Reputation: 567
How can we change or rotate the dataframe to be like the example below (First line represents a header)?
State1 Customer1 State2 Customer2 State3 Customer3 State4 Customer4
Us 1980 FR 274 DE 641 UK 521
State <- c("US", "FR","DE", "UK")
Customer <- c(1980, 274, 641, 521)
Table <- data.frame(State, Customer)
Upvotes: 4
Views: 75
Reputation: 25225
An option using data.table
DT <- fread("State1 Customer1 State2 Customer2 State3 Customer3 State4 Customer4
Us 1980 FR 274 DE 641 UK 521")
melt(DT, measure.vars=patterns("State", "Customer"),"State","Customer"))[,
variable := NULL][]
State Customer
1: Us 1980
2: FR 274
3: DE 641
4: UK 521
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 35594
A base
df <-, 1:nrow(Table)))
names(df) <- sub("(\\d+)\\.(\\D+)", "\\2\\1", names(df))
# State1 Customer1 State2 Customer2 State3 Customer3 State4 Customer4
# 1 US 1980 FR 274 DE 641 UK 521
Another choice to use purrr::imap_dfc
imap_dfc(split(Table, 1:nrow(Table)), ~ set_names(.x, paste0, .y))
# State1 Customer1 State2 Customer2 State3 Customer3 State4 Customer4
# 1 US 1980 FR 274 DE 641 UK 521
Table <- structure(list(State = structure(c(4L, 2L, 1L, 3L), .Label = c("DE",
"FR", "UK", "US"), class = "factor"), Customer = c(1980, 274,
641, 521)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 13319
With just base
res<-read.table(text=paste0(State," ",Customer,collapse=" "),sep=" ")
names(res)[seq(1,ncol(res),2)] <- paste0("state",1:4)
names(res)[-seq(1,ncol(res),2)] <-paste0("customer_",1:4)
state1 customer_1 state2 customer_2 state3 customer_3 state4 customer_4
1 US 1980 FR 274 DE 641 UK 521
Upvotes: 1