Reputation: 25
I am currently testing the following scenario and looking to automate it defining and validating parameters.
I have put together the following cmdlets to get the script to work calling line-by-line, but what I ultimately like is for this to look at a list of users in a CSV file. From this file, I would like to use two columns with the UserPrincipalName headers, such as:
SourceUser | TargetUser
The idea would be to run a script and replace the following:
#create variables
$sourceUser = "[email protected]"
$targetUser = "[email protected]"
$sourceusername,$sourcedomain = $sourceUser -split ("@")
$targetusername,$targetdomain = $targetUser -split ("@")
$SourceAccount = Get-ADUser $sourceusername -server $sourcedomain -Properties objectSid
$TargetAccount = Get-ADUser $targetusername -Server $targetdomain
#get the objectSid of the source account
$objectSid = $SourceAccount.objectSid
#copy source account objectSid to target account msExchMasterAccountSid
$TargetAccount | Set-ADUser -Replace @{"msExchMasterAccountSid"=$objectSid}
#enable target account
$TargetAccount | Enable-ADAccount
#disable the source account
$SourceAccount | Disable-ADAccount
#move the migrated user into prod OU
$TargetAccount | Move-ADObject -TargetPath "OU=Test,OU=Users,DC=new,DC=domain,DC=com"
I found already a couple of parameters that I believe would help to achieve two things such as the target domain and target OU:
#target domain
[ValidateScript({Get-ADDomain -Identity $_})]
#target OU
[ValidateScript({Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $_})]
Is there anyone able to help me put all this script together, please? 🙂
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Views: 867
Reputation: 25
A draft of a script I develop after sometime:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Start region >>> fake reading in a csv file
$SourceDestinationUsers = @'
SourceUser, DestinationUser
[email protected], [email protected]
'@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
#endregion >>> fake reading in a CSV file
function Invoke-UserMove
ForEach ($User in $SourceDestinationUsers)
Write-Host 'Processing...'
Write-Host (' SourceUser {0}' -f $User.SourceUser)
Write-Host (' DestinationUser {0}' -f $User.DestinationUser)
Write-Host '__ Source Account __'
$GADU_Params_1 = [ordered]@{
Identity = $User.SourceUser.split('@')[0]
Server = $User.SourceUser.split('@')[1]
Properties = 'objectSid', 'SamAccountName'
$SourceAccount = Get-ADUser @GADU_Params_1
Write-Host '__ Target Account __'
$GADU_Params_2 = [ordered]@{
Identity = $User.DestinationUser.Split('@')[0]
Server = $User.DestinationUser.Split('@')[1]
$TargetAccount = Get-ADUser @GADU_Params_2
Write-Host 'Making changes...'
$TargetAccount | Set-AdUser -Replace @{'SamAccountName' = $SourceAccount.SamAccountName }
Write-Host "Accounts have been processed succesfully..."
$TargetAccount | Enable-ADAccount
Write-Host "Accounts have been processed succesfully..."
$SourceAccount | Disable-ADAccount
Write-Host "Accounts have been processed succesfully..."
$TargetAccount | Move-ADObject -TargetPath "OU=Test,OU=Users,DC=new,DC=domain,DC=com"
Write-Host "Accounts have been processed succesfully..."
Write-Host "Completed"
It worked for me and I did achieve what I needed.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 18940
OK, let's say your CSV file contains something like
SourceUser, TargetUser
[email protected],[email protected]
obviously, in reality your csv file would consist of more than one source and target pair.
Now starting with the code you provided, put that in brackets under a foreach loop, and feed the csv data one record at a time through the pipeline. Something like this
Import-csv MyCsvFile.csv |
foreach {
#create variables
$sourceUser = $_.SourceUser
$targetUser = $_.TargetUser
$sourceusername,$sourcedomain = $sourceUser -split ("@")
$targetusername,$targetdomain = $targetUser -split ("@")
$SourceAccount = Get-ADUser $sourceusername -server $sourcedomain -Properties objectSid
$TargetAccount = Get-ADUser $targetusername -Server $targetdomain
#get the objectSid of the source account
$objectSid = $SourceAccount.objectSid
#copy source account objectSid to target account msExchMasterAccountSid
$TargetAccount | Set-ADUser -Replace @{"msExchMasterAccountSid"=$objectSid}
#enable target account
$TargetAccount | Enable-ADAccount
#disable the source account
$SourceAccount | Disable-ADAccount
#move the migrated user into prod OU
$TargetAccount | Move-ADObject -TargetPath "OU=Test,OU=Users,DC=new,DC=domain,DC=com"
I didn't fix up the indenting for you, but you get the idea.
Upvotes: 0