Reputation: 23
I've use docpub to create a xod file with a pass to view in my PDFTron WebViewer application, but I ended up losing the original pdf file and now I would like to have it back. I have the xod encrypted file and the password. Can I convert it back to a pdf?
I tried to use the webviewer with react, but seems not possible to save the pdf file and docpub only has:
./DocPub –f xod --xod_encrypt_password secret license.pdf
Any ideas?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3524
Reputation: 3297
Yes, you can decrypt it manually and use the PDFNetPython library to convert it back to PDF:
import sys
import os
import zlib
import binascii
import struct
import argparse
from PDFNetPython3 import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts password-protected XOD files to PDF files')
parser.add_argument('xod_file', type=str, help='path to the encrypted XOD file')
parser.add_argument('password', type=str, help='the password to decrypt the file...')
args = parser.parse_args()
# alright.
fileHandler = open(args.xod_file,"rb")
password = args.password
file = bytearray(
new_file = bytearray()
new_file[:] = file
centeral_directory_end = file[-22:]
centeral_directory_location = to_dword(centeral_directory_end[16:16+4])
centeral_directory_size = to_dword(centeral_directory_end[12:12+4])
centeral_directory = file[centeral_directory_location : centeral_directory_location + centeral_directory_size]
print("[+] file loaded. starting to decrypt the file...")
while len(centeral_directory) >= 42:
file_name = centeral_directory[46:46 + to_short(centeral_directory[28:28+2])]
start = to_dword(centeral_directory[42:42+4]) + 30 + len(file_name) + to_dword(centeral_directory[30:30+4])
size = to_dword(centeral_directory[20:20+4])
key, iv, encrypted_data = key_and_iv_from_password(bytearray(new_file[start:start+size]), file_name.decode("utf-8"), password)
aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
print("[+] decrypting part " + file_name.decode("utf-8") + " with key " + toHex(key))
decrypted_data = aes.decrypt(encrypted_data)
new_centeral_directory_index = fix_offsets(new_file, file_name, len(decrypted_data))
del new_file[start:start+size]
new_file[start:start] = bytearray(decrypted_data)
centeral_directory = new_file[new_centeral_directory_index:]
if centeral_directory[0] != 0x50:
file_header_size = 46 + len(file_name) + to_short(centeral_directory[30:30+2]) + to_short(centeral_directory[32:32+2])
centeral_directory = centeral_directory[file_header_size:]
print("[+] everything decrypted. converting to pdf...")
new_file_handler = open("new.xod","wb")
print("[+] Done!")
# some helper functions
def toPdf(xodFilename, outputPdfName):
pdf_doc = PDFDoc()
Convert.ToPdf(pdf_doc, xodFilename)
pdf_doc.Save(outputPdfName, SDFDoc.e_remove_unused)
def toXod(pdfFilename, outputXodName):
pdf_doc = PDFDoc()
Convert.ToXod(pdfFilename, outputXodName)
def toHex(byte_array):
if byte_array is str:
byte_array = bytearray(byte_array)
hex = str(binascii.hexlify(byte_array))
formatted_hex = ':'.join(hex[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(hex), 2))
return formatted_hex
def to_dword(byte_array):
return struct.unpack('I', byte_array)[0]
def to_short(byte_array):
return struct.unpack('H', byte_array)[0]
def key_and_iv_from_password(encrypted_data, filename, password):
key = bytearray([0] * 16)
for i in range(16):
key[i] = i
if i < len(password):
key[i] |= ord(password[i])
g = len(filename) + i - 16
if 0 <= g:
key[i] |= ord(filename[g])
iv = []
for i in range(16):
encrypted_data = encrypted_data[16:]
return (key, bytearray(iv), encrypted_data)
def fix_offsets(array, alterted_filename, new_size):
centeral_directory_end = array[-22:]
centeral_directory_location = to_dword(centeral_directory_end[16:16+4])
centeral_directory_size = to_dword(centeral_directory_end[12:12+4])
file_offset_from_centeral_directory = 0
index = 0
offset_fix_delta = 0
# fixing the alterted-file's local header
while index < centeral_directory_location:
file_name = array[index + 30: index + 30 + to_short(array[index+26:index+26+2])]
if file_name == alterted_filename:
offset_fix_delta = new_size - to_dword(array[index + 18:index+18+4])
array[index + 18:index+18+4] = struct.pack('I', new_size)
index += 30 + len(file_name) + to_short(array[index + 28:index+28+2]) + to_dword(array[index+18:index+18+4])
# fixing the centeral directory
index = centeral_directory_location
should_fix_offset = False
while index < centeral_directory_location + centeral_directory_size:
file_name = array[index + 46:index + 46 + to_short(array[index+28:index+28+2])]
if file_name == alterted_filename:
should_fix_offset = True
array[index+20:index+20+4] = struct.pack('I', new_size)
file_offset_from_centeral_directory = index-centeral_directory_location
elif should_fix_offset:
array[index +42:index+42+4] = struct.pack('I', to_dword(array[index +42:index+42+4]) + offset_fix_delta)
file_header_size = 46 + len(file_name) + to_short(array[index+30:index+30+2]) + to_short(array[index+32:index+32+2])
index += file_header_size
array[-6:-6+4]= struct.pack('I', to_dword(array[-6:-6+4]) + offset_fix_delta)
return to_dword(array[-6:-6+4]) + file_offset_from_centeral_directory
if __name__ == "__main__":
Make sure to install dependencies first:
pip3 install pycryptodome PDFNetPython3
And then just use it like so:
python some_xod_file.xod MySecretPassword
Upvotes: 4