Reputation: 209
I'm trying to fetch data from Firebase using RxSwift. I'm using this to perform API calls.
So my db looks like this:
Collection Category (it has properties: title, about etc) has inside of it another collection called Manifests. To get Manifests I need to use documentId
of Category collection. So it's two different API calls but I want to combine results
That is what I have so far:
func fetchCategories() -> Observable<[ManifestCategory]> {
let ref = self.db.collection(FirebaseCollection.manifestCategories.collectionPath)
return ref.rx.getDocuments().map({ snapshot in
return{ doc in
var category = ManifestCategory.init(JSON:
category?.documentId = doc.documentID
return category
}).compactMap({ $0 })
func fetchManifests(categoryId: String) -> Observable<[Manifest]> {
let ref = self.db.collection(FirebaseCollection.manifests(categoryId: categoryId).collectionPath)
return ref.rx.getDocuments().map({ snapshot in
return{ doc in
var manifest = Manifest.init(JSON:
manifest?.documentId = doc.documentID
return manifest
}).compactMap({ $0 })
Is there any way I can put Manifests array into Category object?
Thank you!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1098
Reputation: 569
You should try something like this:
func fetchCategories() -> Observable<[ManifestCategory]> {
let ref = self.db.collection(FirebaseCollection.manifestCategories.collectionPath)
return ref.rx.getDocuments()
.map { snapshot in
return snapshot.documents
.map { doc in
var category = ManifestCategory.init(JSON:
category?.documentId = doc.documentID
return category
.compactMap { $0 }
.flatMapLatest { [weak self] categories -> Observable<[ManifestCategory]> in
guard let self = self else {
return .empty()
let observables = { category -> ([Manifest], String) in
self.fetchManifests(categoryId: category.documentId)
.map { ($0, category.documentId) }
.map { tuple -> [ManifestCategory] in
tuple.compactMap { manifests, id in
if var category = categories.first(where: { $0.documentId == id }) {
category.manifests = manifests
return category
return nil
Upvotes: 1