguishedName
$obj = $Attrib.Get_Item("objectclass")
if($obj -ne $null){
# process objectClass when provided
[string[]] $TabObjclass = @()
$TabObjclass = $obj.split("^") | where {$_ -ne "^"}
$getAccess = $false
foreach($line in $TabObjclass){
$getAccess = $true
Write-Host "Create Entry - set objectClass"
$newobjclass = New-Object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeModification"
$newobjclass.Name = "objectClass"
$newobjclass.Operation = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeOperation]::Add
#add values of the attribute
foreach($line in $TabObjclass){
Write-Host "Update Attributes"
foreach ($line in $Attrib.GetEnumerator()) {
$key = $($line.Name)
$val = $($line.Value)
if ($Entry.Attributes[$key] -or $val) {
if ($key -ne "objectclass" -and $key -ne "defaultobjclass") {
if ($Entry.Attributes[$key]){
Write-Host " Key : ", $key ," ; New Value : ", $val ," ; LDAP Value : ", $Entry.Attributes[$key].GetValues([string])
Write-Host " Key : ", $key ," ; New Value : ", $val ," ; LDAP Value : EMPTY "
$attr = New-Object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeModification"
$attr.Name = $key
$attr.Operation = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeOperation]::Replace
$attr.Operation = [System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryAttributeOperation]::Add
if($val -Match "\^"){
[string[]] $tab = @()
$tab = $val.split("^") | where {$_ -ne "^"}
#Actually process the request through the server
$re = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($r);
if ($re.ResultCode -ne [System.directoryServices.Protocols.ResultCode]::Success){
Write-Host "SendRequest ResultCode : $($re.ResultCode) ; ErrorMessage : $($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
throw "$($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
<# AMO 18/08/2017 Nouvelle fonction pour la suppression de l'entrée
Delete an object in LDAP
New-LdapDeleteRecord -LdapConnection $connexion -Entry $Entry
function New-LdapDeleteRecord
# Ldap Connection
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LDAPConnection] $LdapConnection,
# Entry Profile
[System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchResultEntry] $Entry
Write-Host "New-LdapDeleteRecord Begin"
#AMO 18/08/2017 Suppression de l'entrée
$r = (new-object "System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DeleteRequest")
$r.DistinguishedName = $Entry.DistinguishedName
Write-Host "New-LdapDeleteRecord sendRequest"
#Actually process the request through the server
$re = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($r);
if ($re.ResultCode -ne [System.directoryServices.Protocols.ResultCode]::Success){
Write-Host "SendRequest ResultCode : $($re.ResultCode) ; ErrorMessage : $($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
throw "$($re.ResultCode.ErrorMessage)"
Write-Host "New-LdapDeleteRecord End"
Transform a Json to HashTable
Format-JsonToHashtable -JsonString $jsonStr
function Format-JsonToHashtable
# Entry Profile
[String] $JsonString
$jsonConv = $JsonString -replace "\\", ""
$jsonObject = $jsonConv | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($myPsObject in $jsonObject) {
$hashAttrJson = @{}
$myPsObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | % {
$hashAttrJson.($ = $myPsObject.($
return $hashAttrJson
Upvotes: 2
Views: 983
Reputation: 13483
I believe the error is here:
$LDAPConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = {
$Global:LdapCertificate = $Certificate
return $true
You are creating a Script Block with parameters. The problem I believe is that you are not providing any parameters to the script block, and so PowerShell is looking at the subsequent commands to "fill" the parameters, which causes the error.
You will have to pass an -ArgumentList
to "fill" the parameters if you are implementing it like this. e.g.:
$LDAPConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = {
$Global:LdapCertificate = $Certificate
return $true
} -ArgumentList "Connection", "Certificate"
Upvotes: 2